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New Commanders / Units discussion

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24 Sep 2013, 05:53 AM
avatar of McFly

Posts: 18



24 Sep 2013, 05:55 AM
avatar of Turtle

Posts: 401

I'm skeptical as anyone else, but I'd like to point out that these commanders still have just 5 abilities, most have 2-3 abilities we've seen before.

All abilities have costs.

There is going to be the initial period of learning to use, and play against, these new abilities. And I'm sure there's going to be the usual whiners.

But I'm willing to give it a fair shot of playing without.
24 Sep 2013, 05:57 AM
avatar of McFly

Posts: 18

RELIC AND SAGA IS DIGGING THEM SELF A HOLE. C&C general F2P is coming out and C&C devs says its not a P2W game.

even if C&C is P2W it AT LEAST IS F2P in the FIRST PLACE ANYWAY!!!!!
24 Sep 2013, 06:11 AM
avatar of 5thSSPzWiking

Posts: 135

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Sep 2013, 05:57 AMMcFly
RELIC AND SAGA IS DIGGING THEM SELF A HOLE. C&C general F2P is coming out and C&C devs says its not a P2W game.

even if C&C is P2W it AT LEAST IS F2P in the FIRST PLACE ANYWAY!!!!!

i never even heard about that. im definately getting in on that action.
24 Sep 2013, 06:41 AM
avatar of Spanky
Senior Strategist Badge

Posts: 1820 | Subs: 2

This might get me playing again.
24 Sep 2013, 07:09 AM
avatar of Le Wish
Patrion 14

Posts: 813 | Subs: 1

Seem really nice! Really like to see some new units that provides new ways to tackle the opponent and new meta evolve!
24 Sep 2013, 07:47 AM
avatar of hubewa

Posts: 928

At the end of the day, with more decisions like these, the only players left will be ppl who either pre-ordered or DLCs.

And lets say I pre-ordered.
24 Sep 2013, 07:55 AM
avatar of BabaRoga

Posts: 829

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Sep 2013, 07:09 AMLe Wish
Seem really nice! Really like to see some new units that provides new ways to tackle the opponent and new meta evolve!

Well, Be prepared for a lot of new cool units. Me, knowing a thing or two about Marketing can't imagine that guys at SEGA don't know thing or two about product development and product life cycle, etc.

You are going to get new, powerful and cool units. You are going to get Commanders that provide you with a lot of options and different ways to play.

Every new commander will be better than the last one, and every new unit will be 'must have' unit

Default commanders will become semi-obsolete and no one will want to use them...

Drawback is you have to pay for it. Personally, I don't mind paying if the game is good and balanced (not ridiculous prices and torrential rain of DLC)

Unfortunately, I cannot see how Relic will keep up with balancing the game and constantly introducing new units/commanders :unsure:
24 Sep 2013, 08:03 AM
avatar of BartonPL

Posts: 2807 | Subs: 6

Old commanders should also be reworked, it's true that all players that will have these commanders will use them because they are good all the time
24 Sep 2013, 08:25 AM
avatar of horsthimself

Posts: 56

you guys ever watched the stream? it was said that these commanders gain pre-orders and DCE

Not for multiplayer dude, see Noun´s post:

The maps are free.
The the 4 1941 Commanders will be free for multiplayer (the ones shown off on Thursday).
The Commanders shown off today will not be free.

24 Sep 2013, 08:33 AM
avatar of Strummingbird
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 952 | Subs: 1

Any comments on the new maps, Road to Kharkov in particular?
24 Sep 2013, 08:55 AM
avatar of cataclaw

Posts: 523

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Sep 2013, 05:57 AMMcFly
RELIC AND SAGA IS DIGGING THEM SELF A HOLE. C&C general F2P is coming out and C&C devs says its not a P2W game.

even if C&C is P2W it AT LEAST IS F2P in the FIRST PLACE ANYWAY!!!!!

Isn't it kinda obvious that SEGA believes CoH2 is dieing and trying to milk out some money from the dedicated fans? GL HF guys, fighting the same guy over and over again in matchmaking, after you've sit there for 10 minutes.

A bit sarcastic, however i am worried about the state of the game.
24 Sep 2013, 09:01 AM
avatar of Paranoia

Posts: 93

Cant agree more. What I dont understand is why they didnt include the new commanders in the Blue case pack to at least give some incentive to both SP and MP. Or even better, as some posted in this thread, it should be released free and once reworked they can charge for it. That way it is a more even playing field. Unfortunately I am like a cow's udder thus i will be milked :(
24 Sep 2013, 09:29 AM
avatar of Thrill
Donator 11

Posts: 300

All Commanders like all maps for MP should be free. If you want to charge for SP DLCs that's fine.
But introducing lame commanders for free and interesting ones with new units for $$$$ is just...
I'm kinda disappointed Relic.
24 Sep 2013, 09:33 AM
avatar of cataclaw

Posts: 523

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Sep 2013, 09:29 AMThrill
All Commanders like all maps for MP should be free. If you want to charge for SP DLCs that's fine.
But introducing lame commanders for free and interesting ones with new units for $$$$ is just...
I'm kinda disappointed Relic.

