Machineguns and supression: Which bulletin its the best for buffing the mg supression? I've heard its between the increased accuracy and the increased supresion though it should vary depending on the mg
You mean increase on Rate of fire?
Accuracy might increase "splash suppression", which affects nearby units.
RoF affects both, individual and splash. Can't remember well who it was, probably Lemon, but someone did a test on how bulletins affected it. There's not too much big of a difference most of the time.
E) If allies don't have arty cover, how you want to kill Ele/ JT on some maps? Its not possible^^ And i remember in the past, before arty cover was there, people complained about, that p47 kills their heavy tanks.
So yes they have to change arty cover again. But atleast they fixed the engiedamge crit allready.
For me it would be fine, when they fix it, that it can't shoot out of the circle anymore. That would be a great start.
And guys, you can write here 1000 threads more. Relic will not watch this thread. But when you guys feel better, go on and write
1- P47 is still strong against heavies, it just misses medium when they are still + airborne units are less desirable than just going Rifles. Support weapons drop costing mp rather than muni makes its less desirable as well.
Before UKF was introduced, countering them was a matter of AT gun wall + mass medium. Offmaps + mark vehicle + button + snares + zooks + blocking pathing. Any combination of those. Elephant is not as scary as it was for a long time (70range) and JT commander doesn't have anything to counter arty.
With UKF you can just play double PIAT RE which at that stage reinforce for 13ish mp.
2- I'll like it to leave it as strong as it is now, but limit it accessibility. Let it be counterplay by denying either FoP or command vehicle. You could also balance it so it's around the same powerlevel as ANY OTHER OFFMAP in the game.
You can't be AT, AI, suppression, pinpoint tracking, huge AoE, long duration, free will casting zone.
IF 10-8 is REALLY good/OP, 7-6 is balanced, 5 need slight changes and 1 is crap then:
Note: that i'll consider some abilities where they perform their best (map,teamgame or 1v1, countering, etc)
3- I think we all know Relic doesn't visit this place anymore. But does it really matter when they are practically handing the balance to the community? I think it's more about influencing the general opinion and giving ideas to those who can actually implement the changes to the game.
Do you have a video/replay where a player on the receiving end of the Tactical Support Regiment artillery attempts to evade the circle but can not do so in time, in contrast to other circle-based or sector-based offmaps?
If this is your only point on reviewing if an ability is OP or not i don't think there's much we can discuss on.
But if it can be escaped from by simply moving units out of its circle, why should it be nerfed? If it prevented timely escape, then yes, it would be OP and would need cost increase/stat decrease/whatever, but after reviewing its aspects -- including the fact that its circle can be escaped from -- why should its stats be nerfed in addition to having that counterplay of being able to avoid it?
I've already presented you the whole spectrum of the ability and why i think it's OP. It's not a single aspect of the ability which makes it OP, it's the whole power level, specially compared to ALL OTHER OFFMAPS in the game.
By that same standard: all the other OP offmaps were fine because you could "dodge" them.
I was very clear about that point:
If it is broken because it is not limited to its circle, we are in agreement that it's OP and there's nothing to discuss there. But that was not what we were discussing -- we were discussing whether it's OP because its circle-based as opposed to sector-based. Important difference between the two points, and I hope this should be enough.
It's not just circle vs sector. It's the actual RANGE of the circle in comparison to all the other circle based tracking abilities.
It's an ability when you move out of its AOE you opponent just lost 250 Munis. If you are stupid enough to stay in the AOE, then it's your own fault.
Same could be said for original: "Strafe pin of doom", air superiority, IL2/Stuka loiter skill planes, Concentrated arty, 155mm mechanized, new Stuka dive bomb, etc.
Let me make this clear with an analogy: no one is stupid enough to stay outside while it's hailing. But if you have to put into cover your car, the garden table/chairs, the kids toys etc. while for some reason the neighbours dog jump the fence and is trying to bite you... Something is gonna break for sure.
Manual on how to use IWIN abilities:
Manual on how to use IWIN abilities like a pro:
Those 2 spoilers are just a joke, but are quite close to the truth.
I can't see how having to evade a circle rather than a sector is OP.
Yes, and the counterplay to the Tactical Support Regiment arty is to evade it until it stops.
1- Sector abilities tends to either be focus around the flag position or through the sector zone. In either case, the area of effect is way smaller than AC (arty cover) and you are limited to a specific region.
Sector abilities tend to be stronger due to this in comparison to pinpoint abilities.
Circle area offmaps have either a way SMALLER AoE, are either weaker or have a strong RNG component on them.
2- The "current" OP part is either the AI capabilities, mostly cause it's GG for any support weapons which can't retreat or the range of the ability combined with it's duration.
Right now it does TOO MANY THINGS WELL in comparison to ALL OTHER OFFMAPS in the game.
-It doesn't have restrictions to zone casting in comparison to it's power level (Sector arty, Assault arty, Close the pocket)
-Arrival/Landing/Ramping is too fast (Air superiority, Sector assault, Zeroing, Scavenge arty)
-It's both AI and AT
-It can't be denied in comparison to planes.
