The tiger and the is2 vet about the same.
as i told you it was a pleasure to get it to vet3.
You are actually contradicting yourself, in order for the IS-2 to vet "verry quickly" it has to do damage and allot of it.
to get veterancy you have to pass an ammount of experience. now that is so low that it happens fast.
or am i wrang here.
this doesn't mean the IS2 doesn't need a buff.
it surely needs an accuracy buff and scatter buff. |
the IS2 is not that great. i've used it a couple times now and it keeps dissapointing me. i would like to see it buffed aswel. the IS2 misses way to much of its shots and if it hits a tank you have more chance it's gonne be a bounce then a pen(not true ofcourse, but it wil still bounce alot.), it misses infantry all the time aswel. i hear people complaining about other heavies wiping their infantry but the is2 doesn't even hit. you could argue that the veterancy does alot but even veterancy doesn't make it better.
i had an IS2 go to vet3 verry quickly but it doesn't do shiet. the only thing i see good about this tank is that it vets super fast, but the veterancy is useless.
BTW: tiger is great. i used that thing got it to vet3 with pleasure and it was so effective
i want its accuracy buffed, and i want its scatter buffed
maybe look at its veterancy aswel |
Either sounds good. If there was a way to combine a strafing run that tags tanks, that'd be pretty cool.
The problem is that the M10 has a use, but it's tied behind Armor Company, which has several deadweight abilities. And yeah, I greatly preferred it when the M10 was a call-in, mostly because it was a viable stop gap between Captain and Major. Now it's basically a turreted Stug.
As for using it over a Jackson, it's about two thirds the cost and just as effective against medium tanks. I'm also totally behind the idea of letting it be built if you have the Lieutenant + Captain teched (i.e. two USF base buildings).
I've tried using the AAHT against the luch, but its a stalemate at best. The Luch has light tank armor and a Stuart or 57mm is really needed to reliably counter them.
As for a special AT gun, you could honestly reuse the Recon Company airdropped AT gun group for the special zooks as well. Comes out at 4CP as well.
i just wanne say something about the AAHT. if i mean you can beat the luchs with AAHT. i don't mean they win 1vs1. but with good micro you can still win that fight. the stuart is a good counter but becomes useless IMO just cause it isn't good enaugh vs inf. it doesn't have that t70 effect  . i don't get where you go to with the stuart aswel. as you want the ATGUN in the commander but teching CPT makes it useless. that's why i say the ATGUN is useless in this commande, you have an m10 wich i prefer to be made after CPT AND LT is teched, but if you still need major it's ofcourse a decent idea but makes m10 useless. i don't know what they were thinking when they tied the m10 to major, but it was AGAIN not what should've happend. |
The way actual US tank destroyer units were supposed to act was as a counter attack unit sent to engage enemy tanks that had made a breakthrough by moving quickly from a rear area to intercept the break through unit and ambush it and/or counter assault into it. So M1 ATGs and the Riflemen field defenses represent the first part while M10s and M8s are the second part. I’d prefer the M10 to be a call in, but currently the game uses it as a buildable Major tier unit, so I put it in as that. A tank detection ability to replace the air recon would be fine though, but I think air recon is more USF style. A mark target ability similar to Soviets is a neat idea, but change it so the P-47s strafe the tank repeatedly with MGs causing some damage to light vehicles but stunning tanks while giving sight to ground forces but no extra penetration or bonus damage like the Soviet version. This strafe would not target infantry, but would damage and suppress infantry if they were too close to the tank being attacked.
m10 should be a call in that's only possible to use if for instance captain is teched or LT maybe both. making the m10 a call in thogether with the lower tech will give it its use back. nobody uses the m10 anymore cause jackson is just way better. in other words m10 is useless for the moment.
btw read above. this might help a bit aswel. |
Not really. The M10, given that it arrives at 0CPs, is the version that's buildable at the Battalion building which requires Major. And the overlapping AT is still necessary, since the the mid-game gap where light vehicles reign supreme still requires the AT gun.
