All Commanders like all maps for MP should be free. If you want to charge for SP DLCs that's fine.
But introducing lame commanders for free and interesting ones with new units for $$$$ is just...
I'm kinda disappointed Relic.
Good guy bad guy Relic Kappa
I am dissapointed that the game has no lobby, no chat, *** replay system, no anti cheat, input lag, balance issues and no in game leaderboards, and they are releasing new content without fixing addressing that stuff first. It makes me feel as though they are short on money or have to prove to SEGA the game is still making money. - Yet we still have to buy DLC commanders
Edit: However one good thing is that tournament holders can still restrict specific commander usages, in which case one commander would be OP (which is probably going to happen) I love to see more content added to the game, sucks that we have to pay for it, when it should of been there in the first time we bought the game.
And where the hell are my fallschirm jaegers?