I'll have to say that complains about design are valid but damn, there isn't enough cheese to accompany that wine.
While it's unfortunate that "every plane tells a story design" has been changed a bit too late, there are several issues which are only seen and mention through a single side.
I'm sorry you miss the opportunity to use some of this:
Can we stop with this whole BS of "my side and their side". Every side has it's BS, it's just that they are either more popular/meta or more niche, easier to use or cheesier to do, in the vanilla roster or army tech or behind a comander pay/supply wall.
Yeah, it's too cheesy. No doubt this will get rebalanced in some way. You either get to keep the fire-in-FoW mechanic, or fire accurately, but not both.
On the other hand, I see no good reason why the ability would require you to tech up, and tech Anvil, in particular, if you are to gain access to Airburst shells. You're still paying the same cost, after all.
Also, I can't believe that nobody mentioned the prime advantage that Priest has over the Sexton; the crew can jump out, allowing you to have mass Priests.
Priest should, ideally, be worth 12 popcap, non-decrewable. Sexton could be 10-popcap with its current performance, non-decrewable. Valentine could also stand to shift from maphax-cheese-enabler to actual-synergy with-Sexton.
1 simple idea is to make it work like the artillery officer barrage. Right now the barrage "consumes" a normal cooldown.
2nd idea: have another barrage which just uses the base howitzers. OR make the original barrage to use both Suxtons and base howitzers.
How often do u see other OP units, which broke the game every 3-4 turn?
That's the whole problem with this forum. You can't actually discuss anything (even if it's not an urgent issue) cause people will start bringing other OP shit into the topic to dismiss any kind of discussion that could be made.
That something is a 10/10 in the scale of OP-breaking issues, that doesn't meant you can't point flaws in design on less overpowered things.
I'm sure the modder team is aware of: Artillery cover, mortar pit, UK commander vehicle, Crushwell, Comets, LM, CalliOP, Panther, Double bren IS... They play the same game as you do and they check what the pro players are abusing at the moment.
You are gonna say: but why X, Y and Z didn't get changed on the WBP? Why QQ didn't get nerf if it's an obvious issue? You have 2 options: go to the official forums and start a crusade there making a well written topic till it brings the attention of Relic (or till you get banned and return here).
2nd option which probably will be more effective: go to the ladder. Abuse the shit out of it, make a video on how you win with it and then put it on the forums.
I'm gonna give you an example:
I'll give you an idea which i'm sure it's "infallible" for making X enter the "SCOPE".
1-Plays as Brits or with Brits partner. Choose the new cancer well thought and balanced tactical support commander
2-Once you hit 10 CP, select all your infantry units and support weapons and give them an attack move. If you have tanks select them all and start rallying them forward.
3-Press recon plane on your (soon nerfed) Bren carrier with command vehicle or ask your partner for vision.
4-Activate shadowplay,OBS, Afterburner, Fraps, etc. March forward to glorious victory
5-Collect opponents tears. Edit video with some funny remarks, memes and music. Wait for Relic to see it.
Modhat: updated the title to reflect more the subject in discussion and in order to remove spam or offtopic.
If you want to talk about other units/abilities you are free to open up a thread. Reminder that's it GOOD if you do so with ACCURATE stats and information about it and not one rant liners.
Okay so your saying the CP ability is OP because a vet 5 JPIV with heat shells.
Nah, that's just a fun wombo.
It's OP cause it's 50% damage increase for 35muni. Once most OP/braindead shit in the game get's nerf (once WBP hits, Comet, crushwell, arty cover among other things) i don't see why mark vehicle shouldn't be tone down to 35% (same as soviet mark vehicle) or the cost increased.
Command Panther as a unit is fine. It get's the benefit of been a call in (no tech required), so it's a panic tank in case you lose your T4 or you don't plan on getting it.
Second, and no one mention it, is that it can spot for itself. It doesn't benefit from it's own aura but it has base 55 sight range (+20sight).
Finally, the only OP thing is mark vehicle. 50% damage for 35 muni. You don't get the unit for it's aura, you get it so you can 2 shot Jackson or combo it with your teammates AT.
