1. its 50/50 chance to hit a model in a garrison, exception is brit sniper he has 100% chance
66% OH, 80% SU and 100% UKF
Thread: A few questions on gameplay16 Apr 2016, 16:47 PM
66% OH, 80% SU and 100% UKF In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Let's talk about WM 1v1 balance (again)15 Apr 2016, 17:51 PM
Ok, one last for today, i guess that's enough for now. Are those the highest ranked game playing atm ? If anything, you are just showing the MM problem. Didn't the higher ranked player won on all of the matches ? In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Jagdtiger Balance for 3v3+13 Apr 2016, 22:25 PM
Btw: JT/Ele make a great team with Command Panthers, delivering a whopping 720 damage with mark target. Wait, does Command PV mark vehicle stack!? Or are you talking about both hitting the same target ? The best combo wombo still remains on the hands of heat shells vet5 JPIV with Command PV (800dmg) Hmmm what would be the problem if pounder emplacement got it's range increase by 5 instead of bringing it down on the JT? Bringing the cooldown up wouldn't be bad as in 1v1 (lol) or 2v2 you won't have the fuel to actually call one after losing it so quickly. So say you put it under a 10min cooldown, it won't be an issue at all. As other had said, problem are the maps mostly and resource manipulation. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: AEC Treadbreaker Is Broken13 Apr 2016, 22:11 PM
Penetration is set to 1000 if this is the correct file http://stat.coh2.hu/weapon.php?filename=aec_tread_shot_mp The problem is not penetrating, it's actually been able to shoot as the ability is kinda bogus. So it basically only works if the target is practically still, like in your vids. So yep, kinda broken on both ways (UP and OP) In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Long-Time Bug - Snipers attack vehicles ... 13 Apr 2016, 22:00 PM
Why can't I A move every unit You can, but it might not be effective In: COH2 Bugs |
Thread: UKF healing procedure is nonsense13 Apr 2016, 20:55 PM
Brits healing mechanism is amazing only if your army consists of at least 2 Tommie's. Otherwise the ISs need to be going out of their way too much to heal their comrades. If you're in a team game try using your allies for healing. This. It's versatile. Not like how the USF ambulance used to be. If anything needs changing, are the medics from the Vanguard doctrine. You don't need them chasing units away. Pop a button and make them heal on a small area around them while they remain static. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: All "stuka" stuffs are simply too op, Nerf it13 Apr 2016, 14:44 PM
Lol, how often do you see a vet 4 stuka and how often do you see an incendiary barrage.. hardly ever 1v1: never 2v2: rarely, if the games drag for WAY too long 40+ mins 3v3+: pretty frequently.
At least you can fire both, the explosive AND the incendiary barrage as they not share cooldown as any other artillery. OP: Walking stuka is fine. Priest been kind bad (redeeming factor being popcap decrew) is another issue. Stuka close air is fine. P47 not hitting medium while staying still is bad. Stuka dive bomb: either revert ninja buff from months ago, or increase muni cost. Either way, it's in general fine. Supply zone: agree. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: USSR's Defenses - Way to "heal" Soviets13 Apr 2016, 13:59 PM
Video: and this is why MG should always have screening units, specially on the late game against upgraded squads. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: OKW Explanation 13 Apr 2016, 13:48 PM
It's both easier and more effective than trying to force them into playing spread out around the map. "Tactical" blobbing has it's uses but new players should realize it has it's consequences (demo/indirect fire/crushing). OP I feel as though their infantry(starting unit, they may be their engineers) completely shut mine out so I cannot get aggressive if I try to build a mortar pit instead You might only win against a rushing Sturmpioneer if your starting Infantry section is on green cover or inside a building with enough windows (3 or more, 2 depends on damage done on approach). This means either you need to go for a 2v1 or at least 2v2 situation. Either go with your partner or wait for your Bren/IS/MG. In general, it's better that your startin IS goes to the front and secures a good position and just let your partners RE to do the backcapping.
Focus on counter-firing first. OH mortars get shredded by yours and ISG (OKW) only might get more range, when they are vet3 and with the barrage (which is not as effective as direct fire).
AT guns with attack ground (when you don't have LoS) at max range can deal with it. Smoke or screening with armor and using the flare to barrage with pounders is also an option. Doctrinally, you can use offmaps to destroy any truck (but this is more of a late game option). Concentrated artillery (Special weapon) or Air supremacy (commandos) destroy or leaves truck at 10%. What are the weakness of the OKW and how do I exploit and abuse it? Finally, what is the strength of the British army? OKW weakness: Early antigarrison (occupy buildings with Vickers/Maxims). Early light vehicle attacks. Lack of non doctrinal mobile snares or suppression. Early/Mid cost effective AI (takes time to start rolling the vet). Vulnerable when Flak HQ get's destroy as they'll lack been able to field tanks (unless Call-in but those are limited). UKF strenght: in comparison to other allied factions, they have the tools to lock down territory but have hard time making a push early on. Bren carriers help against Kubel openings and your MG micro at the beginning should be priority. Midgame, you can either try to go for a sniper/Aec/mortar to put pressure on your opponent. In some maps, you can try to go full cancer mode with emplacements but take in mind, that it's like a cards castle. Once they break your position, you probably lose the game. A quick Cromwell (reminder that their best AI comes from crushing) can put a lot of pressure against OKW. Don't bother upgrading nades, get the 5th man upgrade if you go for Brens on your IS. Once you lose IS, it's better to get RE (royal engineers) than fresh new IS. For really late game, Hammer and Comets is the way to go. If facing heavies, double PIATS RE with attack ground are really effective as they will have a hard time dodging them in comparison to medium. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Community Lead Balance Team13 Apr 2016, 00:47 AM
I think you guys are forgetting people that actually have experience modding, those playing 1v1 and 2v2s exclusively probably have no idea on how to implement the balance changes while people like migra have different ideas and opinions on how balance changes would work and can be implemented since he's worked with the game engine, it will end up the same, 1v1 pros telling the balance guy to do this and this while the balance guy tells me that's not possible or it won't work or it can't be implemented and both parties will have to split up because they won't agree to each other. I don't expect modders to implement new mechanics (although it has been proven that it can be done, for example manual reload) but balancing obvious problems and easy QoL changes can be done. We can discuss fine tuning and have difference of opinions in small subjects, but there are glaring issues that 95% of non biased players can agree with. -Letting the player have more control over it's units. Manual reload or hold fire on more units. -Fixing oversights by Relic. 120mm popcap, 222 fuel cost, 222 MG arc of fire, size of different support weapons, unnecessary ninja changes, etc. -Shenanigans like ghost sandbags/wire. In: Lobby |