lmg grenblobs not viable
stg volkblobs nerfed this patch
tommybrenblobs nerfed this patch
rifle barblobs bacuse they are USF
LMG grenblobs arent viable when shot with HE* and are getting a serious buff this patch
stg volksblobs got a 10mp starting cost nerf... while conscripts had a 125mp 25 fuel starting cost nerf to their viability
tommy brenblobs kinda deserved it.. though are still deadly in cover
rifle barblobs well... USF
Because soviet have many other option like Penal
again T1 only... leaving T2 in the dust
and doctrinal
and they do not need conscripts blobs on top of all the other options.
right because penal spam must be the only viable technique outside of doctrines...
guards/ppsh/SVT... the other viable soviet builds are all doctrinal... but hey T2 being completely useless as an opening build is fine because penals are soo good >.>
Because the Soviet faction regardless of your claims does not seem to be UP
the faction isnt UP if taken from a T1 perspective... but fails horribly at T2 oriented plays... have you ever seen a stock conscript + T2 build work in the tournament? they mostly FAIL... or perform horribly...