It's a slow moving light vehicle that has to stop and setup, i.e. extremely vulnerable to everything.
It delays armor, it attracts light tanks like a lamp attracts moths, and it requires flawless micro.
So with all this in mind, what possible justification did anyone have to overnerf it into its current state?
Built one in a recent match and watched it pummel a single infantry unit for two volleys without suppressing it.
Two volleys without suppressing. In what world is that in any way balanced?
Was it balanced when it suppressed units within the first two-three shots out of a single volley? No.
Is it balanced now that it can't suppress units with two volleys? Clearly, also no.
So I suppose the question is: how long will the OKW Flak Half-track be the scape goat victim of overnerfing, like so many other units before it? |
-Now spawn with Grenadier Kar98ks; can upgrade to MP40s for free. 15 second upgrade time in order to require more strategic deployment.
Pretty much the perfect solution.
Retains the often desired ability to spawn out of a building, garrison it, and fire at range from it into enemies' backs, while also offering the ability to rush from behind with SMGs.
Just one question: can the upgrade be initialized while in a building? |
Thread: OKW UP?26 Sep 2018, 16:41 PM
Volks can solo riflemen at long ranges... sturms win vs riflemen at close ranges... kubels can inflict bleed without taking losses... volks can make sandbags while rifles cant (unless doc)...use ur advantages
Stop using "can beat enemies at long range" as an argument...
All Allied squads (even the four-man British squads, somehow) can close in directly into enemy fire without losing a single model, get into the same cover as an Axis unit, and wipe the Axis unit.
In a game where units can't see more than five feet over an open field due to some kind of congential pseudo-blindness and where Allied infantry is allowed to ignore enemy fire while having the "advantage" of winning in close range against every enemy unit, units that have slightly higher accuracy at range are not advantaged in any way -- if they dealt extremely lethal, high DPS at long range, forcing Allied infantry to flank and use line of sight for fear of being shredded within half a second of being exposed to long range fire (same way Axis infantry is shredded within half a second of being exposed to Allied close range fire), then you'd have an argument, but that's not how it works. |
The lines when you set up an AT gun is the firing arc. If you are outside of that it can't shoot you (this rule doesn't apply to machine guns for some reason) after you take the first hit, move OUT of the arc instead of remaining in it, your units will survive much longer. Exit arc stage left, not backwards. You can thank me later for revolutionizing you game experience.
Unless the halftrack got some kind of speed buff added to the flame upgrade that I'm not aware of, it isn't capable of moving out of an AT gun's arc of fire in time to avoid the second hit even if it starts moving within half a second after being hit due to its horrific acceleration, nightmarish turn speed (which comes into play unless you miraculously give a move order directly in front or behind, which barely ever happens) and low movement speed overall. |
Give them cache-destroying nades, Teller Mines, and maybe booby traps at Vet 1 or something.
For a "defensive" faction, having literally only one unit (that is 100% not combat viable) have anti-tank mines is actually absurd when you think about it. Need more mining options, and a "behind the lines" sabotage unit is the perfect opportunity to do just that. |
Well, then I fail to see the problem.
Two units can both have the same weapons but vastly different support abilities.
The flame grenades are weird, but they could have all sorts of abilities like mines, booby traps, smoke, flares, you name it -- then you have a close range assault and support unit that doesn't interfere with Panzer Grenadiers who have bundle grenades and 2x Panzerschrecks.
Maybe just don't give Stormtroopers Panzerscheck upgrade at all. But whatever the final version, there's plenty of variety to be had through availability of abilities and upgrades. I think the people claiming they'll be too similar to Panzer Grenadiers no matter what are overexaggerating. |
Wait, people actually invest 90 munitions into a vehicle that dies to two AT gun hits and can't move fast enough to avoid the second AT gun hit after the first lands even at max AT gun range?
I always thought people bringing up "but the flame halftrack" as some kind of argument about Ostheer's T2 being potent was a joke/troll. |
I don't think it's ever going to be touched, Wehr has a lot of over the top stuff that's been unchanged for years, sadly.
It's really funny when their vehicles can blitz on reverse and pop ninja smoke though.
The reverse Blitz makes no sense, and I don't get why it hasn't been removed.
The smoke is by no means "over the top" though. Smoke isn't an invincibility shield. And it affects the user's sight as well. It's a balanced ability. |
Wait, so the MP40s they're getting ARE the utter trash MP40s that Assault Grenadiers have??
Either give them the same weapon potency as Panzer Grenadiers and replace bundle grenades with a bunch of different utility abilities, or don't change their weapons at all.
Assault Grenadiers are trash because MP40s are trash. We don't need yet another unit with the single worst weapon in the entire game.
Of course, you COULD buff MP40s across the board, but I guess Ostheer isn't allowed to have the same kind of close range potency that Allies get (running across an open field into enemy fire, getting into the same cover as the enemy rifle unit, and wiping the rifle squad) because of the absurd faction "role" system and how Ostheer is supposedly "defensive" (in a game where units can't see five feet over an open field and thus can never fire at max range). |
Quick Question about the 250 changes.
250 Half-track (Replaces Infantry Doctrine Artillery Officer)
-210 manpower and 20 fuel.
-Comes with a 251 style MG and gains shared veterancy.
-Veterancy similar to the 222 except it gains +10 sight instead of 'Infantry Awareness'.
-New ability - Dig-In - Immobilizes the half-track, but reduces damage by 50%, increases range by 10, and grants moderate weapon suppression.
-Changes affect the half-tracks in Mechanized Assault Groups for Mechanized and Mechanized Assault doctrines; they still come with infantry.
Is the assault groups prices going to stay the same? Cause imo now this is going to be a very good value 
If Mechanized Grens or PGrens get a price INCREASE above what they already have, they'd be basically impossible to field even if they were buffed to Tiger Ace levels. |