Any update yet?
This map does a good job of balancing buildings without physically mirroring them. The building layout seems to possibly favor the south as far as distance to important buildings. But the north building group seems stronger and would favor the north a little. So there is a lot of subtle balancing going on. Mostly done with sight blockers to the key points around the buildings. Which is my next point: there are enough sight blockers around that the buildings are not strong enough to want to camp in them. They are too easy to flank and do not cover enough terrain to be worth camping in. In 2v2s, the strong cutoffs force most of the game play around the center of the map. It will be very interesting to see how flanks work when more players are on the map.
1. As a player, when I see long hedgerows like these I am not sure if there is barbwire fencing inside of the hedges. So it is not obvious that I can walk thru these lines. Could leave little gaps here and there as visual cues to players that they can cross these hedges. The barb wire exists in other places on the map and is usually easily visible (good job).
2. The mirrored buildings on the edges of the maps are not balanced. I would remove this hedge sight blocker. In 2v2 these buildings probably do not see much play. But in 3v3 they may become important MG strongholds to guard artillery pieces.
3. I think the minimap shows a building here (YELLOW BOX).
As I keep saying, I cant wait to play this in 3v3