as all of you know, heavy and superheavy tanks received a pretty decent boost to their anti-infantry performance with the most recent changes to their respective scatter values and AOE profiles. and while the impact of these changes is quite heavily debated among the community, comparisons between old and new AI performance, as well as the AI capability of the individual tanks seems to be mostly based on anecdotal evidence due to the lack of somewhat reliable data.
hence, i've tried to generate some actual numbers that would hopefully give a bit of a clearer picture of the overall performance of heavies pre- and post patch, and might also give some indication where some adjustments could be made.
however, since in-game testing to generate a sufficiently large sample size would literally take centuries and precise calculations taking scatter and AOE values into account turned out to be quite a bit more complex than what i am capable of doing (without any programming knowledge and thus relying on excel to do the heavy lifting), i've decided to conduct a numerical simulation to approximate the actual in-game behavior of a tank firing at a 6-man, full-health squad until all entities are killed.
with that out of the way, here's what i did so far:

probability of killing 6 80-hp entities as function of fired shots, d = 40 m

probability of killing 6 80-hp entities as function of time, d = 40 m

average number of shots to kill 6 80-hp entities at range 10, 20 and 40

average time to kill 6 80-hp entities at range 10, 20 and 40
as you can see, the average number of shots it takes to kill a full-health 6 man squad at a distance of 40 m decreased significantly, mainly due to the substantial reduction of scatter. also, the tiger seems to have benefited the most from these changes, cutting the number of required shots / time by roughly 1/3 (~1/4 for KT and ~1/5 for IS2 and Pershing, respectively) and now being almost as lethal as the Pershing. together with the more reliable damage delivery this leaves heavy tanks in a very good (too good perhaps?) spot. what do you guys think?
as pointed out earlier in this thread by blvckdream, some of the AOE profiles currently in the live game seem to differ more or less drastically from the intended values given in the patchnotes (SEPTEMBER 2019 BALANCE UPDATE and onwards). a lot of people have thus suggested these discrepancies to be responsible for the surprisingly high lethality of certain heavies, in particular the tiger. so let's see what all the fuss is about.
assuming the stats extracted from the attributes.xml represent the live values it seems that:
1) Tiger I AOE (n/m/f) is 1/1.5/3 instead of the intended 0.25/1.5/3
2) Pershing AOE damage (n/m/f) is 1/0.4/0.175 instead of 0.75/0.375/0.175
3) IS-2 AOE (n/m/f) is currently 0.25/1.35/3 instead of 0.25/1/3.
now the question is, will fixing these presumably bugged stats change anything in terms of AI performance and, if yes, by how much? here's what the numbers indicate:

probability vs fired shots for live and patchnote AOE profiles, d = 40 m

probability vs time for live and patchnote AOE profiles, d = 40 m
while a marginal decrease in performance for all three tanks would indeed be expected by changing the AOE profiles to their intended values, the actual reduction in S2K or T2K would likely only be about 2-3%... in other words: barely noticeable. so unless there are some other bugs hiding in the code that are about to get ironed out, i'd rather doubt hotfixing the numbers above will do enough to please the crowd hoping for a significant performance decrease of heavy tank AI capabilities.