The latest patch "broke" the old replays.
All credit goes to slserpent and his thread here:
However! Since this update didn't affect balance and only "art" you can still watch your replays, even without the "Sync Error detected"
First set your coh2 launch options in steam, it should be set to the following: -dev -allowIncompatibleReplays
-dev is what we need to hide the "Sync Error detected" message that sits right in the middle of your screen.
-allowIncompatibleReplays will allow you to see/view the old replays.
Next open notepad and past in the following code.
bind("f10", "toggle_screen_mode()")
screenmode = 0
function toggle_screen_mode()
if screenmode == 0 then
screenmode = 1
screenmode = 0
function Util_CreateLocString(text)
local tmpstr = LOC(text)
tmpstr[1] = text
return tmpstr
print("localexec.lua executed")
Save the file in your game's root folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Company of Heroes 2) as localexec.lua
Launch coh2, find and old replay and load it. Once in, press F10 and the error message disappears
Again all credit goes to slserpent and his thread here:
All my +150 replays are intact