It's EXACTLY the same in CoH2 but you need to mirco it yourself.
Good luck losing every engagement with an HMG because you clicked on empty ground and caused the HMG squad to tear down instead of retargeting.
At no point should an extremely vulnerable setup squad that requires precise positioning and actually helps enemies it suppresses take less damage require manual retargeting, where each click has a too-high-to-be-worthwhile chance of causing the team to tear down and forced to retreat or be immediately slaughtered.
This happens all the time to everyone. I've murdered enemy HMG squads who accidentally tore down instead of retargeting (it was obvious the player was trying to target my squads on the opposite side of the arc from my currently suppressed squad), have had mine forced off while at full health, etc. all because of this absurd approach to suppression.
The very concept of suppression fire is that you're laying down imprecise fire across whatever area you believe enemies to be in to prevent them from firing back. A machine gun crew trying to snipe a single soldier (or squad) while a dozen squads are rushing at it along open ground is idiotic both in game mechanics terms and immersion terms and every other imaginable terms.