lol gone from rank 1800 to 200 as OKW this evening, its just so ez... i float 1000+ manpower most games.
OKW is fine please dont nerf them im having so much fun shitting on every player I meet and im going to be in double digits rank soon
I'm curious: where is your 2-digit rank? Oh wait, there it is:
2v2 US / Soviets. OKW didn't turn out to be as easy as you thought it is, there on your -3 losing streak and a rank of >500 compared to ~50 as allies, did it?

Delay the KT, fix the pop costs. Concerning the rest, all I can say is:
[..] they had it rather easy before and now it's more even. Now you will have to think more, use deception etc.
Let the dust settle a bit,in few months the stats should show us if actions are to be needed.
Give a new meta a chance. I don't think allied-only players are unable to learn to fight light tanks & blobs, as all the tools needed are there