In that case, old MG42, old ger pin plane that killed everything, old opel, old G43+LMG combo, old german vet2 on armor, old 251 flame HT and so on and so forth were also exploits by following your "logic"(quote marks, because its mad mans blabbering really, not a logic).
And don't rage at people for calling you what you are.
Oh yes, you are definitely the authority on "logic" and "reason" around here aren't you? Don't make me laugh katitof.
Anyways I only stated truths. MG42 was abused, it was fixed. LVL 45 German commander was abused, it was fixed. G43, Vet2 Panther, PIV...all subsequently fixed. KV-2 however? Not yet but thats okay.
In fact I am doing my civic duty of abusing the hell out of this bug so that it DOES get fixed! I should get a medal really.