+1 |
Every soldier in the area gets 80 damage. That's how it wipes out squads.
ok, that makes sense.
On a related note, the tiger and t34 share the same scatter and area stats, except that tiger has better scatter distance 4.3 vs 6.9. Given that the tiger damage is higher, that means the tiger should be much better in killing infantry, but in practice I don't find it particularly better. Are there any additional factors influencing this? |
He is referring to Area of Effect. So for example you have an explosion: Soviet Mortar stats
Let's say the mortar shell lands somewhere and causes an explosion. Its Area Effect Near Distance is 1.5 and the Damage Near multiplier is 1.0. So inside a circle of the radius 1.5 the explosion deals 100% of the mortar shell's damage, so 80 damage if the target is inside.
Its "Distance Far" is 3.0 and the damage multiplier for "far" is 0.25. So if the target is standing exactly 3 from the explosion's center, (and if hit), it takes 25% of the mortar's damage, 20.
Actually it even takes those 25% damage if it is farther away than the distance of 3 because the third zone, (Area Radius) is 6. So a unit between 3 and 6 from the center can take 20 damage.
Between "Far" (3.0) and "Near" (1.5) it scales in a linear manner. You can see this at the top of the page I linked: The blue damage line is at a high level (100%) until it reaches a distance of 1.5, then drops linear until it is at 25% at 3.0 and then stays at 25% all the way out to 6.
The same counts for the explosion's accuracy: It has a "Near" accuracy of 5 and a "Far" accuracy of 0.6. So between "Near distance (1.5)" and "Far distance (3.0)" the accuracy of the explosion decreases but inside the Near circle and in the ring between 3 and 6 distance units, it is constant.
This means that if the target is between 3 to 6 distance units from the explosion's center, the explosion has a chance of only 60% to deal damage at all. This is why sometimes some units don't take damage despite being "closer" to the explosion and some "farther" away still take damage. It is just random.
The "accuracy/damage scaling" is basically just a linear interpolation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_interpolation
This can be applied to most stats (accuracy, splash damage, cooldown multipliers) in the game, from the accuracy of small arms to the biggest explosions.
Hey thanks allot man, that was really helpful!
See comment in bold, do all soldiers in the area get each 80 damage, or is the 80 damage spread over the number of soldiers in the area? |
I stopped at 00:20:00 because I didn't notice anything new |
am I the the only one or this video doesn't want to load?
edit: sorry, after about 5 minutes the page is visible and video is loading normally |
I agree with the OP: engine damage should disable blitz. I have much easier time using german tanks versus soviet tanks because of this ability plus the cheap smoke grenade ability. In fact, I see it all the time, players using german tanks throw them into extremely reckless position/situation and then just get out of it with those abilities.
There is one situation, however, where I think blitz on an engine damaged tank is kind of fair. Its when you get rammed. |
From what I've read the reason for the changes is to make them come in the game a bit later and due to ammunition cost you're supposed to sacrifice some of the upgrades or have them latter.
I didn't have any problems playing against them as flamers or maxim support helped but maybe there is something more that Relic didn't like in overall balance.
I think this unit is still strong even if you won't have easy map dominance in the first couple of minutes.
I wouldn't call it a nerf but it's really a shame that'd happened as I loved to punish German player who went AG heavy with early vehicles. Also army built of AG scaled badly into the late game.
The ammo increase messes up many things for the german player, they could have achieved that by increasing cost a little and increasing cool down significantly. |
Couple corrections:
Scatter angle is the angle left or right of the target the shot may miss, dependant on range to target. Scatter distance is the distance front and back the shot may miss, with the distance set on the center of the target. The center of distance max may change bases on scatter offset, but typically this doesn't change much.
Area of effect does full damage from 0 to near aoe distance, then linearly scaling (same as accuracy range scaling) damage between near and far aoe ranges. At far range aoe weapons do .2 damage out to the aoe radius. Example:
T34 .625 near, 1.25 far, 2.5 radius. All aoe weapons have 1.0 damage multiplier near and. 2 damage multiplier far scaling.
From range 0 to .625 is 1.0 damage, from .625 to 1.25 range scales between the multipliers (i.e at range .9375 gives a. 6 multiplier), and from range 1.25 to 2.5 gives .2 damage.
ok so you are saying from 0 distance up to near distance rating gives full damage and from near to far distance rating gives linearly scaling decrease in damage until it hits zero once it hits the far limit.
What is the accuracy scaling you are referring to? |
plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz keep your opinions about the unit:
one at nade and its pretty much done. maxim rips it apart. zis one shots it. team games its junk 1v1 if soviets build t1 its good.
and me:
no this is how it should be that thing is junk. let me guess you are one of the people who only make soviet snipers?
to yourself
Because we are just here trying to figure out what changed its cost and hopefully grab attention of the developing team in the process. |
I started playing today and noticed the scout car cost 15 oil. When did it change from 25 fuel, and why? Is this a bug?