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DLC pricing. #Milking (Ranting and Suggestions)

13 Nov 2013, 02:55 AM
avatar of JaddF

Posts: 22

Words cannot express my confusion, so ...

To Relic / SEGA or whoever the hell is responsible for pricing DLC.

Get your ass fired as soon as possible or fix this shit, cos I can't even imagine someone will actually pay 16 euros for 4 commanders + 8 euro for SP content. Even if you buy the "new package" it costs 12 euro + 2*4 = 20 euro.

During the twitch cast we could already see there are 3 MORE COMMANDERS PER FACTION IN BETA VERSION.

This means next DLC "The Southern Front" will cost ~8euro again + 4-6 commanders * 4 euros.

There is currently 6 more free spots in the commander selection menu If you bought every single one till now, so You can expect how much is there to come and this is not even half of the stuff you will get up your throat ....

Don't get me even started on 2euro per light/medium/heavy vehicle skins ...



Too prove that We can still have a conversation here and it's not just ranting, I will let you know my max buyout prices which seams fair to pay.

- 2.5 euro per SKIN PACK (light/medium/heavy all included)
- 2 euro per commander
- 6-8 euro per DLC SP content

For example:

- 4 new coomanders = 8 euro , buying them in a bundle = 6.5 euro

- Combinations of spring / summer / autumn / winter bundles of skins. Like 3 packs 2.5 each in a bundle for 6 euro.

Not to mention there should be an all time indefinite -33% discount if someone would like to buy all commanders at once or all skins at once.


I have money and I can buy stuff, but this does not mean I will just tolerate every outrageous pricing just like that ...

Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/jaddf/
Origin - http://i.imgur.com/1USWZGe.jpg (with purchased both premiums for BF3/BF4)

p.p Already paid money for useless DCE, all the commanders until now and the Blue case DLC just to let all the haters shut. (Yes I WAS dumb enough I guess)

p.p 2 The ''company needs profit to survive" explanation is crap, so don't bother to even mentioning it.

P.P 3 Sry MURICA, I won't make a post with US prices, so You can do the math by yourselves I guess.

//Ranting trooper out.
13 Nov 2013, 03:22 AM
avatar of jeesuspietari

Posts: 168

I'm posting here just to support your argument.
The prices for individual commanders however could be even lower than what you listed in your proposition.

I could consider buying these new ones for 1€ each or all four in a 3€ bundle.

Obviously there's only so much you can do as lots of people will buy this stuff for the listed prices anyway.
Some people also like to pre-order these "AAA" games funded by big publishers without knowing what the actual product will be like! Go figure. :-)
13 Nov 2013, 03:32 AM
avatar of JaddF

Posts: 22

The Prices are my MAX buyout, which basically means I'm open to any price change under this top limit.

I would love too hear the price suggestions of more people , to get a middle ground .. As I see it , it's worth to buy commanders until they get rebalanced.
13 Nov 2013, 03:49 AM
avatar of Affe

Posts: 578

A new commander cost 4€ and has many old abilitys/Units in it like G43, smoke, mark target or KV-8 that we already know and have.


Commanders, Skins are extremely expensive if you buy them all.

CoH2 with all DLCs costs more then 160€ at the Moment and it will grow more expensive with more DLCs getting spammed by relic in the future.
13 Nov 2013, 05:08 AM
avatar of Kalismist

Posts: 46

Until relic and Sega moves away from the p2w system I will not spend a single cent on the game. A game in my favourite franchise, one of the most anticipated games for years. Its like they bought the rights to ping pong and each month they release a new official monopolized and mandatory racket which unless you pay for it you get to use a stick.
13 Nov 2013, 05:34 AM
avatar of cataclaw

Posts: 523

Relic can sincerely go suck my dick after this patch.
13 Nov 2013, 06:46 AM
avatar of TarpMada

Posts: 44

Oh boy, this is kind of hard for me to accept and I'm not sure who's responsible for it: SEGA or Relic? On the one hand, similar bullshit with DLC has occurred with Total War but on the other hand SEGA hasn't been opposed to supporting other PC titles with free DLC (e.g.: if you had purchased Renegade Ops by its first Christmas, the week of Christmas SEGA gave all buyers of Renegade Ops its Coldstrike Campaign DLC free of charge, Sonic Racing Transformed has received 2 free PC DLC characters before paid DLC has even showed up). As such it's hard to know exactly who's making what call, how much Relic has a say independent of SEGA?

Overall though I'm a big SEGA fan and a big Relic fan, and that's why these abuses are hard for me to swallow. I don't feel the fanbase is being treated fairly by these prices, at all. I spent $100 on CE, which ended up rather useless and a waste of money (frankly $40 above retail should absolutely be a DLC season pass given the CE includes almost nothing else of note). I rarely buy games at launch, as I'm a college student on a fixed income, but felt it particularly important to support the sequel to what I considered one of the best games ever. So I did for this game.

