Just go in-game and check it out for yourself like I did and then report back to what you found out.
I can't believe someone can really be that ignorant. Riflemen don't get a vet 3 snare range increase as I showed you with screenshots. The reason for this is not because I said so but because the game is like that. I am not rude either, you are just unbelievably ignorant and just dismiss in-game realities for no reason. It's like trying to tell someone 2+2 =4 and they keep saying it's 5 for no reason.
I literally just tested this on the test range map and it worked exactly as I expected. I will come back and edit this post with pictures in a minute. It seems they do not save when I exit to windows or something, but I will PrintScreen them if I have to. I'm not sure what you must have been doing wrong but I will assume for your benefit you did not deliberately fake your images just to look correct.
The only other thing I can think of is you spawned the riflemen in with the spawner and their vet then did not work for whatever reason. I have been doing these tests with riflemen built from barracks - not that it should make any difference - and every single time the ability range has increased once they hit vet 3.
EDIT: Images in. Took several to highlight the bonus.
This shows the radius of a vet 1 and vet 3 rifle nade attack side by side.

If that is not convincing enough, these two show before and after vet 3 in the same squad without any camera movement.

The bonus is even evident when firing the rifle grenade. Note each bar denotes 5 range.
(Open image in a new window if you are having difficulty seeing the rifle grenade: it has been fired and is in flight in this image.)
I'm not going to lie man, I kind of want an apology. You shouldn't treat people like they're a fucking idiot just because you can't accept something. I really hope you didn't fake your test. The only thing I can say is maybe you didn't think to deselect and reselect the squad to make sure it updated the radius on your screen, but I like to think anybody would have known to do that to make sure.
Final verdict: Riflemen get a 25% range increase on the snare in live game and that is an absolute fact backed up by both gameplay and game stats.
It's incredibly sad that this actually makes me worry that this apparently completely unknown stat will suddenly become a topic of outrage amongst axis mains now.