Good guy bad guy Relic Kappa

I am dissapointed that the game has no lobby, no chat, *** replay system, no anti cheat, input lag, balance issues and no in game leaderboards, and they are releasing new content without fixing addressing that stuff first. It makes me feel as though they are short on money or have to prove to SEGA the game is still making money. - Yet we still have to buy DLC commanders

Edit: However one good thing is that tournament holders can still restrict specific commander usages, in which case one commander would be OP (which is probably going to happen) I love to see more content added to the game, sucks that we have to pay for it, when it should of been there in the first time we bought the game.

And where the hell are my fallschirm jaegers?
24 Sep 2013, 09:48 AM
avatar of LeMazarin

Posts: 88

you guys are so poor you can buy a 1500dollar computer but cant add 5 dollar for a game u spent above 100 hours of play already? this is just pathtetic. divide ur freaking 5dollar per the ammount of hours u gonna spend and then tell me its too expensive!!! its just like 100x less expensive than going out with friends for party

The reason im not playing is I dont have fun atm so im waiting hoping next patches will make it better (and maybe for decay ladder to have something meaningfull) but complaining about DLC imbalances like MCFly does.... ROFL! what the point of posting hate CAPS replies except making you look like an idiot

Only thing I agree is that some of those DLC abilities should be in the game without commander (FHQ, sandbags) and why those commanders have brand new abilities when the other are kinda alll the same just differntly mixed??This game is kinda still in beta but nothing new from Relic tbh

P.S I have no clue how much can cost this DLC but cant be that expensiuve, at least less super boring SC2 expands that you are basically force to play if you wanna find opponents
24 Sep 2013, 10:12 AM
avatar of Paranoia

Posts: 93

you guys are so poor you can buy a 1500dollar computer but cant add 5 dollar for a game u spent above 100 hours of play already? this is just pathtetic. divide ur freaking 5dollar per the ammount of hours u gonna spend and then tell me its too expensive!!! its just like 100x less expensive than going out with friends for party

The reason im not playing is I dont have fun atm so im waiting hoping next patches will make it better (and maybe for decay ladder to have something meaningfull) but complaining about DLC imbalances like MCFly does.... ROFL! what the point of posting hate CAPS replies except making you look like an idiot

Only thing I agree is that some of those DLC abilities should be in the game without commander (FHQ, sandbags) and why those commanders have brand new abilities when the other are kinda alll the same just differntly mixed??This game is kinda still in beta but nothing new from Relic tbh

P.S I have no clue how much can cost this DLC but cant be that expensiuve, at least less super boring SC2 expands that you are basically force to play if you wanna find opponents

Its more about the principal of the matter
24 Sep 2013, 10:21 AM
avatar of sir muffin

Posts: 531

so these commanders are gonna be free? right?
relic, sega, comon' guys
24 Sep 2013, 10:30 AM
avatar of Ztormi

Posts: 249

Was just going to post that I like where this game is heading. Gonna eat my words if they are not free. Very disappointed.

Good guy bad guy Relic Kappa

I am dissapointed that the game has no lobby, no chat, *** replay system, no anti cheat, input lag, balance issues and no in game leaderboards, and they are releasing new content without fixing addressing that stuff first. It makes me feel as though they are short on money or have to prove to SEGA the game is still making money. - Yet we still have to buy DLC commanders

Couldn't agree more
24 Sep 2013, 10:56 AM
avatar of Caeltos

Posts: 72

They've already said regarding the leaderboards, it's abit of a collaboration with Valve. Same deal with the editors we're planning on getting eventually.

I'd rather want the stuff we get to be good, rather than half-baked rushed produdcts that fails to deliever to your consumers.

I've seen people nagging on wanting some more "VCOH" styled commanders, and here they are. You expected them to be free? Delusions of grandeur much. You reap what you sow.

On a good note, they said future-free commanders would have originality as well. And besides that, even existing commanders are extremely versatile and useful. There's a clear indication on the pros/cons between the commanders they've shown.

Its more about the principal of the matter

Principal? DLC is a common business model. Is it PAY 2 WIN? Who knows, so far the commanders are actually fairly well balanced out. Heck, give it a month or so until it settles in to make some verdict before jumping on the bandwagon of "Lolzpay2winz".
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