i would say that the concern about the snare is real becz of the brit 6 pounder , piats on sappers and the aec .
So it would be fare to remove the improved acc of 6 pounder to light veh , remove the stun shot on aec and nerf its dmg a bit making it more of an anti inf veh like the t70 and nerf the penetration on the piat but inc the shell velocity little bit and reduce the no of piats that can be equiped to one .
lock the m7 mines to t3 tech or just remove it as they are already getting the snare.
just putting out my point of view , cheers
I agree on removing the 6-pounder's accuracy bonus vs lights: that's literally to help it hit without snares.
The AEC snare I think is okay as is. The DBP one definitely would have been an issue, but the current one I don't think is problematic.
The M7 mines on Tommies feel a little out of place. I'd give them to the Tank Hunter ones instead now that the snare's no longer their party trick.
UKF still has its indirect fire weakness so I'm not too worried about it being a strong faction against light vehicles.