Now there's this:

which isn't all of it, this is all of it:

skins (48 * $1.99) = $95.52
+ faceplates (4 * $1.99) = $7.96
+ ToW expansions (2 * $9.99) = $19.98
+ cost of commanders = (11 * $2.99) + (8 * $3.99) = $64.81

Total (just DLC, not counting base game) = $188.27

Obviously this counts the Theatre of War DLC, which I don't mind at all. The skins however? Whilst I'd be fine with skins in theory, it should be $1.99 for all vehicles, charging separately for class of vehicle is just ludicrous. They aren't finished yet either, so assuming you bought at $59.99 you're now $248.26 into CoH2. Completely unacceptable, if they wanted to do DLC like this it needed to be a free2play game. The commanders are even worse, as they are distinctly linked to the competitive multiplayer aspect of this game and serve to undermine its credibility. It's hard to argue a game's multiplayer should be taken seriously when there's a very valid argument to be had about pay2win and player inequalities based on DLC.

I've supported Relic through a lot of the mistakes made with CoH2, I've attempted to be understanding of the position they came from under THQ's financial duress. The questionable performance of the game, the lack of SLI/Crossfire, initial balance issues (which I expected and find their improvements in this regard totally satisfactory)....

The lesson? GotY/Complete packs of all future SEGA RTS games for $10-15 on Steam sales. I don't care if I have to wait 2 or 3 years.

P.S.: Sorry Relic employees if these decisions are coming out of SEGA, in that case not much you guys can do and its up to us as consumers to deem this business model sub-standard.
13 Nov 2013, 06:58 AM
avatar of JStorm
Benefactor 360

Posts: 93

13 Nov 2013, 07:28 AM
avatar of yolo

Posts: 40

i think so too, i paid ca. 25€ so when u only buy one new commander it`s a nearly 1/6 of the price of the main game, it`s ridiculous.
13 Nov 2013, 07:38 AM
avatar of Flamee

Posts: 710

It saddens me that they won't change the pricing, personally I don't mind too much, I haven't more than few euros to the old commanders and base game I bought for 26e. I have played around 150hrs so I have had moneys worth for sure.

I am however planning to buy one of these new commanders.

I love the game. And I don't think I will stop playing it anytime soon but I am a bit concerned about the community. It seems to get smaller every day. The problem is that I ain't really vCoh veteran and when the community gets smaller, I think the more skillful players remain. Maybe at some point there isn't appropriate opponents anymore.
13 Nov 2013, 07:54 AM
avatar of TarpMada

Posts: 44

Bump, it came to my attention I wasn't counting all DLC via twitch chat, I've updated the totals.
13 Nov 2013, 08:06 AM
avatar of Fer

Posts: 8

Okay time to contribute

I don't think it is smart to price commanders so high or price them at all. As I mainly play MP new commanders are more important to me than ToW packs or even skins. That leads to that I may purchase some commanders but will not spend any more cash for ToW or anything else.

Situation would be different in case commanders were free. Then that extra cash that now goes to commanders would go to ToW or skins instead.

To sum it up: I believe Relic is not gaining any more by commanders than they would with only SP content. They are also frustating loyal playerbase.

Inb4 You said u mostly play MP so u would not buy SP content if commanders were free. I also enjoy SP.
13 Nov 2013, 08:14 AM
avatar of Le Wish
Patrion 14

Posts: 813 | Subs: 1

I really think that they should lower their prices, and I also think that they could make money out of it. Now things are so expensive players buy as little as possible or nothing at all.

I have no data to support it, but I think that they would increase sales ALOT if they lowered the price of a new commander to 1€ instead of 4€. I knew quite a few who own the game and that would buy more content, if it just was cheaper. And honestly I think that they would actually sell more than 4x the amount they sell today, giving a total profit increase. This also leaves money over for skins (for those who buy them), that could also be sold for less money.

Lastly, too expensice DLCs will actually scare off players, so I really do think that the DLC pricing has a really undersired and dangerous effect for the game. Why are the scared off? They dont want to pay that much money for commanders, but feel they have to own them to be able to compete online. Since they dont want to pay, they simply stop playing. And in the long run, the money they could have spent on further DLCs wont end up at sega/relic. It will be spent on other games.

I think sega/relic is shooting themselves in the foot here...
13 Nov 2013, 08:25 AM
avatar of Joshua9

Posts: 93

what's the big deal already( unless the issue is what you got with your collectors edition, which does seem disappointing to me).

As to DLC commanders, from my perspective, whether I get a new commander or I end up playing against one, every time relic adds them, they add content to the game for me to enjoy, even if its simply in the new challenges I have to run up against.

