It's not just the WFA's the constant turning the game upside down to keep things "interesting", introducing new units and commanders that are borderline pay-to-win or at the very least make most other commanders obsolete from a competitive point of view.
Changing unit performances drastically month-to-month...This isn't the stock market, and I shouldn't have to be a broker to keep up with what everything is "worth" in the current patch only to have to scrap all my strategies for the next patch.
WFA, with it's retarded graphical lag and all, was just the final straw that broke the camel's back.
This poll seems more like you being frustrated with the game than having to do with anything to fix the game. The poll choices are pretty bad, so I refuse to vote. Can admins please look at the legitimacy of this thread?
Seriously haven't such unmitigated, shameless blobbing since OF was first released....This is CoH...not StarCraft, not C&C, not Supreme Commander...Cover and tactics are supposed to mean something in this game....flanking is supposed to mean something in this control and unit preservation are supposed to mean something...
And it does...only in the early game...after that things degenerate into who has the biggest, vetted, RNG-lucky, efficient blob and the most powerful over-used commander call-ins.
Units that are meant to punish blobbing (MGs, Mortars, mobile flak) just die to AT blobs or the tanks that escort the blob...
I actually had way more fun in July 2013 with little to no maps/commanders and options compared to now. Every month saw the game's steady progression into nonsensical BS, units and play-style being turned upside down and now faction design that is completely inconsistent with what CoH2 originally promised...
I'm not saying it's impossible to run, but the game demands far more "horsepower" so to speak than it should for the poor graphics quality and relatively small map rendering compared to other games.
I don't think this game has much in the way of PC requirements. Get a new PC, and enjoy modern games.
Uh...this game is notorious among PC hardware review sites for it's horrendous optimization. Benchmarking a "modern PC" with CoH2 means close to nothing as even a state of the art 2014 $2000-2500 rig might not max this piece of crap out yet Crysis 3, BF4, and a host of other games that should be harder to run than CoH2 run as smooth as butter.
CoH2 has NO place accusing players' system requirements when it cannot even run properly on the best systems money can buy.
Contrary to popular myths, the US had a significant presence on the eastern front, and the Soviet Union was heavily involved in the fighting to take Nazi occupied France and Belgium.