I was trying to say that sometimes the stuff that makes no sense looks best.
Ok, got you!
Just saying stuff like the tree with the vehicles around it seems not natural. But it feels natural/random/realistic.
Well, I'm not bothered by the tree and the cars. There might be some justification for somebody ditching some wracks there. Also, it is not sticking out much as everything is just dark grey/black. What get's to me are the elliptical tracks around it and the elliptical fences. To me, that does not look natural/random/realistic at all.
As for the trench areas, they make a map look like a huge battle has taken place here and adds history. But having the trenches rotated would block pathing. Just a thought.
Yeah, I realize that they should make it look like a battlefield. And of course the way they are laid out is supposed to lend itself to gameplay. But with the masses of circles to me they look artificial (not as in "man-made", but in "mapper made"  )
Here the fences dont make a lot of sense. But it looks correct or should I say natural. More real or organic.
I wouldn't say they don't make sense. The wall/fence combination on the right probably would also look good if it would have been wall all the way. But you can totally justify it looking this way: There are two different houses on the left so it is likely that they belong to two different properties. So maybe one of the owners wanted stone and the other didn't or couldn't afford it.
And for the stone wall/wooden wall on the left: Again seems plausible. The low stone wall is likely supposed to be the front side of that property. The stone wall is there to make the house look good and was probably built when the house itself was built. The wooden wall on the right is purely functional and needed to be higher so the people on the street to the right can't observe what is happening in the garden. Also, the wall doesn't need to be representative as it is to the side and likely was built later on anyways.
This area looks like someone just randomly made a palette of objects then forgot to place them where they should be. But somehow it looks realistic to a degree.
Yeah, this is something that I'm also not too happy with. Especially Kholodny, but there are other ones in particular on the vanilla maps... Not sure what this is supposed to be. The arrangement of buildings and streets doesn't make it look like a functional village. And the area is cluttered with just random stuff and this makes it look like the people living there left like 20 years ago.
The specific scene you picked out is not too bad, though. Ok, so there is the small shed with the wood and the cart on the bottom right. Seems plausible that that is where this was stored. And then we have the two carts, the dead horse and a couple of boxes: Well, maybe the people living there wanted to pack up their stuff and flee, but obviously something hit the house, and the splat seems to indicate another explosion, so maybe either an air or artillery strike hit the carts, scattered the boxes loaded on the carts and killed the horse?
That said, all the clutter is basically background noise; sure, you can look at it in detail but it is not that eye-catching, UNLIKE THE MASSIVE CIRCLES on AoD
Ok, I guess I think to much about this stuff....
It is what I always say about COH2 maps. If you make it like a real world it does not look real in game. It feels more real when it has things like a suitcase or a cast iron tub in the middle of a field
I always notice when a fence is made of several different types of fence. Something no one would ever do. But it looks way more real when you have a mixture of fence objects. Later I started to think that the different sections make it feel like it has been there for a long time and was patched or changed. So it feels older and therefore more real. But having a single stretch of fence looks fake??? Its weird.
Lets pray for more objects in COH3.
Not sure how that relates to my point... The fence lines do not look unreal because of the objects that they are made out of, but because of the shape of the line. Unless the farmer is some sort of crazy or an artist or both you will not find fences curved like that.
On your point: Well, fences just made out of the same object would look sterile. It would look fake because these fences are made by hand. A guy hammers a thick piece of wood into the ground, takes four big steps and then plunks down the next post. And ultimately, he will nail some more or less random pieces of wood to those somewhat irregular post or wire them up, depending on what type of fence is used. There will be a random element to that (that's for farmland where a fence is about what it does and not how it looks; in a park or formal garden you would expect fence to be more regular and sterile...).
So, yeah, having some type of random variations of the same type of fence in a fenceline will look more natural. But for this purpose, you typically have different objects for the same type of fence. If you don't have that, putting some random scrub here and there helps breaking up the otherwise regular fence.
Btw, I always find it surprisingly hard to make something look random
Putting random types of fences in the same line, however, would look stupid.
Alright, I guess I am the only one that has this issue, and it is not even about the gameplay aspects but rather the visuals.
Now, the map generally looks great, placement of details, objects, splats and everything is awesome, several leagues ahead of what I could pull off.
However, what sticks out for me negatively every time I see match played on that map is that - in particular in the center - there are several rounded or even circular features that simply don't look like anything that would exist in the real world. Ever. Always breaks the immersion for me.

Why are the fences round? Nobody would build them like this...

And then there are several of these things on the map. What are those? I figure defensive works of some sort? Why are those round? I get slit trenches, but why would you build something round like this? If they are defensive positions of some sort, I figure the sides with the timber is supposed to be the side that you take cover behind and fire from. However, several of those timbered walls face trees/obstacles/something, so...

