That analogy doesn't make sense, because the deeds of one individual would never even be considered as a representation of a whole organization or group. We as human beings here and now can see today pedophiles who are also priests, but no one is assuming that the those priests are who and what the Catholic Church compose solely of. That's ridiculous!
On top of this, no where does it even remotely state within the campaign that the deeds of the corrupt are a representation of the entire Russian people. Especially since we see other Russians who are completely fine reasonable people in the very same campaign.
Try again.
I'm not saying that you or me (independent third-parties) will necessarily take it at face value, but pretend you are a member of that organization being portrayed and you should be able to see why it is offensive. If you can't, I suggest you take some lessons in PR.
Plus, you have to realize that there are a lot of people who do take it at face value, even if you don't.