and that doesn't means this gun is not a effective anti-tank weapon, it's an answer to the German Panther and Tiger Tank, and it has proved itself of capable destroying both Tiger and Panther, and it's frontal armor is impenetrable for Tiger I & Panther at point blank range.
please google before you write down "Not an anti-tank role" I just don't want replying the ignorance ppl's naive comment anymore
To quote wikipedia:
German Army data on the penetration ranges of the 122 mm A-19 gun against the Panther tank showed it to be much less effective when the Panther stood at a side angle of 30 degrees to the incoming round: the A-19 gun was unable to penetrate the glacis plate of the Panther at any distance, and could only penetrate the bottom front plate of the hull at 100 m.[4] It was the large HE shell the gun fired which was its main asset, proving highly useful and destructive in the anti-personnel role. The size of its gun continued to plague the IS-2, and the two-piece ammunition was difficult to handle and slow to reload (the rate of fire was only about two rounds per minute). Another limitation imposed by the size of its ammunition was the payload: only 28 rounds could be carried inside the tank.[5]
. The gun was very powerful, and while its 122 mm armour-piercing shell had a lower muzzle velocity than similar late-issue German 75 mm and 88 mm guns, Soviet proving-ground tests established that the A-19 could penetrate the front armour of the German Panther tank,[3] and it was therefore considered adequate in the anti-tank role.
True, It could maybe penetrate a panther. Nowhere in that article does it say it could penetrate a tiger (especially from the front).
And where on earth did you hear a tiger couldnt penetrate an is-2 at point blank range?
That is a ludicrous statement. Again, quoting wikipedia:
see the part on the Pzgr. 40 (APCR).
This round used in tigers could punch trhough
171mm sloped armor at 100 metres, and
123mm sloped armor at 1500 metres. The IS-2 had 120mm armour max. see earlier link on is-2. Thus a tiger could penetrate an is-2 at 1500 m.
So you my friend should also google before you post.
The IS-2 was able to kill tanks, sure it might be able to joust with a panther head on. But it was
not in any way a match for a standard tiger(nevermind KT) in battle. It was better suited as a breakthrough tank to kill infantry and entrenched positions.
The soviets had other hard counters to tigers in real life: ISU-152 (and SU-152 not in game currently). go google it.