-Duration and range (AoE)
-It's pinpoint accurate
Instead of nerfing it to be equal as other offmaps, i think that limiting it's access/casting is better, specially if this helps the other ability (FoP) to be more useable.
So would the Arty cover damage the command vehicle?
Why would it? It only "tracks" enemy vehicles. I'm not saying that the center of the ability should cast on top of the command vehicle btw, just that instead of free will casting on any part of the map, you must do it from a nearby casting unit/building.
Abandon vehicle is mostly RNG right now. I think it could be changed to be a more prominent game play mechanic, while also depending more on skill and planning.
All vehicles abandon on destruction every time. But they're in a special state where they have almost no armor and only 80 HP.
After 3 seconds, the engine catches fire, the vehicle self destructs, and it becomes a wreck.
If an engineer squad reaches the vehicle within three seconds, they stop the auto destruct timer, and can "capture" the vehicle. This takes around 20 seconds. The vehicle then disappears from the map and can be called in as an off map by the player who captured it.
So this way, abandon is more like an ambush mechanic where you keep an engineer squad in waiting and then have them try to seize the vehicle. It doesn't net you the resources of the vehicle (so you can't abuse it on your own vehicles) but it let's you get a vehicle you wouldn't normally have. So think USF trying to get an Elefant, or Ost getting a Comet from the Brits.
Sorry to burst the bubble. Unless you or someone you know, can implement this and even then, this is way too complicated to see implemented in the game.
They have equal aa, but the barrage differs. Same with vet1, which makes it way more accurate (the USF one).
Modhat: I think both parties have said enough and no useful feedback can be used from this thread in order to improve WPB or future patches.
If you want to rant, use either the SB or as last resource the lobby if you want to vent yourself.
If you want to talk about specific units, timing, tech, or whatever you are free to open a new thread.
Well since you "own" the trenches as well I see nothing bad about letting it be deployed on them as well, artillery observers have been known to use dug in positions on elevated ground such as hills in order to use it as cover as well.
I'm not completely against the concept but atm, the trenches are too easily to build and cheap. I purposely suggest the forward assembly cause it's easier to hit-destroy and it's cost is higher.
I like the idea of Arty Cover being either cast around the Command Vehicles or from FoP.
I think the command vehicle idea is good. I added a couple of lines to the first post to further improve the concept.
-Ability get's canceled if the unit/building get's destroyed
-Command vehicle casting the ability must remain immobile during the duration of the skill
Problem with the concept: i think it's mostly an UI one. Not something impossible to solve but it might require a bit more testing as well.
i have several problems with this ability:
1) it attacks stuff outside of the radius shown on the minimap
4) the arty keeps coming down for a two or three shots even after loss of vision
That's an UI issue which affects a lots of units/abilities.
That's because you had been already "tracked" and the shells are on their way. Same thing happens with loiter planes.
Imo problem with arty cover is that it combines:
1) quite big area
2) very fast responce of artillery shells
3) both AI and AT effect
4) no real counter except gtfo
If you look at any other offmap ability, you can find only 2 (some have 3 but still not as deadly) advantages of 4 named before. For example, plane loiters attack only tanks or infantry and have AA counters, artillery strikes dont nail big areas and usually allow you to escape if you have enough reaction.
As long as the arty ability is limited to specific sector and requires LoS, I believe there's nothing OP about it. There are other abilities that require the player on the receiving end to evacuate an area before the ability runs out/is interrupted (Airborne Company P-47 rocket strike, Stuka cannon strafe, Sector Artillery, Close the Pocket), so the argument "you can't enter the area as long as it's active so you lose map control" is not unique to this ability.
See the post above.
P47/Stuka loiter: it's 2 planes which are only AT and can be shot down.
Sector artillery: defensive ability only affecting a single sector, not a circular area. Simil could be said about OKW assault artillery
Close the pocket: requires HUGE planification and execution. Stills allows counterplay (decapping).
What most people won't realise, is that Artillery Cover is probably the only remanent of the original UKF offmap design (utterly bs with shared cooldown).
A) To play randoms sucks --> Get friends. Make Thread here to find mates, if you don't have them allready.
B) About the matchmaking. When you search longer then 5 min--> You should restart your search. If you don't you will get after 10-11 min defently a game. But this game can / will be worse. Because long search time means, big skillarea.
C) Matchmakingsystem: Yes, For example: You are 100, your randoms mates are 500, 600. Means, that your enemies can be a 200-300 team ez. Because the matchmaking thinks, that you as rank 100, should be able to play 1vs2 or 1vs 1,5 on this skill lv. (What you acutally really can maybe! If not, your rank should be lower then.)
But yes i know, it sucks at all. Thats why i stopped playing randoms.
D) When you top 50 for example, your games are normally more balanced. You will get same mate often and same enemies, if there are playing at this time. When you are > rank 200 , you can get everything. Sucks, but thats it.
Nothing else can be said.
If you want a better matchmaking either raise in the ladder or play in the timezone on which there is more people connected.
There is no magic solution that will improve matchmaking when there's a limited pool of people to choose from.