There is almost certainly going to be price reductions for these older commanders down the line, when there are new shinier options for the people who are most eager for new material to purchase. I'm sure relic/sega will want to maximize their returns on these, so that once the first round of buyers have had these for 6 months or so at a premium, others will be given access at a more modest price.

It could be a year before I even really start using the new commanders at the rate I"m going, but I did just buy 20 dollars worth, mostly to support the company in the mean-time. Hell, if this is the only model that gets companies to invest in the future of RTS games these days, then I'm willing to put some money towards generating confidence in the product.

And Pay-to-play arguments are balance arguments only....nobody can ever bring more than 3 commanders into any match. If things are balanced properly, whatever commanders you pick, you are restricted from using any others, so nobody in the context of a single game, will have more actual options than anybody else. You will have different access,not better access, unless something is broken, and if that is the case, it won't stay that way forever.

Regarding skins, I couldn't really care less. Because I couldn't care less, the price could be cheaper, but then I still couldn't care less. The price is set for people who want the skins enough to pay for them. Coh1 didn't have alternative skins and there wasn't a whole lot of bitching about that fact.
13 Nov 2013, 08:32 AM
avatar of Enkidu

Posts: 351

I'm a die hard CoH fan and this pricing model has completely turned me off. I played almost 2000 hours of coh1 and wanted to support the company through coh2 but this just feels like unashamed gouging and I can't embrace being ripped off.
13 Nov 2013, 08:43 AM
avatar of awa59noob
Benefactor 3110

Posts: 152

jump backJump back to quoted post13 Nov 2013, 08:32 AMEnkidu
I'm a die hard CoH fan and this pricing model has completely turned me off. I played almost 2000 hours of coh1 and wanted to support the company through coh2 but this just feels like unashamed gouging and I can't embrace being ripped off.

i have to aggree with the critics on this one. Obviously relic thinks, that people wont buy all commanders and skins, and if one skin or commander ist 2$ it is to less ravenue, but the community appears furious at this point.
Well known verteran player adress their concern every day.

As in my earlier posts i strongly suggest a season pass. And relic should concetrate on the bug fixing atm and for at least 4 Months not on new commanders.

Best Regards
13 Nov 2013, 08:56 AM
avatar of Ztormi

Posts: 249

Agreed with the OP, the current pricing is beyond ridiculous. I got a full time job, I could afford them, but I'm not supporting this kind of milking mentality.

The way I see it is:
- Most people who play the game regularly most likely preordered or got the CE. These are the guys who are being milked, the ones who care about the game the most. This model really turns away new players for sure so they just might aswell milk the shit out of the most loyal fans.
- Having prices this high after getting the full price game is milking that's all there is to it. If this game was freetoplay the prices would be justified.
- So what's the logic behind this? Greed. Companies like this don't care diddlysquat about building a competitive multiplayer game. They take your money just to fund a new project and because people are supporting this kind of pay the fullprice+buy all DLC business model the next game they release will be the same.

To conclude: I'd rather spend my 20€ to support a hard working indiegame workshop than sink my money in to a bottomless pit.
13 Nov 2013, 08:58 AM
avatar of GustavGans

Posts: 747

jump backJump back to quoted post13 Nov 2013, 02:55 AMJaddF



Too prove that We can still have a conversation here and it's not just ranting, I will let you know my max buyout prices which seams fair to pay.

- 2.5 euro per SKIN PACK (light/medium/heavy all included)
- 2 euro per commander
- 6-8 euro per DLC SP content

For example:

- 4 new coomanders = 8 euro , buying them in a bundle = 6.5 euro

- Combinations of spring / summer / autumn / winter bundles of skins. Like 3 packs 2.5 each in a bundle for 6 euro.

Not to mention there should be an all time indefinite -33% discount if someone would like to buy all commanders at once or all skins at once.


I have money and I can buy stuff, but this does not mean I will just tolerate every outrageous pricing just like that ...

Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/id/jaddf/
Origin - http://i.imgur.com/1USWZGe.jpg (with purchased both premiums for BF3/BF4)

p.p Already paid money for useless DCE, all the commanders until now and the Blue case DLC just to let all the haters shut. (Yes I WAS dumb enough I guess)

p.p 2 The ''company needs profit to survive" explanation is crap, so don't bother to even mentioning it.

P.P 3 Sry MURICA, I won't make a post with US prices, so You can do the math by yourselves I guess.

//Ranting trooper out.

13 Nov 2013, 09:49 AM
avatar of Kalismist

Posts: 46

A huge problem is that even if you buy the overpriced op p2w commanders now, a month from now you'll be forced to buy the 'new' ones again, at least if you want to keep being competitive.. Making your first investment useless.
13 Nov 2013, 09:59 AM
avatar of yolo

Posts: 40

I think when u just have the old commanders u are still competitive to the new ones but u have less strategic options for your game
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