It's the ultimate wombo enabler (get a JPIV and play with Elite Armor heatshells). For fun: PV with mark vehicle and JPIV with heatshells (this is the hard part) which has to survive till vet5. At that point it will 1 shot an Easy 8 and 2 shot an IS2.
Numbers: base damage is 160. Vet5 JPIV deals 400dmg from cammo. It won't miss nor fail to penetrate with 150% bonus to both (this is also the bonus damage). When you combo it with heat, it's +30% pen/dmg. So it goes to 520 (mediums HP is 640). With mark vehicle it goes to 780 (E8 has 720HP, T3485 or Pershing has 800HP). 2nd shot would deal 312dmg. Sum it up: 780 + 312 = 1092
I know it doesn't work currently. The reason that Ost spam is viable is specifically because of the changed resource mechanics in the first place! OKW should be returned to the state it was in prepatched and balanced from there.
That's asking for something which is not gonna happen.
Although the JPIV and the Panther are different vehicles, they still function as OKW's dedicated heavy AT units. When referring specifically to 1v1s, there is little incentive to go for a panther over a JPIV because the panther's AI is extremely lackluster, and it is significantly more expensive than the JPIV.
JPIV is great but it can be circle-strafed. You can't chase vehicles with it and is way more defensive oriented. They fulfil different goals.
A) Last time I checked this wasn't in the patchnotes.That aside, doesn't that still screw with the unit timings for all of the tanks in T4? Also doesn't this incentivize building the JPIV over the Panther even more as a heavy AT option?
B)Obers are a problem in their current implementation, but halving the T4 initial build cost isn't the only way to fix that problem. Smoothing out early vet could also provide the power spike that they need to be more competitive.
C) I think there is a bit of a misunderstanding here, in my post I meant to specify Ostwind Spam with the JP, not JP spam. I don't know where you got the "stug" spam from my post, although I do remember seeing threads on Coh2.org specifically consisting of people complaining about the Stug being overly cost effective at high vet.
A) Was referring to my suggestion. Regarding PV and JPIV see point above and before (cloak fixed).
B)Obers arrive too late. Volks are already got STGs and you could had call in JLI/PF/Falls way before. You are at a point on which is difficult to justify more mp on infantry.
C)Your words: "pumping out 1-3 JpIVs and obers for the endgame". MB on the stug part.
This is part of the problem! In order to deal with the Stuart/AEC/T70 people go specifically for mechanized to build 1 counter unit, either the luchs or the puma. With the JP in the med truck they have the option of going either for the med truck & the JP or the Mech truck with its associated resource bonuses, and then you could tech to the other building OR the Flack HQ. Does putting the JPIV in the med truck work in the current OKW economy? No! And OKW will continue to suffer from a lack of strategic diversity as long as the current OKW tech system remains in place!
IMO you are still thinking with LIVE on mind when there is a WBP coming really soon. Stuart/AEC/T70 have seen their power levels down. Flak HT got some love and can softly deal with light vehicles a bit better, specially with some love to the raketenwerfer.
Depends on how aggressively you are deploying and heavily on the map (it's a pain in the ass to kill if you put it behind a shotblocker).
The only REAL vulnerable truck is the Flak one, if you put it to cover a VP or cut off. Mech doesn't need to be so much forward and on a heavy indirect fire meta you don't want the enemy to easily be able to bombard your medic HQ.
Don't be fooled by old OKW design. OKW lived and was sustained by the Volks schreck blob. Remove the schreck blob and the faction fall apart.
I don't believe that the raketen shooting at an enemy unit and hitting the ground is bad stats but alright.
And besides, it would basically be Wehr 2.0 opening, just with a twist thrown in with the kubel and having both your support weapons and mainline infantry in the same building.
And let's not talk about how OKW's support weapons fail in comparison to their Wehr counterparts.
I just tested it today, 2 leigs and 1 mortar, mortar got to lvl 3 while the leigs were either vet 1 or close to vet 2, raketen as we already mentioned is bugged or excuse me, it's stats are fucked up and the MG34 is a sorry excuse for an MG that people just don't want to make T0 for some odd reason because they hate it so much.
