Oh wait. Laughs in KV8 - the unit that's cheaper than Brum, cheaper to tech to than Brum, more armor than Brum, more health than Brum, has a turret unlike Brum, does consistent damage unlike Brum, and doesn't needed to be microed like a sniper unlike Brum. Yeah, yeah it's doctrinal, we know. Said the faction which only a handful of docs that DON'T have some sort of premium doctrinal armor. And you can see the FIVE MAN rak crew was fairly spread out especially the second crew, but it didn't matter.
With all the commotion about Brum being OP a few months back, this Soviet dragon was silently laughing. There were even some people who believed that a Brum shouldn't be allowed to take on a single unsupported AT gun because "aT gUnS wErE madE tO cOunTER aRMoR!!!" Meanwhile KV8.....

This scenario can be easily recreated and isn't a one off. However I challenge anyone to recreate a Brum singlehandedly killing 2 at guns. It won't happen. Brum's a 5 hit kill so 3 shots each from double zis or 6pdr (math says 1 shot should bounce)