not visually I mean the model aecoh and dvem we’re discussing it
I checked that part. It's a simplifications of what is happening at the moment with ALL AT guns. For small arm fire, it doesn't matter. Grenades and indirect fire? It doesn't matter. Tank shells? Probably, as what i mentioned before.
You can't just remodel the thing and it's not like you would put an invisible wall in front of it to stop incoming shells.
If I remember correctly, someone tested that gun shields do sort of work, but only in certain positions. Like only when the gun is facing a certain angle. Most ATGs also do seem to give the heavy cover damage reduction versus explosives, but not the Raketen. In summary, gun shields are bugged as hell, but at least normal ATGs do get some protection from their gun shields, while the Raketen seems to get none at all.
I did.
Could do a re run test but i don't think anything has changed. If you want to test it, this is how i did it at that time.
-Reduce all crews to 2 man. You can see how the Zis gun will show you that it is benefiting from green at some times but that is the case for the formation of 2 of the crew members who stand at each side.
-Move the the angle the AT gun is facing. You will see how the cover icon pop ups at intervals.
-I made few test with mortars but it was pointless cause it just made the test harder and the results were the same as with grenades. At that time i just tried attacking the AT gun from 8 directions and to say the least, this is one of the buggiest interactions i found in the game outside of the phaseshift cammo and stacking exploits.
Ex: attacking from behind, will sometimes give the unit the benefit of cover.