It does actually feel pretty good as a forward retreat point, but it would need tuning to stay as such. Forward retreat points tend to take a pretty decent investment usually. Given Ost’s Defensive nature and muni hunger early, maybe 100 munis would balance out the quick access?
I’m torn on the fusilier shreks thing too. There were a lot of factors that went into volks blobs being broken though and it’ll be nice to have more mobile AT options as OKW. Curious to see how it plays out.
Oh lord... vcoh2, yikes. 3 man mg-42s and so many things broken. The balance is SOOOO much better now.
Anyway, back on topic. The StuG is in this weird niche place right now where it's not really a unit that you want to get, it's a unit you sometimes feel like you have to get because you can't afford a p4 and you really need to deal with a tank. Once said tank is dead, you just wish you had a p4 and the Stug just kind of sits there.
Reality often isn't a great excuse for balance, but it does strike me as odd that the second most produced vehicle of the war for the Germans (behind the halftrack) is a niche unit that you don't often see. I mostly play and watch 1v1s, and maybe that's different in team games, but it still seems in a weird place.
Now, this may sound crazy, but is there anything inherently wrong with upping the fuel cost of the StuG to 110 or even 120 and making it more of a generalist unit like the p4? Get rid of target weak point and increase the aoe of it's main gun a bit to be less good than a p4 but better than what it is now.
In that way, OST t3 would break down into 3 generalist units like this:
Good against strong infantry focus comps.
+ Durable, mobile, strong AI, able to damage light vehicles.
- Helpless against tanks (arguably not a true generalist but more so than say an m20 or something).
Defensive generalist.
+ Range, better AT option than a p4
- Lack of mobility and no turret means poor chase unit and vulnerable to flanks; not as strong AI as ostwind or p4.
True generalist tank, more offensive option.
+ Turret, speed, mobility, can engage all but the heaviest units, flexible.
- Lacks range and pen of StuG, not as strong AI as ostwind.
In this way, the StuG suddenly becomes a true option vs a p4 and not just a crutch unit you build because you're short on fuel.
As for the Raketten, we've brainstormed the following rough changes:
Reason for changes: less cheesy, more reliable in its role as an ATG, while still retaining most of its unique features.
I personally think it could also use a small buff to its traverse speed or aiming time as it seems to have trouble firing at targets moving through its arc, a lot of the time.
All of this sounds great, but I agree with Lago that auto camo would be preferred even if it potentially has some funky interactions.
If these changes happen, would the price be altered at all?
My biggest issue with the stug has already been outlined a bit here: they are cost effective against mediums, but once the medium is off the table, they’re mostly just taking up pop and acting as an mp/repair time drain.
The su-76 at least retains the function of a light artillery piece and can help to clear team weapons or static infantry. Is there anyway to add some similar functionality without making it too attractive vs a p4 or ostwind? The MG is alright now but overall, it’s AI is still too weak to justify having it with no mediums around.
Would adding some sort of bunker buster shot for munis be too much? It’s not very creative, and a lot like the su-76, but at least it would retain functionality in larger fights with no enemy tanks.
Give grens a 5th model at bp 2, give cons a 7th model when all con upgrades are researched and an 8th model with the T4 building. Balanced? Who knows, but sounds fun