Werhmact are painful enough to play against without boosting their infantry. Just continue to spam your mgs and mortars till you get a panther and be happy. |
Just like no one plays FPS because they want to shoot up a school. No one plays COH because of WW2.
It is because the mechanics of the games work the best using the human interface for that genre.
FPS move forward and mash shoot button. This mechanic is simple and anyone can immediately grasp the concept. Wolfenstein to Quake to Fortnight everyone gets it and it feels right.
Side scrollers like Mario, work great on keyboard or controller. Move left or right, mash jump button. Hit head or jump and get immediate feedback and interaction with the world.
COH works because WW2 was a clear cut, good vs evil scenario. As said war sucks balls and no one wins. However, the weapons were modern enough to be interesting, but not modern enough to be ridiculous sci-fi garbage. You got guys with rifles. Guys with MGs. Mortars. AT guns. Anyone can figure out what is happening on the screen without reading a manual or having a friend describe that the big orc guys spray juice on people if they are yellow. So in this case teh mechanical interface is not simple. But the pieces you interact with make sense and are not ridiculous. Most of us also grew up with the plastic little green army men so it is ingrained in us 
Well you say it was a clear cut good vs evil scenario (and to me personally it seems like that) but from what i have gathered from peoples responses that dividing line between good and evil was not as clear as we like to think, from the atrocities of the soviet union to the atomic bombing by America. But i agree, mens fascination with the war stems from playing with soldiers as kids and all the glamorous Hollywood movies we all loved growing up. War is ingrained into us and i guess has been since the dawn of civilisation.
I am Russian - I play for the Soviet Union. It's simple. And I like the look of Soviet tanks and weapons - they are very beautiful.
This is how i feel when i knock out Soviet armour with my Shermans
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WZbnMf13D0 |
Lol, killed because he is a Jew. Stalin killed Trotsky and killed a bunch of senior officials and the military - because he was paranoid and afraid of a coup, although there was no Trotsky conspiracy.
You also ignore the fact that the Holocaust is not the murder of Jews. This is the murder of all those races that were considered inferior: Belorussians, Russians, Ukrainians, Polyaks, Gypsies were also killed. The Encyclopaedia of Genocide estimates the number of victims of the Slavic genocide, the citizens of the USSR, at 15.5–19.5 million people. Rummel believes that about 3 million Ukrainians died, about 1.4 million Belarusians, about 1.6 million Russians (not counting Soviet prisoners of war). The historian Bohdan Wytwycky believes that more than a quarter of all victims of the Nazi occupation of the USSR (in particular, 3 million Ukrainians and 1.5 million Belarusians) were destroyed on racial grounds.
So does any of that factor into your morale compass when playing the game? |
American Soldiers also commited a lot war crimes during the Vietnam War, does that mean the whole U. S. Army was a bunch of murderers and hated Vietnamese people?
I didn't say there were all murderers, i said they were national socialists. Their interpretation of its policies varied between person to person i'm sure and of course there were good Germans, having said that the Wermacht as an organization did let a lot of military bad practice go on. But like you said, so did a lot of armies in wartime especially against Nemesis countries, so I will stop singling them out.
The war was so long ago and their has been so much propaganda since, the modern generation have become quite detached from the realities of the war and so many WW2 films have glamorised it like inglorious basterds and Fury. Are you telling me you did not play Rifle company after watching the Easy 8 knock out the Tiger in Fury. |
Killing German units is satisfying espiecialy when u know what they done to your country for me its dishonorable to play axis but its just me. There is a dispute in my home about that because my father http://www.companyofheroes.com/leaderboards#profile/steam/76561198150228534/standings
play only axis and i only alies. Anyway its really funny to see 55 years old man playing video games.
Its true. I love killing Nazi's there is no greater thrill then knocking out German armour  |
just shows you that every nation does not act morally.
i mean the fact alone you decided to mention nazis and not soviets (so many more died due communism).
if we go for your high morally standards you cant play any history game at all(well you can play, but you are not allowed to have fun :^))
Well obviously i mentioned Nazi's first because of the holocaust. Having said that the soviet union was bad to Jews as well, Stalin had Trotsky assassinated because he was of Jewish decent and a lot of minorities were tortured at the Gulags and many uprisings brutally put down over the years.
I tend to forget about British imperialist policies too, which at some time or another has persecuted many minorities. The atomic bomb was horrific and unnecessary as-well. The whole war was so surreal, full of depravity and barbarism. Hence the thread.
I guess all countries are scum. The best thing you can do is cultivate some sort of development individually and personally. Nationalism always ends in tears. |
I personally find wrong to play as USF that is the only nation that has dropped not 1 but 2 Atomic on civilian targets.
i cant play UKF for that reason. So many have suffered or died under the british empire.
That is true. All sides were guilty of some kind of war crime. |
People play this game because they want to have fun. There are no underlying motives or ethics.
Go somewhere else with your SJW bullshit please.
Hey i'm not trying to kill the party, i love this game and i'm fascinated with WW2 like alot of people.
I was just wondering if people ever had any reservations about simulating what was quite a controversial war |
Lmao it's not like you can play the SS in this game and slaughter some civilians. And I think you watched too many american WW2 movies if you think that Wehrmacht soldiers were nazis (or most of them), it's just retarded af
Of course they were all national socialists, they were passionate about Hitler and the expansion of the fatherland, it's what drove their great military successes and legendary resolve and morale.
The Wehrmacht although not as bad as the SS weren't innocent, they were brutal to Russian civilians.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_of_the_Wehrmacht |