yea and who uses an m10 over a fucking jackson? like i don't see the logic of getting the major and then making an m10 when there's a jackson i can get. this is where it all goes wrang. i'm saying i want the LT and CPT teched or atleast one of them before the m10 comes on, and make the cp's higher so it obviously wont come in the first min... you can counter tanks like luchs in other ways even by using the AAHT, an ATGUN isn't even the most effective way cause luchs and such are to mobile while the ATGUN isn't... ofcourse i like the idea, but i'd put the 'special' ATGUN in some other commander where it has a bigger use. for instance some commander where the LT will be chosen above CPT for some reason, and then give that commander the ATGUN cause it will be usefull. |
USF Tank Destroyer Company
0 Cp: Riflemen field defenses. Mine laying works with the tank destroyer theme.
4 Cp: P-47 recon flight. Spotting for advancing enemy armour is a key aspect of tank destroyer doctrine and it’s a good utility ability that isn’t over powered.
4 Cp: M1 57mm Anti Tank Gun off map call in. *Elite* AT gun team is crewed by Assault engineers or Rangers making it more durable to infantry attacks with the better received accuracy but costs more to reinforce. Sort of a trade off for not having to tech Captain. Works with the theme.
5 Cp: M8 armored car call in. The M8 was originally evaluated as a tank destroyer early in the war before they decided to only evaluate potential new TDs that had at least a 57mm, then 3 inch and finally the 76mm gun. Examples being the M1 Anti Tank Gun, M10 GMC and the M18 Hellcat (I’d love to see it but that’s a no go due to needing a new model.)
0 Cp: M10 tank destroyer. Obvious choice for the theme as they were the primary Gun Motor Carrage used by the tank destroyer branch during WWII.
This commander is themed off of the real US tank destroyer branch that fought very successfully in WWII. If you are interested in it please look up The Chieftan on YouTube. He is a veteran tank commander who does several excellent talks on the tank destroyer branch, the development of the Sherman tank and the general myths of US tanks in WWII. It’s very interesting for anyone that is a CoH fan or a historian in general.
i think you should put something else instead of the anti tank gun cause with the m10 you don't have to tech major and with atgun you don't have to tech captain + they're both anti tank. i would like to see m10 to be used more but i'd like to see it come thogeter with a tech of the LT AND CPT. |
+99 i'd love to see some new commanders
I'm glad to help 
Btw, the CapsLock solution has the advantage of giving a clear indicator showing whether your key bindings are on or off. To get the best of both worlds, while keeping the ability to write caps, use ScrollLock for state instead of a variable and either SetScrollLockState or Send {ScrollLock} under the Enter binding to change the state when you enter the chat. I prefer scroll lock over caps lock becouse it doesn't have a function in coh2.
Something like this:
#ifWinActive Company Of Heroes 2
;#this should run only once when you run the whole script
;#the state of "first" variable is reverted, but I didn't come up with a better name
SetScrollLockState, On
first := !first
Send {Enter}
Send {ScrollLock}
if(GetKeyState("ScrollLock", "T")) {
Send b
} else {
Send a
Now you can see that hotkeys are on when the light is on. You can also spare the numpad9 button for something else couse you can switch the wrong state with the scroll lock button.
damn i should've donne it that way with the scrolllock, never thought of it. thx again ferwiner!
i have one question tho, is it possible to make a hotkey so it opens chat and directly types '/L' to leave? like would it be like -> numpad2::enter send, /l
i have no idea
EDIT: i have found a way to do it, but if you have a better way, then tell me. this is my way ->
send {enter 1}
send, /l
send {enter 1} |
by protect my chat I mean when I'm in game and I have to type the keys I use to move. i.e., wasd it wont type for me at all so I cant really get my message out. that's what I mean. guess I shouldn't of been so vague lol but thankyou
as i said, using caps could be your solution. i use it aswel, just caps on when i play caps of when i type. this is my solution to that.
type this under coh2myactive shiet
~CapsLock:  uspend, % GetKeyState("CapsLock","t") ? "Off" : "On"
nvm i read things from ferwiner and it's way better  i never took so much time in to ahk that i found that  thx aswel ferwiner |