Makes perfect sense. Increased range on abilities... it's not even unique, we've got it on the Pfussies.
Also, tell me again how this 3.75 range increase you literally learned about today is OP, huh? How many games do you think you lost or won because of this broken stat thats been in the game for fucking forever, huh? And you wanted to talk about ignorance? Why don't you take a break on this one.
So why is the balance team reducing Stuart aim time then?
I could say the same:
"How many games do you think you lost or won because of this broken stat thats been in the game for fucking forever, huh?"
I tell you why: Because these things make no sense at all and should be "normalized". I have been saying that Panzerfüssiliers need to lose the insane snare range too. So why should I not ask the same for Riflemen??