Hah, XaMiaK, how quickly you changed your clothes. Not bad. 
As I said you before - I dont like maybe a more than half of all changes what was making by community, but most of peoples likes it.
- In my opinion, the game died back in 2016. Is not it so? 
Peoples still playing it, so its just a your wrong opinion.
- Yeah, i already heard this story in the same way in 2016. And then for some reason (SUDDENLY) units change from one building to another, some unique things are completely removed from the game, although they have been present since the release of the game, the doctrines are not recognized at all after the changes that remain in the Steam 2014-15. Yes, yes, yes, Lelic forbid, yep, of course. Just because of this lie in 2016, this whole mess started from “forum balancers”.
If you think so you just dont understand anything. With scope they can change only a some parts of a game, but all the game.
And you missed a number 3, ofc, because you know what I mean and you know what im right.
- I will also repeat here what I said earlier. With this "attitude" and "approach" to the community from "forum balancers", they will wait a long time for feedback. Interestingly, while the “developers” themselves have a head on their shoulders so that in half a year they don’t pick one patch to fix it in a week? And one more question. Why should I offer and write something, if nobody listens to me anyway? (approximately 80% of players think so) 
Whats wrong with you? There are live theme about a patch with more than 1500 posts (not one theme ofc, we have some another there and on official forums).
- Well, yes, I cannot “demand” banal and obvious things in 2k18, which should be a priority for “forum balancers”. Yes, here I will not argue.
You cannot demand like anyone. You can wrote something and wait for a feedback, like others. Why you think what you need a special rights here?
- Excuses level student. You can simply say directly and humanly that: we do not want to do this, we are lazy, we are well and we ourselves, and we simply do not need us. So it will be better. 
Just reread my pervious post.
- “Bad manners” is to fuсk with a google-translator to answer here. 
I learned english by myself like a hobby and you just looks like pathetic to blame no-english native speaker for bad english.
"If you dont know what to answer - blame the grammatik" - you know a russian source of that.
- Ahahah, with this approach, the game shines a long and bright future. Good luck! 
You just trolling all of us there and shame all russian community of CoH2 with that.
I know Elite Doctrine wasnt changed, but maybe do something with Tiger Ace? Its now cost fuel and still reduces resources income. In the same time its just a typical Tiger with only 3vet and a bit more HP and I think its now should not reduce resources income because calling it not worth in most cases (its good only maybe like a weapon of a last chance). |
some text here
First of all. I dont like maybe a half of changes what was done in last 2 years, but honestly no one except coh2.org community doing stuff. If these guys couldn't get the right to release patches game would have died long time ago.
Secondly. Relic give a balance team thing what we calling a "scope" - they cant change any aspect of a game without Relic permission and this imposes certain restrictions on the ability of the team to fix bugs and balance.
Thirdly. Balance team uses simple community modding tools which does not allow you to change many things in the game, such as missing of "anti-vecihle" icon over M8 due to this limitation.
Fourthly. Patches are in beta for a long time because every changes needs a feedback from the community to be added to the game (yes you can give a feedback too).
In the fifth. No one can just come here or to the official forums and just demand anything. You can start a new topic (like this, yeah), you can ask in currently active topics with feedback, but you cant demand (this is a very bad start of a dialogue anyway).
In the sixth. There are many people from different countries on coh2.org, but no one asking for non-english sub forums. Its a bad idea just because that can divide an already small community. And ofc its really hard to management because you need a mods and admins for maybe 10-15 different sub forums (I think coh2.org now have less than 10 mods at all forum).
And finally, the seventh. Its just a bad manners to come to the english-language forum and just starting to demand something here on non-eng language in ultimate manner.
When in Rome, live as the Romans do (В чужой монастырь co своим уставом не ходят).
Thats all what you need to understand here. |
make sure to add yourself to the discord
Here's the link:
Oh god, I missed that link.  thx |
#2962 |
+ 1
The game now is as boring as shit, it really is. The other thing is all the effort put in to make the game more diverse has just failed on an epic level. Instead every game is just played almost exactly the same by almost every faction. Its sad. You can literally pause the game and look at the units each side has and they will be almost identical.
The problem is what they changing mechanics, not numbers. Its easyly to remove unbalanced things, than balancing them.
In last patches we lost a unique mechanics of a paks like a stun-shot. There will be better to change a duration of a ability and cost, but they just change a mechanic.
And the same stuff was with a vet wehr ability - they had to change the cost and forbid giving it to the allies, but they just removed it.
The same stuff was with a penal flamer and volk shreks - change a cost, change a damage, but save a unique mechanic in the game, but they dont think so.
And the same stuff happened much more times before like a kubel-HMG, tank-destroyer for all faction mechanic, abilities of ISU-152 and Elefant, remowing a AC221 and other.
Now you can just play the same build orders for every factions and it will work, so I agree with you - you can just a pause the game and all units what you will see will be +/- the same on the both sides.
Every patch making a game more balanced, but the balance becomes symmetrical.
Do you remember when OKW and sov had a different tiers? Do you remember what OKW could pump resources? Do you remember a ostheer vet ability in elite doc? Do you remember a many call-in units for every faction? Remember a shrekvolks? Do you remember a stug with good accuracy against inf? And do you remember all another stuff what was removed and changed for making a "mirror" balance?
And now I see a 1-men sov sniper and another stuff just removed (like a squad formation).
3 years ago CoH2 had much worse balance than now, but that balance was assymetrical and more interesting to play. I will never again could play a game what I remember, and its making me sad. |
I spoke during a week about 2 months ago what cons with PPSh are OP, I gave a replays, I gave lab tests, but nobody listened to me.
It takes 2 months, I go to coh2.org and what do I see? Peoples talkig about OP PPSh cons.
P.S. Proof.
Oh, cmon, you are writing about shrek blobs, but you forgot why it was OP.
It was OP because they can kill anything, includes all tanks and inf.
Time since the removal of shrek blobs volks was nerfed few times and now they with StG44 are worse than most of basically allies inf squads (includes cons with PPSH-41, ofc). So if you give them shrek again, it will be not the same shrek volks what you remember. Now they totally cant do something against vet3 allies inf, so with a shrek instead StG44 they will be just a AT squad with a bit of a AI potential.
IMO, standard OKW design was much better than what we have now. It just required a balanced improvements with attributes of a units, weapons and abilities, not total reworking, which was done.
P.S. You can see how small changes in the attributes affect the game, for example conscripts, which only slightly improved the accuracy and changed the veterancy a bit, are now OP. |
I will test that in automatch. Because sometimes the chatmode is buggy.
thx for report
I found that bug in automatch yesterday. I lost my engineers because of this. |