It's 10 times sillier to pretend that the T34-76 is just a long range super fast nearly-unblockable snare with a guaranteed long-duration stun even on full health units. And even if it were, the fact that it's able to guarantee kills on tanks which cost 250% the price is kinda a big problem.
1) Faust doesn't stop ram.
2) Faust doesn't trigger when a tank is at full health.
3) Faust only has 15 range. Ram can start from easily triple that range.
4) Faust also takes a long time to load and fire. Even if you start the faust the moment the t34 starts its ram, the T34-76 can still ram the target before faust hits.
5) You seem to have no idea how insanely fast a ram can take place. Once you hear the engine whirl it's like 2 seconds to impact.
There's like a billion things wrong with your imaginary example of android-like players landing a hit on the T34 AND landing a faust on it BEFORE the T34-76 even starts its ram. You somehow think that asking for superhuman levels of micro and reaction JUST to counter a sloppily executed attack by a rank 5000 player is reasonable. I'd like to see you dodge a ram with a Jagdtiger against anyone reasonably within your skill bracket. I'll bet a thousand bucks you can't even do it 20% of the time. I can't even dodge rams 20% of the time with a Tiger against weaker opponents.
When the rank no. 4 Soviet tells you it's a problem there's a pretty good chance that your "just use a panzerfaust LUL" comments are utter rubbish that have no relevance to an actually competitive game.
+1 |
Railway-Arty feels, compared to skillplanes and basically any other off map arty, way to weak for its price.
Maybe the cost has to lowered to 150muni or sth. |
If salvage is being kept instead of caches or any other solution, it needs to be improved.
Even though it costs nothing it highly depends on wether there is something to salvage. Getting only 5 or 15 fuel (Correct me, if i am wrong) depending on the wreck seems way to low and in some why unnecessary.
If you salvage enemy tank wrecks, you are likely to win the game anyway.
The enemy also can kill wrecks, so you dont even have the chance to wreck them at all.
Salvaging should give a decent amount of ammonition as well.
I would propose the following changes in that case:
light wreck: 10 fuel / 20 ammo
medium wreck: 30 fuel / 60 ammo
heavy wreck : 60 fuel / 100 ammo
This way, destroying wrecks would become a higher priority.
Furthermore the okw commander wreck ability would have to be reworked. |
One of the tips on the loading screen mentions among other things that the luch's used to shoot at planes and that the okw trucks were caches the same as the brits in coh1.
Since okw got the transfer system that idea was most likely scrapped but now that the transfer system itself is gone okw is left without any sort of cache besides building multiple 222's(lol)
Off topic: The luchs could shoot planes? wtf |
The reason why was that OKW used have a significantly reduced fuel income when it was released(times .66 iirc) and were characterised by that. Caches would obv go against this
This design would be outdated by now, am i right? |
Is there a reason, why OKW cant build fuel and ammo caches? I my opinion this hasnt anything to do with asymetrical balance, since any other nation can build it.
They would add new strats in every Gamemode and cant be spammed because of 250mp cost and the punishment of not building units for the mp. |
Comets criss-crossing the map at F1 speeds, eating everything on their way? Emplacements bringing back CoH:ToV British Sim City PTSD? Volk Schreck blobs descending on everything like a locust swarm, in the spirit of vCoH Recoilless Para blobs? 2+ ISU 152s from a single player in a match evaporating everything on two legs? Planes incinerating entire armies on crashing? Uncounterable Soviet snipers in clown cars?
We are in a heaven of balance compared to where we used to be.
I miss those days, where crashing aircrafts could ruin your day; like really: RNGesus hitting you with a bamboo-stick. But always a blessing hitting the heavy and killing it on top of two engs rearing it.
My second place behind the original TA is the b4 with precision strike wiping anything from earth |
R.E. can place mines without a doctrine for quite some time now...
my bad; youmean those anti tank mines? I am not that familiar with them; thought it was doctrinal |
After reading all the complains, i wonder what kind of role the heavies should have ingame?
Making them a more durable medium, would be a death sentence; then heavy elite infantrie and tds would rule the game |
This would mostly benefit the russian engs, UKF engs and sturmpio. Rear echelons cant place mines non doctrinal. German minefields arnt reliable, since the enemy sees them from far; tank mines are often a gambit.
Would this count for main line inf as well, when they can place doctrinal mines? |