i bought this game sometime back in october of 2014.
back then, you used to randomly get intel bulletins or commanders as rewards every few games or so like you do now, but you didnt get supply coins. so you had to entirely hope you got the bulletins you wanted by sheer chance. the thing is, you could have duplicates. meaning you could sport 3 bulletins of the same thing. like 3x 5% panther armor. the MOST broken triple bulletin was the american riflemen 10% veterency bonus. if you could somehow be lucky enough to get 3x 10% rifle vet bulletins you were giga-broken.
also it was mentioned that the tiger ace was free i think at like 18 CP, but it was triple star vet. so yeah, it was broken.
the most broken commander i can think of was (i cant think of the name off hand) a wehrmacht commander that had a skill you could apply veterency from 0 CP immediately from the start of the game for munitions. it was a set amount of XP for a cooldown. if you used it on a gren it would be 2 star right off the bat. you could use it once every 5 minutes or less, something like that. very broken.
there used to be no cap on the number of heavy tanks you could get. i remember games where i had 3 tiger tanks on the field.
there used to be cold weather maps. still to this day when you are upgrading the sturmp shreks it says its a cold weather package. on the cold weather maps blizzards came along and basically rekt the entire game for several minutes. you had to immediately run your troops near a fire or build one with engineers or they would die in like a minute. people hated it. it stopped games in their tracks, it was cool for a bout 2 games, then was annoying.
there was a bug in one patch once, where you could infinitely reinforce rear echelon squads. people were running around with 20+ men in one squad. in fact i made a video of a game i played of that.