with LEFH nerf is really hard to counter mortar HM, and katyusa range that goes far away,
A poor mate cant get used to with the fact that the game have to move away from 1 click and fu*k all allies indirect unit.
On the other hand, The British have fought again support weapons spam without any stock mobile indirect or rocket arty for more than haft of a decade by now, you know. And event if they pick doc, they got shitty one like us mortar clone or landmattress.
Talking of winrate, axis still remain the upphand, at least in team game, dispite all the allies ,"buff".
Op, why you complaint about volk? They are among the most self sufficient manline, and if anything, ober exist. Team game as okw, at least in lower rank, is like ez mode, every match is almost the same, someone pick elite armoured and the ST delete anything that have legs while dual rak and tank with heat delete anything that have wheel. Event when allies managed to win a long match, it is a mentally torture with all the struggle when you have to see your units disappear one by one. Just stop.