Overall I think OCF has been a fantastic thing for this (dying) community.
Slightly off topic but:
Stop with the negative waves man
Steam stats do not agree the community is dying. In fact the figures for people playing are looking as good or better compared to any period except the first 2 months in 2013 and that's looking before the bump provided by Brit launch and presumably the tournament.
Nothing too dramatic but numbers have been holding steady for two years and had gradually risen recently with strong monthly average, 24 hour peaks and monthly peak figures compared to the last 24 months. My personal view is that we are seeing older COH1 players who were turned off by it trying it again and seeing the huge changes towards all the things they wanted in the first play (i.e. more like COH1 with light vehicle play, less rng, more options throught eh techning changes and less cheese like flamer M3's plus better support and communication) I think the prize pool has also helped, pulling in Aimstrong and other lapsed top players - I see Rodgers and Pounder are casting again. On the weekend the tournament made the front page of twitch.
We may in months to come see the game go ftp and that also offers the opportunity to pull in more numbers. In summary I think the game is in the best place its ever been for both numbers and community and is more likely to grow (modestly) than shrink or die (which is a melodramatic thing to say).
You're complaining that the alleged lack of transparency is a lost opportunity for promotion but also talking down the game based on a slightly shaky premise.
On the other hand I do hope Ami will be declaring this income in his tax return!