I really would like to know when my tank is about finished reloading and ready to fire. This can help in two ways:
1. stop the tank soon enough before shooting to get the stationary accuracy bounce
2. ground attack on infantry units
The second part is particularly important because often a tank will aim at a squad member that is at a distance from the rest of the squad and leave the other members that are closer to each other. In such case even if the tank scores a hit it will only take out that one squad member. But if the shell was to hit the other clumped up squad members it would take them all out at once.
This can be countered by ground attacking where most infantry are, but since infantry moves its important to ground attack exactly before reload is finished. This is especially important for slow loading tanks like the IS2 and t34 85.
I think Relic should add a statues bar on top tanks or in the command panel to illustrate the reloading process. It would start blank and load up until ready to fire. If the tank never fires again the bar stays loaded. |
Yes this is a good idea. I built it today and was trying to guess how far/close to place it. This feature can take away the guessing. |
Public accusations or any sort should not be done on COH2.ORG guys, please remember it because I am now forced to invisible that post. Email enforcement@relic.com with the accusation and the screenshot and they will eventually take care of it 
I did not know that, but I posted it to basically inquire about that kind of behavior from the developers. If I post it again with the name of the player blocked out then its considered normal? |
Pqumsieh stealth fixed this sometime ago. He forgot about it and subsequently it hasn't been logged.
Precision strike now has 2.5 distance scatter and 2.0 angle scatter.
Thanks for the update. This is exciting, I will have to try it, but man how could they just forget reporting something like this, especially after breaking it by mistake it in the first place? |
this means that AT guns are more likely to hit. Combined with the size changes of vehicles this means AT guns will hit a lot more often.
chance to hit = vehicle size * gun accuracy
So to hit a Stug (size = 20) from far range (60 m, accuracy far = 0.03) the chance is now 60% whereas before it was 35% (not accounting for scatter).
Thanks this clarifies things a bit, but the only vehicle to increase in size is the stug. All other vehicles had a reduction or were not changed. Aside from the small overall accuracy improvement I don't see much change? |
Updates October 9th, 2013
AT Guns
• Accuracy far from 0.025 to 0.03
• Accuracy near from 0.05 to 0.055
What does this mean in real terms? |
If you suspect a drop hacker email enforcement@relic.com and the Relic Enforcement Team will take a look at the situation. Include a replay and any screenshots you feel would be useful.
It was claimed that we don't take any action against drop hackers unless we have it on record of them saying that they're about to drop hack. That's sort of 30% correct.
Essentially if it's just one report we won't take any action, unless there's a reason to believe that they're drop hacking based on the conversation (which is why screenshots help) prior to the disconnect.
However it's still worth reporting because while we won't take action against someone for 1 disconnect, if a player is getting a lot of reports against them from different people then the volume of that will mount until a point when we will take action against them.
Two other things to keep in mind:
- drophacking hurts a player's trust rating thus drophacking is an strategy with a limited life for a player. Since there's no option to create profiles (as there was in CoH) a player who drophacks will ruin his own trust rating to the point where all matches begin to count against him.
- disconnects can happen for several reasons. Imagine if you were banned from playing the game just because your connection dropped once. Thus we do tend to give people some leeway if it's a single report, just as I'm sure you'd want/expect the same consideration.
Thanks for the feedback, this is encouraging to know. One thing that might frustrate people after submitting a complaint is the lack of feedback. Even an automated message acknowledging receipt can help.
By the way I understand from the highlighted part that the reply does not save in game chat text, correct?
PS. I just sent you the reply on listed email |
Guys just to keep things on track, there are the normal drops and then there are those who do it on purpose to give you a loss, this topic was about the later.
And I like 1984 idea.
All kinds of cheating occured in the top 15 as well for already stated reasons, and its the same in coh 2.
@admins: FP forum would be nice, to actually see what happens to all the reports. I could offer some time dependending on what is needed to have one running here.
No offence but I think people think they have a much better understanding of when people have drop-hacked them than they do. I have a ridiculous ton of disputes from having been on a low-end ATI graphics card with a crappy ISP until recently - no doubt some of those games I droppped at a moment when the opponent had just started winning. For them to be able to just report that on suspicion (and some people will get suspicious of anything) and get someone's account banned is far worse than a few people having inflated stats.
Now, in COH 1 I saw some clear drop-hacking that basically froze the game for myself and my friend. I've not seen any obvious incident of that in COH 2. I completely understand why Relic would be reticent to ban people if they don't have complete certainty - because they'd end up banning a load of unrelated people to satisfy people who are overly paranoid about drop hacking.
Replays don't display in-game chat. I've no idea if they save it.
No offense taken, I get connection problems too but as mentioned above I can tell pretty well when it happens on purpose. |
2 things:
- Noun told me that in order for Relic to take action against a drophacker it has to be fully proven he cheated. Noun literally said this means the drophacker has to say something like "I'm going to drophack you now", which obviously never happens.
I've sent a replay of a drophacker to the enforcement mail address and nothing happened. Tbh it kind of feels like Noun is just pulling his hands of off this one, his mantra is "innocent until proven absolutely 100% guilty" which means nobody gets punished.
wow that's pretty excessive, they should take into account player history and not be so narrow focused like that, but I wish I saved the second reply because I had him in the second game say something like "what are you going to do" and "report me, nothing will happen" etc.
By the way, does the reply save in game chat text?
- I also noticed I got losses by drophackers that should have worse trustratings than myself. I personally calculate it as "number of disputes divided by number of games played". Using this formula people with a higher outcome still successfully drophack me which is strange. I contacted Peter about this, and he said he was going to look into it. I haven't heard the outcome, however.
On a side note here I want to point out to Relic that they should really step up their game regarding cheating. "Innocent until proven guilty" is obviously the only way to go, but they take it WAY too far meaning you can just drophack all day without any consequences. We've seen this in CoH1, and now we see it in CoH2. Relic do something and stop having cheaters ruin your game!
@Symbiosis: A typical drophack is always the one where u have a completely lagfree game, and then when you destroy his army all of a sudden he lags out. Especially the moment when the lags starts is really telling, and it happens quite frequently.
And if it actually is a hacker, I'm sure relic will deal with them asap -> Unfortunately, no they dont 
Yes I agree and many thanks for sharing this feedback.
Message to Relic: you really need to get your act on this |