
russian armor

New features in coh3 request/discussion

20 Nov 2019, 19:09 PM
avatar of KiwiBirb

Posts: 789


#1 - no bugsplats. That’s not too much to ask, right?
#2 - customizable hotkeys. It’s super easy please Relic
#3 - variable resource points. Their removal meant balancing asymmetrical maps and making large team game maps without resource inflation much harder
#4 - Prebuilt (British and American) bases for everyone
#5 - change snipers to a more utility unit
20 Nov 2019, 19:35 PM
avatar of Maret

Posts: 711

1. Hotkeys for each unit and building like in Starcraft 2.
2. Side armor
3. Different speed forward and back
4. More units and abilitites
20 Nov 2019, 19:46 PM
avatar of oootto92

Posts: 177

- Armor angling affects penetration
- Default hold fire and reload commands are available
- more realism: bigger squad sizes, bigger maps, more lethal fire, longer range etc.
20 Nov 2019, 20:00 PM
avatar of Smartie

Posts: 857 | Subs: 2

1. League system like in Starcraft with different seasons

2. Better replay options

3. Good matchmaking system

4. Better casting options

20 Nov 2019, 20:35 PM
avatar of NoktDraz

Posts: 47

  • Resource/Population scaling for different modes
  • Reconnect
20 Nov 2019, 21:11 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

1- Hotkeys

2- Better hit detection (think phasing tanks and ballistic collision)

3- Previous point enables side armor

4- More types of cover while maintaining the current 4 colour system. Light/yellow crater cover shouldn't be a good mitigation of suppression.

5- 7-10 commander top: no longer the abomination of EFA.

6- Veto no longer locked down based on number of maps in rotation.

7- Optional matchmaking search which allows more experimental/community based maps to be put into rotation. You don't need to waste veto on them. More flexible.

8- Preview balance patches from the get go. This is not fail proof but it would sort out some abominations.

9- Replay system improvement. Make each save file to save states (say every 5 mins) so you no longer have to restart from the beginning of the game.

10- If further changes and improvements are possible, this MIGHT enable a better reconnection system.

11- Pathfinding

12- Double down in Theater of War. Try to replicate the success achieved by SC2 with Coop mode.
20 Nov 2019, 21:28 PM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

Better mod tools
20 Nov 2019, 21:39 PM
avatar of Loxley

Posts: 223

Better netcode.
1. At the moment, all players with the best computers have to wait in the loading screen for guys with a potato-pc. There should be an adequate timer, like 30 seconds to load the map, and then game starts. Who is not ready then has to begin later.

2. If a player is not able to load the game correctly or drops, only he should drop and not give a defeat to the other side team, or make the game not starting (map stays unreaveled and then defeat is coming).

3. No bugplats. There are the moment 2,3 mio bugsplats, only the reported ones, could be like 10 mio unreported.
20 Nov 2019, 22:37 PM
avatar of Doomlord52

Posts: 960

I have a few...


Tech / Match-making:



Unit design:

'Would be nice' (these aren't remotely as important as the other suggestions):
21 Nov 2019, 06:17 AM
avatar of SturmtigerCobra
Patrion 310

Posts: 964 | Subs: 11

Unfortunately, good ideas fail not because game designers don't care but because we can't sell the ideas to the higher-ups/money suits.
The modus operandi today do not serve fandom nor creative devs but big business or worse authoritarian censorship which stifle innovation. Perhaps Sega executives has not sold out yet but with new Chinese NetEase partnership with Creative Assembly this is now a ticking timebomb.

Even Chinese Total War fans using Steam don't want this.
Chinese fans review bomb Total War after NetEase becomes publisher:
Gamers fear censorship and access to Steam games after Creative Assembly partnered with NetEase for China release. Total War: Three Kingdoms is extremely popular in China, so it made sense when NetEase announced that it would become the official publisher of Total War games in China. You might think this would make China’s Total War fans happy, but things aren’t so simple in China.

Example; China 'Segway copycat' buys Segway company:
1 in 5 corporations say China has stolen their IP within the last year: CNBC CFO survey

This corporate greed is what we are up against to avoid intrusive MTX:
Statement by a former developer on Ragtag (Visceral & Amy Hennig fighting EA's greed):
"She was giving these massive presentations on the story, themes,” the developer said.
“EA executives are like, 'FIFA Ultimate Team makes a billion dollars a year. Where’s your version of that?'"

