A see it this way
1. Are Maxims are overused? In my opinion yes
2. Are the factions are balanced at the moment (pretty much, allies are even in better spot then axis now)
3. Should we buff other infraty (Mostly Penals) to make them more viable? In my opinion yes
4. Can we do that without breaking the balance? In my opinion, no.
5 The conclusion is that Maxims should be nerfed just a little bit! And because we don't want to make SU useless we should buff their other infranty. How's that sound to you guys?
Sounds good to me.
Unfortunately, knowing Relic, they will not do incremental balance changes such as this but decide to make Maxims into a 2 man squad with 0 DPS and give Penals communist laser rifles that kill KT in one hit while projecting an imagine of Stalin dancing with a bear.
But so long as Soviet basic infantry gets run over by Volks (and upgraded Grens to a lesser extent), you're going to see Maxims. |
Play game please, this situation is not common of course but happens quite often (especially with Ost units). Sometimes while 4-5 of weapon crew members can hit model and kill it. DPS based on accuracy mostly because weapon crews use same mosin as conscripts.
OR here is another idea, if you reinforce your support weapon with conscripts or pick up weapon with conscripts, your whole 6 men crew will be conscripts, with conscripts damage.
So before using your "on paper" arguments go and play game, please.
I literally never experienced that. Pioneers at mid range kills Soviet crew members before they can even dent their health bar. Grens losing models "quite often"? As someone who mains Ostheer, I daresay you were either very unlucky or apply selective perception. Soviets crews are unable to truly defend themselves and take 25% more weapons damage than any other infantry. That's not a question of perception, that's pure and simple math. There is no issue with Soviet 6 men crews. |
Tommies are a poor point of comparison. They are indeed overpriced and lack for utility, and Brits are kept in the meta by cheesy units like the AEC and Cromwell. They should get a price reduction. |
Maximspam is there because it's effective, first and foremost.
But it doesn't help that, especially against OKW, Soviet non-doctrinal infantry is quite simply outclassed. Unless you're using Penals in an urban map, against a similarily skilled player you are very likely to lose the infantry war because Conscripts do shit damage and Penals aren't good and tough enough to justify their tier/pricing.
This is exacerbated by the lack of any AT option in T1, so if you go this route you either have to back-tech to T2 to get AT guns (wasting loads of MP), try to hold out with Guards/AT nades, or dominate your opponent and manage to fast-tech to T3. All three of these options are difficult to accomplish in a normal game. Again, this is particularily painful vs OKW; if you don't have any AT when the 6:30 Luchs comes out, you're screwed.
Personally, I'd buff Penal's toughness, give them an AT option, and raise their price a bit. If Maximspam is still dominant, then nerf it; maybe a bit longer pack up/pack down time for instance. But fixing its death loop would be nice. |
It's a major weakness in USF design.
They have loads of units who aren't good, or are merely mediocre/adequate, but it doesn't matter because they can just spam the most cost-effective infantry in the game, support them with free squads, and use the Stuart into Jackson to seal the game if they don't get the Calli or Pershing.
Airborne? Pathfinders (both kinds)? M20? M8A1? Assault engies? Greyhound? RE beyond the first? halftrack? Bulldozer? Dodge? Ain't nobody got time for those.
And no, this isn't a ''buff US'' thread. This is a ''normalize US so that they don't have a poorly designed army carried by borderline OP crutch units'' thread. They are a one-trick pony faction, fortunately for them the trick works very, very well. |
I know I'm being pedantic but I have to point out that the Firefly is the most expensive non-heavy tank destroyer (yet arguably inferior in comparison without tulips) at 440 mp / 155 fuel. The Jagpanzer 4 is only 400 mp / 135 fuel.
Sorry, I have to pipe up when people make demonstratively false statements.
OK, yeah, I should have added turretless TD.
I think Conscripts are fine as they are. They're more of a support unit for your elite infantry and weapons teams with merge and their abilities. (Unless you get a doctrine with PPSH, in which case they become really, really good.)
I'd like to see Combat Engineers get a buff instead because right now they're rear echelon tier without the benefit of weapon racks.
Penals need to be reworked to be a core "elite infantry" option. Should go back to their old 360mp/godlike SVT rifles form.
Both Shock and guard rifles seem fine to me.
Yeah, Guards and Shocks are easily among the best balanced infantry in the game. Good, but not too much.
I still think conscripts should do more DPS as they vet up. Having to rely on doctrines to provide your high damage infantry severely limits doctrine choice. Every single doc that doesn't give you Guards or Shocks (or PPSH at the very least) is utterly unused by Soviet players, save from Lend-Lease to cheese in 1v1.
Penals are just hopeless at the moment. Even on urban maps tailored for them they still don't bring enough to the table to justify going T1 and their severe lack of utility means you're really just better off getting the far more flexible conscripts. I'm trying to make them work but always end up having to fall back to T2/doctrines to get actually useful units. |
this is a straight up lie. OKW crews for some reason are way more durable than from any other
factions. LeIG crews are the worst offenders, they just shrug off small arms fire and grenades like they were firecrackers.
lately I found out that as a allied player I go 100% of times after the raketen for stealing purposes. I remember the last time I used one in 1v1 and I killed a KT with one raketen+ at nade, since the raketen penetrated EVERY shot. Right now they are just better than the PaK because of damage, mobility, stealth and retreat. And you can even put them on houses! oh wow.
Any stats to back up those claims? I've never seen anything that implies OKW crews are significantly more durable than usual myself. I know Soviets crews are the most vulnerable because they are 6 men, but I've never experienced any hardship killing OKW crews. Indeed, the lack of cover provided by the AT gun itself to the Raketen crew makes it fairly fragile from the front, which is what justifies its ability to retreat.
Likewise, I know for a fact Raketen doesn't have the stats to penetrate the frontal armor of a KT reliably. If memory serves, it has about 50% chance in fact. You benefited once from lucky RNG and a stupid opponent who did not support his KT; this a balance issue it does not indicate.
I mean, if you're going to accuse people of simply lying, the most common courtesy is to provide facts that counter their claims, not declare your own experience invalidate theirs and basta. |
There is so much dialogues unused and dialogs outdated it makes me cry
V1 voices 
Afro voices for USF 
My favorite is the Ostheer announcer saying that T3 unlocks medium armor and rocket artillery.
If memory serves, Panzerwerfer has been in T4 since the last phases of the game's beta. |
Dont forget the advantages that Raketten has, cheapest AT gun and the highest ROF.And also the only AT gun that can retreat. I think that this is enough, dont you think? The cloak should stay but it should work like all the other units in this game.
It still suffers from inferior stats (such as firing cone and tracking speed) in many other cases. Raketen is far from being a balance problem. Its ability to retreat is balanced by the fact the crew has no protection unlike conventional AT guns. |