Have you ever used the P47 strafing? It is utterly garbage. Please rethink also, who the hell would have the fuel to get all of those out? You need 2 max tanks type no more. |
You deliberately chose a map which at least 90% of the community acknowledges to be favourable to Ost due to the abundance of long-ranged engagements.
1st engagement was 2 Gren squads vs one Rifle squad trying to flank a HMG.
2nd engagement was Grens in cover vs Riflemen charging across red cover.
Cherry-picking bad engagements is obviously the only way you can support your argument, since the stats are totally against you.
It is true what you are saying, but why is there a map where USF has no chance to win unless your opponent is trash? Every time you find your self in a long range engagement with rifles vs grens RM lose. Late game RM outshine grens, but before you will get there you will would have already lost the game. If your Light vehicles sucks as USF and your infantry is worse than enemy's for about 5-10 mins of the game, how can you win a game?
The problem is bigger in 2v2s, where you have to get at least one fuel point. I don't know the solution, because every suggestion ends with "it would be op", "don't you remember X years ago they were OP", "your infantry can't be good against everything", "double bar 3 vet rifles are op".
I found the only real solution = stop playing USF and go for Soviets. For Mother Russia!!! |
I said bleeding more mp means you lost engagements. If you lose lots of Riflemen and your opponent loses very few Grenadiers, your play is likely to be the problem. I don't even know how you can claim that isn't true.
At no point did I ever say "Grens were bad" or "People don't build Grens". I don't know what the garden you're talking about because my post was about basic game concepts which CODGUY doesn't understand. Apparently, neither do you. If you lose lots of troops and your opponent doesn't, you lose more MP than him.
That is not true. If you put grens vs rifleman on a fair 1v1 grens will lose 2 models and rifleman 3 before the retreat kicks in. A lot of times in game lmg42 grens with 30% hp start retreating with 3 models still alive. (Or maybe i am the unlucky one?) Most of the times you lose a model before rifleman get to medium range and start doing dmg. Thats why you bleed less mp with grens. Unless you go point blank vs rifleman, then thats a different story.
Apart from discussion both are balanced, cause if RM flank grens they are just wrecking them. The topic is about Volks that shouldn't have sandbags so early. I love the idea below:
And volks to lose their capacity to build sandbag, or to have it behind T1 or T2 or vet1 but no more like it is today.
The definition of bias:
"Riflemen are so bad because they cost so much to reinforce. Grens too gud."
Meanwhile grens are sitting pretty with 30 MP reinforce costs.
Meanwhile grens are sitting pretty with 4 model squads.
Meanwhile grens are sitting pretty with facing higher count squads with superior received accuracy.
Meanwhile grens are sitting pretty in t1 compared to t0.
But i guess since they upgrade in the field that makes them OP
LOL, when you retreat grens you have like 1/4 hp and 3 models alive. Rifles loses at least 2 or 3 before retreat. T1 is up in the first minute of the game dude and you always build it, so that is ridiculous point. Grens mg has really good accuraccy, so they kill 1 model before you can get to them. Not to mention gren blobs. In addition they get nades and pfaust without teching them. Don't complain they are bad please |
I agree with you, but do you realize how easy it is for volks to have access to sandbags. You can't just have your mortar going all over the map. Even if you build a mortar, you got one less combat effective squad vs okw. When you barrage them behind cover, they can just simply move away,and your mortar is useless. On the hand, if OKW decided to blob at your cutoff, you are not going to win the engagement with one indirect fire unit.
This and the solution would be not to buff rifles, but to nerf Volks by taking away the sandbag ability. Make it vet1 or just move sandbags to Sturmpios. This would solve the issue with charging into green covered Volks, without gc they will lose with RM like they should. |
There is one that gives it to Echelons. It doesn't matter if its a Rifle or an RE, a flamethrower decimates units in buildings. In addition, if you also tech nades, your RE's get smokes as well. Otherwise do that with your mortar.
I don't get the point what flamers on riflemen should provide except for making the strongest AI standard inf even stronger. We had that a while ago and it was simply ridiculous.
