Should make it a free targeted ability once it's upgraded.
20 second cooldown.
Requires just as much micro from the user as the guy on the receiving end. Nerfs blobbed REs. Seriously, 2 RE with nades and one rifleman to protect them is massively cancerous.
Auto-firing grenades on infantry is a really awful precedent to set. Can you give a reason why this ability should be the only ability that auto fires? It was different when they were locked to the fighting pit. Make this a free targeted ability so it actually involves some skill.
I agree except that instead of a free ability, it should be a 1 for 1 copy of the Ostheer rifle grenade in every regard except no impact detonation. This way it still achieves the design function of being a building clearing weapon pack.
At the current damage, even as a free ability, there really isnt any reason to take it seriously if you're only firing one every 20 seconds. Could reduce the package price a bit since you'll be paying munitions for each shot.