Current state of the AAA game industry
Below is a good insider commentary/quote from a lower-tier developer (Plamen Todorov) that work on big franchises such as Assassins Creed.
The gaming industry is failing apart.
The wrong people are in charge and all they care about is money.
The good people that care about making good games are leaving and are getting replaced by people that do not care.
AAA for the most part at this point is how much money is thrown at a game not quality.
More and more games will fall victim to bad management and sloppy execution. The state of some studios is horrible. The game industry is bleeding talent and is taking unqualified developers that will not question the status quo or bad decisions. The Bioware that made great games is gone. The people that made it what it was are gone.

The biggest waste of money is not graphics or things of the sort. It's incompetence and poor decisions by people who have no idea what they are doing or talking about.
For the most part it's because someone did not do the job they had to do or did not listen to someone that knew what they where talking about. Most studios will push out a broken product that is not working instead of scrapping it to get some money back. That's on the executives not the developers. The top level management also meddles in game development often to the detriment of the game. And it's a strange occurrence but sometimes some people invest more time and energy in finding reasons not to work instead of just getting the job done. For the most part the big studios are not what they started out as anymore. Blizzard is full corporate now so is Bioware. And corporate studios are a (I hate to use that word but it fits perfectly) toxic environment. Talent gets crushed and "yes man" thrive. That's why good people are quitting.

As for CoH3/CoH:X marketing:

Recent Relic job announcement for a "LIVE OPERATIONS DIRECTOR" for future CoH content/features/monetization/retention:
As a Live-Ops Director, you will…
▪Manage and design content, campaigns and features that maximize acquisition, retention and monetization throughout the product life cycle
▪Conduct and communicate in-depth analysis of in-game economy using data insights and strong business acumen to set and achieve KPIs
▪Seek in-depth player insights and develop new content strategies through data- driven analysis

I hope Relic becomes transparent about future business models. Become pro-active and create a consumer friendly marketing plan that serve both the community and make the "money suits" happy (win-win deal).
Does Relic have good writers and designers that can build on the commercial success of CoH1 campaigns?
Perhaps look into Starcraft 2 Co-op mode.

12- Double down in Theater of War. Try to replicate the success achieved by SC2 with Coop mode.

Funny enough, CoH released with Theater of War which was basically a coop experience.

SC2 commanders basically "saved" the franchise of been another diablo 3 with skeleton crew game.

I think Starcraft 2 Co-op mode is the big RTS Revolution to target the casual players.
For Relic/Sega Co-op is a good way to make money from paid-commanders (not pay-to-win but pay-to-help). AI are getting more advanced with OpenAI as used in DOTA 2.

OpenAI’s Dota 2 AI steamrolls world champion e-sports team with back-to-back victories, 2019:

StarCraft II Co-op In-Depth Review - A Real-time Strategy Revolution, 2018

21 Nov 2019, 15:59 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2


21 Nov 2019, 16:21 PM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

jump backJump back to quoted post20 Nov 2019, 19:35 PMMaret
2. Side armor

Side armor would honestly be one of the most important things to add. It would make tank engagements way more dynamic rather than RNG fests, and carry armor meta to a new level. It would allow heavies and tanks like the Panther to receive great front armor protection while still making them vulnerable in overextentions or when flanked, even by medium tanks, and it wouldn't be necessary to give ATGs and TDs over the top penetration values to fight high armored tanks.
21 Nov 2019, 18:22 PM
avatar of YouGetGot

Posts: 71

A lot of good comments already but I would love setting up formations

ie - if I select 3 tanks, I can set a triangle, wedge, line etc
ie - infantry same thing - echelon, line, file, wedge

21 Nov 2019, 18:46 PM
avatar of Crecer13

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2

Maybe in CoH3 the USSR will finally get the real paratroopers whom they deserve (and I made their proposals in 2014, when Relic had the resources to create them)
21 Nov 2019, 19:16 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

Side armor would honestly be one of the most important things to add. It would make tank engagements way more dynamic rather than RNG fests, and carry armor meta to a new level. It would allow heavies and tanks like the Panther to receive great front armor protection while still making them vulnerable in overextentions or when flanked, even by medium tanks, and it wouldn't be necessary to give ATGs and TDs over the top penetration values to fight high armored tanks.

You would need to improve first ballistic collision and pathfinding as well.

And TBH it should be a feature of heavy tanks and premium heavy mediums (Panther, Pershing, Comet, KV1, etc.). Don't feel it's worth the work for mediums and lights.


If ToW didn't succeed as much, it could be a difference between how each game monetize the mode, saving the difference in how rich and moddable SC2 is and how accessible it is (just take a look at the arcade).

