Infantry - It feels kind of clunky to have both Arty Officer AND Storm Troopers in a doctrine. Do I use 5 men Grenadiers, AND both call-ins? Combined with fact that Stormtroopers now use Arty Officer weapons profile it's very awkward.
And the 5-man Pios on top of that and you've got three CQC squads.
Veteran Squad Leaders is really neat, but having two call-ins it doesn't work with is a bit much. I'd ditch one and put the off-map back personally. Or the Smoke Bombs plane. That ability's excellent and I'd love to see more of it.
Another idea: given Stormtroopers are becoming a short-range unit maybe rework the Officer into a mid-range unit like the Jaeger Commander? I wonder how difficult giving it a midrange STG retinue would be to balance.