Commander Tiers

Posts: 708 | Subs: 1
should be a rating system for post !!

Posts: 2635 | Subs: 4
Permanently Banned

Nice work.

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Posts: 1341 | Subs: 6
Fortifications T1 realy?
I dont think OKW have T1 doc.

Posts: 732

Posts: 1283 | Subs: 4
i love how mobile defence is in T3, but there's a really well written boosterish guide on it.

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2
USF Airborne T1 realy?
Fortifications T1 realy?
I dont think OKW have T1 doc.
There's a lot of threads about P-47s; also Paras as elite infantry.
People seem to really like Fortifications, I hope it's not just me

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2
i love how mobile defence is in T3, but there's a really well written boosterish guide on it.
Lenny did an NKVD guide...
Mobile Defence is more of a 1v1 only doc, there is enough fuel floating around large games and to allow such fast teching that Pumas at CP6 are somewhat underwhelming as a capstone ability

Posts: 713 | Subs: 2

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2
Windustry T6? you must be retard
Such kind words Barton
There was I going to give you my alpha key
Windustry isn't T6, it could theoretically become T6 if Relic made tanks cost more MP and less fuel again, however I am optimistic that we won't see anything T0 or T6 again.
Right now it is still the only doctrine where you can end up worse off in by having it because you cannot turn off MP to Fuel

Posts: 764
Besides having 7 Tiers might be way too much and gives a wrong impression on plenty of commanders.
I don't think your current way is a good idea, at all.

Posts: 37
To select Commanders in Tiers 1-6.
Everybody has his own favourite Tiers.
And yes, Bad idea

Posts: 270

Posts: 2181
It was interesting, but i dont know names of commanders(only know from 1 tier
), only their face
Nice work.
We could list them all in the beginning or something.

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6
There was I going to give you my alpha key
I'll be a good boy i promise, alpha key pls

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

Posts: 6

Posts: 403