If A has a problem, but B is fine, you dont say A is broken because of B. But hey, not everyone can undestrand simple logic...
OR you should, because all things are related and don't work in isolation. In your POV you think B is fine, but maybe B is not fine at can be one of the reasons that by comparison A is been bad, even if against C is fine.
You talk about not liking powercreep, but you are basically suggesting that as a solution. I'll rather tone down the power of main line infantry late game scaling so elites/call ins have more space to work.
@OP. Conscript utility is a meme. If 5 years of this game has taught as something, is that games are not won by utility but firepower, tactical decisions and cheese.
And the moment utility is too good, it's because it can be used in a cheesy way and we nerf the hell out of it.
Conscripts had free Oorah in Alpha/Beta (?). They used to cost 5muni on release. Look where we are now.
Merge is less desirable when conscripts got a higher RA and all elites power level and cost had been reduced. Reminder that original Penals were 360mp mirror version of PGs. Even engineers were more expensive.
Sandbags had tons more of HP and all the issues we had with ghostsandbagging big chunks of large walls.
Trip wire was a garrison exit nuker and basically conscripts preemptive model killing mine.
So what you suggest?
-Reduce power level of BAR rifles, STG Volks (they should have access to faster Obers) and not sure IS double bren (i don't know as much it's current situation).
-Make conscripts start with molotovs but lockdown Penal PTRS (maybe vanilla satchel) behind current AT package and rename it AT and demolition pack or something.
At this moment with current Oorah and molotov cost, i don't think of this as such an issue but i could be wrong.
-My fear with reducing reinforcing cost with tech, is that it could make PPSH based strats too spammable even if they are now at 60.
IF you can make a believable reason to exclude it somehow from PPSH conscripts, i could see it working with -1mp per each of the first 2 tiers and -2mp for T4.
-Don't give them LMG. Don't give them PPSH stock. I don't want a late game DPS upgrade. But if you suggest something, i'll rather it be a SVT pack or better, just Guards Mosins. You could call it training or something like that.