That's what im saying. Top players took a chance to stall for Tigers, which causes a hole in ost mid game. Ost is the easiest progressive faction but also dependent on not leaving a hole. So that explains the wc19 result for them. If they had played the ost way, perhaps and very likely % will be close to allies
Of course noobs like me, follow with heavy stalling in our random games.
This is provably false, using
the stats I linked before.
In total, there were 40 games with OST played. Of those 40 games, only 24 games had the OST player picking a doc with a Tiger in it, 4 games had no doc picked, and the remaining 12 games had docs picked
without Tigers. That gives us a 60% "Tiger Pick" rate. However, there's
much more to this.
From there, we can look at other information from the "teching" section of the stats page. Firstly, we need to acknowledge that for a player to "skip" a tier, they need to build a tier after it. If it's NOT built, then they can't be considered to have skipped the preceding tier, since the game had ended. This is important, because we can now see at what points in time OST games ended in.
T1 Built: 78% (31)
T1 Successfully Skipped: 15% (6)
T1 Failed to skip (3)
T2 Built: 80% (32)
This means 13% of all OST games (8) ended
before building T2.
Remaining games: 32
T2 built: 80% (32)
T2 Skipped: 0% (0)
T2 Built + Skip = 80% (32)
T3 built: 68% (27)
T3 Skipped for T4: 5% (2)
T3 Built + T3 Skipped: 73% (29)
This means that 7% of all OST games(3) ended between T2 and their next building (t3 or t4).
Remaining games: 29
So that means, out of the 40 total OST games, 29 were still active
after building T3 (or skipping to T4) - or 73%. Since we're only interested in T3, as your hypothesis is an under-utilization of it, we can then remove all the "skipped T3 for T4" games (2). That gives us 67.5% of OST games (27 out of 40) with T3 being built.
However, it also gives us the statistic that when OST players are given the opportunity to build T3, 84.4% (27 out of 32) did so.
Ok, but what was the actual
utilization of T3?
Out of 30 games, the P4 was built in 20 of them (28 times)
Out of 30 games, the STuG G was built in 10 of them (22 times)
Out of 30 games, the Ostwind was built in 3 of them (6 times)
I'm going to assume that the Ostwind wasn't built as a vehicle counter, so I'm going to ignore it. That leaves us with 20 P4 games and 10 StuG games. Unfortunately, I don't have the numbers from individual games, so I can't say what the overlap was between those two units (i.e. how often they were
both built in the same game). However, we know that the minimum is 20 games (entirely overlapped) and the maximum is 30 games (no overlap) - so let's take the average: 25 games. Similarly, we don't know the overlap between STuGs and P4s, but we know that a total of 50 were built.
So what's the conclusion?
Out of the 40 games played, OST players only had the opportunity to build T3 in 32 games (80%).
Out of those 32 games where OST players could build T3, they did so in 27 (84.4%).
On average, out of the 27 games where OST players did build T3, they built unit(s) from it in 25 games (92.6%).
On average, in those 25 games with T3 units, OST players built two tanks (P4s or STuGs, or a mix).
84.4% of players building two tanks from T3 is not taking a "chance to stall for Tigers, which causes a hole in ost mid game."
There was no hole.
Tigers were picked half of the time. Just over, 22 out of 43 games. In those 22 games, they won 11 times. In the other 21 games, without a tiger, they won 4.
Maybe they needed to t3 harder.
Evidently, they "T3'd pretty hard". It might be that T3 isn't all that great in late game (60 range TDs), and the Tiger is a strong crutch unit for the faction.