What the problem with fired Brad? Yes it's bad to lose the job, but Brad as balance designer was bad. I mean, defend them as you want, say he is a good guy, he is chill and so on, it doesn't changes the fact that 9 out of 10 patches was bad.
9 out of 10 changes made units OP/UP
Ignoring and defending exploits like USF pop cap abuse
Ignoring OP units for ages
Bad/OP commanders
Bugs 1000 of them
Zero communication with community
Ignoring almost all oblivious balance flaws
Hell, guy from competition mode made in few weeks more then Brad.
No private testing, no bug testing. I mean, let's face it Brad can't handle coh2 balance. Its not improving its just constant nerf nerf buff buff OP UP OPUP.
See, this is the problem. People like you keep assuming that this is Brad's responsibility. Its hilarious, you think one guy, who isn't even the lead of the balance team, is responsible for everything, including all the bugs. Thats borderline mentally retarded thinking.
Private testing has happened since Pre-WFA. Shit gets said, some of it gets put in, a lot of it isn't even up to the balance guys sometimes. Theres a gigantic disconnect between Relic management and the guys who actually do the work. I think if you've been here for years you would realize that.
At this point the game is going to die out, and the vocal minority like yourself that are so ill-informed and toxic will be the last ones to close the door.
Edit: Either way I'm done with this thread. No point arguing with the one-track clowns like you, neo, vasa, and co.