That's remarkably self confident for someone who is rank 200s (in UKF's skeleton leaderboards) with a win rate barely over 50%. One might even say borderline delusional. But who am I to judge.
The role of an HMG is to help your army win engagements, and stop most infantry assaults. They are literally called support weapons. They are not meant to solo every single engagement.
Commandos are not brute strength infantry at all, they are close range ambush units. They can be equipped with double elite Brens to resemble something of a brute strength AI unit, but their DPS is still nowhere near that of other elite long range infantry such as LMG Obers or M1919 Paratroopers. Commandos can use their camouflage to sneak up on, or throw smoke grenades with vet 1, to respectively avoid or charge right through an HMG's field of fire, but I guess we'll just ignore that.
The game is about positioning in its very core. It's what the cover system was designed for. Why you're so eager to completely ignore this is beyond me. If you put your HMG in cover, Obers lose 50% or 75% of their DPS, and they will have a much harder time to snipe the gunner model before they get pinned.
The faction went from blatantly overpowered at release to slightly underperforming now. Which was exactly what we'd expect after (necessarily) nerfing some overperforming clutch units (and buffing other things, such as adding snares) over the last year. Balancing isn't done in a single day, especially not on a complex faction ecosystem level, it's done in baby steps. There's no way to fully predict the outcome of certain big changes, and sometimes it's necessary to see where things land before making other adjustments in compensation. I will add that I think the majority of the community will agree that the current balance is in the best state it's ever been since the release of WFA, backed up by high and steady player numbers (for how old the game is), very positive recent Steam reviews, a relatively low amount of balance discussions and a good amount of praise for most changes in the latest patches.
Here's a tip for you: ask or look for advice, watch replays and casts to try to form a neutral view on the game and get yourself an inquisitive mindset, instead of immediately blaming balance and fight whoever proves you wrong, and you'll have a much better game experience with better results.
I was rank 40-80, the patch hit and I'm losing to players sometimes in the rank 800+ with many of my loses coming from this patch, often 8+ streaks as I try to figure different strats and losing many games when I streamed due to meme ghetto tanks but thats beside the point, I mean, at least I play 1v1's, right!
Nope, they dont have to solo every engagement but here is what they should do as it is their main role, beat 1 infantry squad that isn't in cover, not get beaten by the thing it counters in a favorable situation HEAD ON
No we wont ignore it, lets bring the searchlight or infared STG's into play shall we! You know the things that counter a specific mechanic without any issues. So is brute strength relative to DPS or how range dependent on a unit because stand next to a commando and I think its DPS is kind of good, wouldn't you say? With a side by side commando squad and an ober, who will be the "Brute strength elite unit" then?
I think you meant obers are "Long/mid ranged units".
I am ignoring it because it is irrelevant to the video you just saw, if you honestly believe that obers should win that engagement that you saw in the video and you have absolutely no issues with it then please, just say so and prove bias over mechanics which is incredibly ironic seen as though you constantly state that obers are designed to do a job and they are fine but an MG that is designed to do its job that can get countered by the thing it is countering, is also fine because it should be supported... It was 1v1 it was a machine gun, they were head on. No infantry unit, no matter the MP cost should be able to do that, its bade enough squads can crawl up to the vickers and flame grenade it, its an MG it should Pin, it already has many counters flanking, indirect and vehicles it doesnt need to add obers walking directly in front of it to the mix and if you cant see that, and think its fine then I hardly see how I am the delusional one.
Please don't try justify breaking a faction which is what this entire thread is about, with a game having good reviews from the free weekend players and for people that play SP or vs AI as demonstrated by the recent reviews on steam, and currently the in the forums section is:
State of the soviets
The UKF solution
How to make Airbourne Guards better
More bugsplats since the last patch
and on steam is:
How the hell is relic balancing this game
is OSt OP
So where you get the "Less balance discussions" from? Because for as long as I have been here its never slowed down or stopped (and I have been here a fair while). Yes I need help, I need to watch casts and I need strats I will start with these:
"But they are years old!" (Just showing I have my stripes) I cast too, yet to upload them So I am fairly confident in what should work and how especially in 1v1's where I care about unlike 3v3s + where you can just forget about balance.
Are you a fan of Dane? Hope so! He did a video not long ago about how MG's dont suppress fast enough. I'm sure you'll isten to him more than little ol me though right!
Oh erm aswell, I wont mention that with "being on the balance team" and all that you said obers have no combat bonuses after vet 3