The bit about Atari is true. They were a mediocre developer though, making badly produced games and treating their customers like money trees, instead of trying to create a loyal fanbase. They died the moment the Bioware couldn't use the d20 license, and they thought they could handle it.
...They died since they were Infogrames. |
A PC Gamer that already spends $1500 in their PC's, but has to pay more due to manufacturing markets.If it is a $999 piece of hardware, that is running as good as a $1500 PC (and it is certainly possible), I'll put the money down.
Problem with this, is that it is rumors. Valv eisn't stupid, it would never put a $999 console to compete with $200-$400 consoles. PS3's and XBox console are actually worth about $1000-$1200 a piece (first generation), and they purposely shoot the price down to make them competitive. They only make games after their 3rd or 4th year, and only due to games.
Current technology trends have proven that people are willing to pay shitloads of money for shitty hardware: Tons paid $599 for an iphone, and then dislodged an additional $400-500 for an iPad, when the iPhone does exactly the same thing as an iPad, plus more. (that's over $999). The people paying this money isn't even using 50% of their purchase, but the marketing is so great, it works.
...Valve isn't stupid. It has maintained itself as a self published company, for a long time, in a very hostile environment. I'm giving them the benefit of doubt. |
I agree with what Kolaris stated, regarding the joy of watching your unit becoming superior with veterancy...
However, it was also horrible, watching your carefully preserved Ami unit die from a bad dice roll. Yes, it was a staple of the game, but it contradicted the whole concept of skill above luck in those rare bad luck instances (and those instances happening in a tournament could discourage e-sports).
I want those superior units in. I want my vet 3 grenadiers to annihilate another unit in the field, but I don't want something like Vet 3 rangers or snipers going around the map completely changing the entire meta-game.
You do realize its a binary result, right?
If you said they'd fold, and they didn't, you'd be another "doomsday guy in the street corner". If you said they'd fold and it actually happened, then you automatically become a "I told you so". Either way, it was speculative, no matter how much info you had in hand.
While I'm sure you've gotten opposition by naysayers, I am willing to agree with some of the other posters that it is the manner in which you present the information, which gives them the raised eyebrows.The whole "controversy for controversy's sake".
....a minute of silence for the Dodo....
[insert minute]
...and now, back to polluting the Earth with out computers! |
Agreed. Hard facts, are hard facts, whether one likes to read/hear them or not.
Fact: THQ has been on the downside for a long time now, sometimes slowly and very rapidly recently. Then again a lot of companies have been on the downside in this industry for quite a while. That was part of the surprise when Schafer managed to get Kickstarter funding, it opened a new opportunity for struggling companies (and it is now dwindling, btw).
I will disagree when anybody says a "company lied to them". I could be enraged at Relic for putting its own internal DRM requiring an internet connection after OF when, during 1.7 and before, you didn't even need a game disc (at least I didn't), but the truth is it was more f a childish complaints than anything.All companies, and I mean absolutely all of them, oversell their products. They put extra sugar in their marketing campaigns, they put hide their product's weakness, etc. Its part of the business competition.
So maybe CoH2 comes out, and maybe it doens't get all the patch support we expected. I am still buying it. Not because I'm a fanboi (and I am a Relic fan), but because its a game I am curious about. I know there are possible risks and I am still willing to take them.As far as the meat of the Topic: THQ is in financial freefall and spinning out of control hard. Doesn't mean they can't recover in some shape or another.
This community is not together because of THQ... but one of the products they put money on.
thanks for your long winded agreement.
can DirectX9 power EE3?
iow , does it run on XP?
It wasn't an agreement per se. It simply stated an engine has some value, but not even close to as much as you paint it to in this case. Some will get the point, others won't. Its a discussion, not a debate or competition.
EE3 can run in dx9 afaik yeah. I don't know if it runs on XP.
The system requirements don't state Windows XP as a supported OS, but given the other requirements, its not entirely impossible that it can run it. One should not complain if the game CTD's on a Widows XP OS, though. |
I bet those Dodos were delicious. The good thing is, once the Dodos were gone, there were still millions of other delicious substitutes to them.
Enter: chicken. |
That is mere speculation, can't be written in stone.
The likes of the three giants(EA, Activision, Ubisoft) have absolutely no need for a new engine. They can either engineer it if its worth the cost, or purchase a license. They have them by the dozen, depending on the type of game. There's no reason you couldn't adapt CoH into the Frostbite engine, for instance. Its not the same, but its also not impossible.
Also, companies like EA have been known to purchase a studio and simply "merge" it. Sometimes the name is retained, sometimes they merge it into something new, or something existing and the past name is forgotten (Westwood comes to mind, but there's others many don't even remember).
The reality is that customers/gamers don't buy games based on the engine. Its selling point to techies, but Battlefield 3 didn't sell because it had the Frostbite engine. It sold because it had Battlefield written all over it. Company of Heroes is not going to sell because of the essence engine directly, either, although saying the new engine brings snow effects and deformable snow is a selling point, it doesn't require the essence engine to do it.
Most gamers/investors brag about superior graphics here or there, but most don't even understand the inner working of ambient occlusion, global illumination, normal, specular and parallax mapping, well rigged inverse kinematics, etc. That's for the nerdiest artists, not the end-customer.
That's not to say Essence Engine is useless (not at all), it could be insanely profitable to tech companies and a high point for a sale if it is THAT amazing, but consider there's a lot of stuff being licensed such as CryEngine, Unreal Engine, Scaleform, Bink Video, etc.
I have no idea on the specifics of the EE, but suffice to say that it seems to be what Relic needs to develop their vision for CoH, and that suffices me, as a customer. |
triple chalupa wire anyone?
Awesome player. |