Instead of charging for missions, they just charge for Commanders.
21 Nov 2019, 20:18 PM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2272 | Subs: 1

#When you enter a house, the Roof should get transparent and you can move the units inside.

#Rejoin option
22 Nov 2019, 05:05 AM
avatar of mrgame2

Posts: 1794

Keep the apm low, or even lower than now.

RTS need not be all about apm. Even though broadcasting a high APM game makes more money...

Coh is widely accepted as best low apm RTS.
22 Nov 2019, 05:23 AM
avatar of Doomlord52

Posts: 960

I'm going to quote myself because it's such a recurring problem:\

5. Optional "Only similar skill" toggle in match-making. It's annoying to qeue as a ~100 rank player and still get ~1k+ players. If it means 5x longer queue for me, that's fine; that's why it should be optional.

I just had a match of myself (ladder ~100), 2x 2700, and an unranked (20 total games, all factions/modes) against a 40, 250, 600, and 2500. This is just frustrating for everyone involved; the high skill players have teammates that can't manage "basic" things, whereas the low-skill players will be crushed by the higher ones.

I know that the 'search bracket' increases the longer it goes, but there needs to be some range limits. New players getting destroyed in supposedly "match-made" games aren't going to stick around.
22 Nov 2019, 08:06 AM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

And TBH it should be a feature of heavy tanks and premium heavy mediums (Panther, Pershing, Comet, KV1, etc.). Don't feel it's worth the work for mediums and lights.

I disagree, it would add a lot of flavour to medium tank engagements as well. In the case of mediums like P4 Ausf.J or Sherman EZ8s now winning against cheaper tanks purely because of the armor advantage, with side armor they would actually have to be microed well or they could easily go down to these cheaper tanks. Even for light tanks it would make engagements more dynamic, as for example 2x 222s would stand a much better chance vs a Stuart, and AT Rifles wouldn't be as leave in cover and forget.

ATGs could probably get a lot less penetration so they'd have a good chance to bounce off even most medium tanks' front armor, only working well when positioned on the flanks. ATGs in CoH2 are arguably a bit too powerful (making stalling strats or comebacks too viable) as almost all of them are guaranteed to penetrate mediums frontally.

Micro would become absolutely vital, and it will allow cheap tanks to become very cost effective when used well. It could also help balance tank destroyers better against mediums, as for example a vehicle like the Jackson could get lower penetration so it'd have to use its superior mobility to get side shots, rather than easily shutting down both medium and heavy tanks frontally from 60 range because of high penetration. Heavy tanks wouldn't have to be gated behind artificial delays (such as high CPs) as they would be a lot more vulnerable to an overwhelming number of flanking mediums taking side shots. All this would make medium tank play a lot more viable.

I've played a lot of Wargame (and some Steel Division) and having side armor on all vehicles really helped making tank combat very diverse, dynamic and exciting. It made all strategies (going for expensive main battle tanks, or going for a lot of medium main battle tanks, or going for a healthy mix, or even going for a swarm of cheap outdated tanks) viable as long as they were microed well.

22 Nov 2019, 08:56 AM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

I disagree, it would add a lot of flavour to medium tank engagements as well. In the case of mediums like P4 Ausf.J or Sherman EZ8s now winning against cheaper tanks purely because of the armor advantage, with side armor they would actually have to be microed well or they could easily go down to these cheaper tanks.

ATGs could probably get a lot less penetration so they'd have a good chance to bounce off even most medium tanks' front armor, only working well when positioned on the flanks. ATGs in CoH2 are arguably a bit too powerful (making stalling strats or comebacks too viable) as almost all of them are guaranteed to penetrate mediums frontally. Micro will become absolutely vital, and it will allow cheap tanks to become very cost effective when used well, opening up a lot more vitality for medium tank play.

I've played a lot of Wargame (and some Steel Division) and having side armor on all vehicles really helped making tank combat very diverse, dynamic and exciting. It made all strategies (going for expensive main battle tanks, or going for a lot of medium main battle tanks, or going for a healthy mix, or even going for a swarm of cheap outdated tanks) viable as long as they were microed well.

You are confusing game scale when comparing CoH with franchises like Wargame or Steel Division.

Unit volume, speed and battlefield size, makes side armor trivial for CoH. You would also require angling calculations which would be a nightmare to implement and play around on such a fast pace game.

If the system remains to be: it matters only where the shell impact on the hitbox, I keep my opinion on the subject.
If the system converts to take into account the position between each vehicle/weapon, disregarding where the shell lands, i found it feasible.

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