It seems like you search all you answers in improving rifles to the point were they can handle every other unit. But that is not the point of this game. Even USF needs (a smaller) amount of combined arms. AT guns and MGs HELP but are not necessarily needed. You can wreck AI and AT with your weapons upgrade, but way less consistent.
I know that there is one that give it to RE. Teching nades early game is risky unless you want to die vs LV.
I also see that you are an OKW player and I am USF player (new one to coh2 true, but not that bad at RTS games). Maybe you are right i seek answers only through rifleman. I got to try RE with flamethrower. It would be really good commander if they gave it sandbags for Rifles in the revamp  I only struggle against OST mg since it is first unit they build.
Supposedly Riflemen are better than Grens (although I have my doubts as to whether that's actually true all things considered) but that doesn't mean much. USF has to tech to grenades to deal with the damn things if they're in buildings and if you do that expect your opponent to be rolling out a Panzer 4 before you get your inferior Sherman on the field because its going to put you way behind due to the excessive cost of the grenade unlock.
If you put them 1v1 without vet and upgrades rifleman win easily. However, that never happens in real game and grens have nade that insta blows your squad if you are in cover ( and they don't need to buy upgrade for that). So on paper rifles are better, but you need a lot of awareness vs grens.
About volks, i generally think they are better(cheaper, upgrade outside of base etc.) Basically 90% from there is true VOLKS BEAT RIFLES
Don't forget to mention p4 beats sherman 1v1 and after vet 2 p4 is unstoppable for sherman. The other problem would be 2x panzershreck on panzergrens, but nobody uses them so i don't mind |
Maybe the usf should get free squads when they tech up to help accommodate diversifying their BO. I mean sure the mortar will force things out of garrisons and provide smoke for mgs out of them but really if you can't just spam rifles to make your problems disappear are you really playing USF?
fun fact tho! Just like how the usf pay mp for their mortar Ost ALSO pays mp for theirs! So they Also impact their field presence by building one. Although they also need a unit to build their base and don't get free squads when they do it.
I know that they pay mp too... I am talking about 2v2+ here. The thing i was trying to say is that they hold the key point from the start and if you buy mortar to shoot the house they buy theirs to counter yours, so unless you manage to force the mg out before enemy mortar comes it is really hard for me to win engagements. Maybe my problem is that i should buy a mortar before i can see him in a house if i know the map is like that? But then it will get flanked easily :/
So what you are saying is that it's imbalanced that USF, instead of just building a rifleman blob, has to get a support unit because it's unfair that a machine gun is able to hold out ( as it's meant to do)
I hate to break it to you, you don't get to counter stuff for free.
Excuse me mg42 gren blobs? not to mention riflenade w/o upgrading 150mp 25fuel On 2v2 and higher it is way harder to flank mg than in 1v1 where all of this is not a problem. OKW faces the same problem, but can deal with it with flamenade. Thats why i would like to see at least a doctrine that gives flamethrower to rifleman. |
The difference is that Captain don't have granades and LT does, Captain on the other hand has On Me! which is amazing, cause you can get your rifles out of suppression. Also LT starts with a bar, so he is stronger.
As for the veterancy:
Unlocks the 'On me' ability
-15% weapon cooldown, -29% received accuracy, -15% reload speed
+30% accuracy, Passive Sprint
-10% received accuracy
-25% weapon cooldown, -29% received accuracy
Passive Sprint, +30% accuracy
The thompson dude have the same stats. |
Mechanized Company
I really dislike this entire doctrine to be honest. WC 51 and Mortar Ht can be decent BUT everything else basically flat out sucks and is fuel based. M5 with Assault Engineers is meh at best. 76 Sherman isn´t even a real upgrade to the regular Sherman.
0 CP - Sherman Easy 8 (because it´s a real upgrade instead of 76 Sherman)
0 CP - WC 51
2 CP - Mortar HT
4 CP - Combined Arms of Heavy Cav
8 CP - M83 Cluster Mines of Recon Support Company (needed as a option to clear out AT guns and MGs)
I like this one, but i would change M83 Cluster Mines to Artilery Barrage from I&R Pathfinders for 140 munitions, since it has really good wipe potential and mines sometimes leave 1 guy alive. |