Make a mod where the MG34 is Tier 0 and see for yourself that it's not as OP as you might think.
Rak "can be fixed" by fucking up the visuals and trying to make it shoot from a higher position (IIRC what someone said). The other stats (aiming) are been fixed on WBP.
ISG takes more than double the amount of xp to get to the same vet level as normal mortars.
Mortar: 480/960/1920
ISG: 840/1680/3360
Vet1 is useful (extra range) but unless it hits vet 3 it doesn't gain anything else which improves it's function. And still, most people don't bother with the barrage unless they are hitting mortar pits. So the only useful thing it gets, is at vet5 (lol).
Current (live) vet3 mortars are OP cause they have more range than 120mm or ISG on auto attack and they can achieve it pretty "easy".
If you want to play OH, just play OH. The point i'm trying to make is that i don't think OKW needs a minute 0 MG in order to play the early game. The MG34 been shitty as nothing else than suppression is another subject. Is there space to buff it, probably. But i don't think that would be possible if it was T0, specially with the amount of T0 tools OKW has atm.
Not saying this is ideal change but food for thought at least for a future patch:
-Instead of getting faust after BUILDING a truck (not deploying) make it so that you unlock MG34.
-Increase MG34 damage from 2 to 4 and reduce accuracy instead to keep same DPS against infantry. Increase AoE suppression to offset lower accuracy values.
Now if you want a quicker MG as OKW at least you have to "tech/build", in a simil way SU has to go T2 and old OH had to get T1.
Willy Pete: Cool you wanna lose your stock lategame arty too then? Today, 03:20 AM
Lady Xenarra: WTB Whizzbang for DAK instead of Stuka, 5 fuel cheape, 60MP more expensive and next to impossible to dive. Yesterday, 20:27 PM
Rosbone: It is also hard to expect Relic to help Coh2 when they cant even make working menus in Coh3 yet, 2 years after release and at full price+ for DLCs. Thats like asking a fish to do calculus. Last Tuesday, 02:58 AM
Rosbone: But this last patch has made good progress for grabbing players. All we can hope is Coh3 gets to Coh2s quality level before everyone abandons the franchise. Its Relic so they will completely f*%k it up as usual. But its a hope/cope. Last Tuesday, 02:55 AM
Rosbone: Relic wants Coh2 to fail so players will migrate to Coh3. It is hard to blame them since Coh3 sucks so bad. It needs all the help it can get. Last Tuesday, 02:53 AM
Soheil: Coh2 is dead , full of map hackers , and lelic knows that but ... Last Tuesday, 01:26 AM
aerafield: Oh how I missed the weird spam bots, welcome back Last Monday, 13:05 PM
situsgbo777: Platform game online terpercaya dengan berbagai pilihan permainan seru dan peluang menang besar. Nikmati pengalaman bermain terbaik hanya di GBO777 Last Monday, 06:48 AM
OKSpitfire: @aerafield that does sound familiar Last Sunday, 09:06 AM
Lady Xenarra: Ah, the gren faust-replacing-rifles bug/exploit. Last Saturday, 18:24 PM
aerafield: CoH3 high elo is truly the dumbest CoH experience that ever existed Last Saturday, 17:25 PM
aerafield: @OKSpitfire tbh I find it quite challenging to get the Pershing in time, having to suffer through the CoH3 tickrate and this endless bullshit meta of massive blobs going back and forth to the forward heal truck Last Saturday, 17:24 PM
OKSpitfire: Well... going to be seeing the Pershing a lot for a little while, that thing is a monster. Last Saturday, 11:44 AM
NigelBallsworth: axis stuff is getting more meme by the second Last Friday, 23:32 PM
aerafield: Cloaked instapin MGs at 0cp. I wanna see no more crying about the Dingo while that shit is in the game Last Friday, 20:38 PM
Willy Pete: And only on annihilation, and I have to let the AI live long enough... Last Friday, 02:04 AM
Willy Pete: Pershing is absurd, but ive still only gotten to use it against AI Last Friday, 02:03 AM
Lady Xenarra: WTB Pershing for Axis, that is all 27 Feb 2025, 13:32 PM