How would this be a thing? So, there is a tree in the middle of nowhere that for some reason the local farmboys like to drive around in circles at times? And this seems to be regular thing, the farmers around that place even built their fences elliptically (why?) around it?
If there would be one of these, ok. But the center of the map is packed with these circly thingies. Is this an hommage to crop circles or something?
Again, overall great and popular map, and nobody cares but me, so whatever...
Discussion for automatch map Alliance of Defiance |
Seems like I didn't make my point clear enough. What I wanted to say is that personally I think metrics like cost, DPS, etc. not overly interesting to determine whether a unit is "too good". Instead, I would look at how often it is used in a competitive environment. If it the dominant option over other alternatives, I'd say it obviously is "too good" relative to those alternatives. If the players using them are also surprisingly successful with them, the might even be "too good" relative units of other factions.
To give an (obviously hyperbolic) example: Assume the PIV was patched and now costs 0 MP and 0 fuel while killing everything in sight instantly. Now, if we have tournament and nobody ends up using this PIV, it will be hard to make a case that the tank is too good, no?
Can you please explain at what point I said they were op??? at what point I said they were the cause for axis winning streak??
I didn't say you said that, I was merely laying out my line of thought. That said, you do say they are "too good" here:
To me this seem really good in fact too good.
proceeding to say that they are not OP. What is the difference between "too good" and "overpowered" for you? I know the latter is kind of a loaded term, but fundamentally they are pretty much the same, no?
at what point i said they were hard to deal with???
Well, I figure most people post about a certain unit after being either surprisingly succesful with them or frustratingly unsucessful against them. I mean it is not like you would wake up in the morning thinking "I wonder if the Sherman is too good..." after not playing the game for a year or so. |
Ok, I guess my opinion is somewhat controversial, but for me none of the numbers (about price or DPS) or who beats who that is listed in the OP is relevant to answer the question if AssGrens are too good.
This is strictly from a 1v1 perspective, but I'd tend to look at different numbers; in this case I'd look at the numbers of the meta in the World Championship.
Are AssGrens so OP that OH won every game? Turns out: No. Well, either that, or the top players simply didn't recognize that they are and hence ignored OH for the most parts. I'd trust the judgement of the players there...
Alright. Ok, but maybe the AssGrens are still too good, there are other faction related factors that led to OH being played significantly less?
Well, let's look at the commander and unit counts then:
We had 41 games for which we had the commander choice. Indeed Mechanized assault and Strategic Reserves indeed were used... 11 games in total. So, AssGrens are apparently not good enough to get player to always chose a commander that has them. In fact, they used such a commander only in roughly 25% of games.
Also, out of these 11 games, only 4 where won. As oppose to the other two Tiger doctrines Lightning War and Spearhead which actually featured positive win/loss ratios! So, either the top players didn't play these Commanders, or the Commanders are meh, despite having AssGrens; either way, it doesn't look "too good" for AssGrens.
The fact that they saw some play at all and in a notable number of games (although far from the majority of games) indicates that they are in a way better spot than they were in previously. But the "too good" doesn't hold up.
Disclaimer 1: Again, this is from a 1v1 perspective, 2v2 and up might be a different story.
Disclaimer 2: We are looking at top players here. I totally get that at lower skill levels AssGrens can be hard to deal with. I know, I'm pretty bad (well, used to be around average), and I had problems dealing with them even when they were worse. But apparently this is really a L2P issue on my side, so... |
Thanks allot.
Ok, here we go:

If we check if the units are built before or after T3:
Grens: 97 before, 4 after
PGs: 27 before, 10 after

Before or after T3
Cons: 123 before, 12 after
Penals: 41 before, 4 after

Before or after Schwerer:
VGs: 226 before, 9 after
Panzerfüsiliers: 36 before, 0 after

132 before Major, 7 after

All 31 before Company command post. |
Thanks for such a practical guide. I play Soviet, however the commanders recommended here are not available as a free option or in the store. Are they gone for good? Are there any other commanders that anyone would recommend for Low to Mid range players?
Actually, all three commanders are free and available in the standard CoH2 game, not sure why you would have problems finding them...
The guide is to some degree a bit dated (when it comes to commander discussions), but in particular Guard Motor Coordinator as well as Shock Rifle Frontline are still really solid choices and among the most commonly used SOV commanders in recent tournaments. |
Since there has been an issue that has been debated would be possible to have following information:
Of the following units which where produced in the late game or replace losses:
And what what veterancy did they achieve.
Thanks in advance.
Seriously, this debate is mostly taking up several pages because you guys talk at cross-purposes and/or semantics, but ok:
Yes, I can check when the infantry units where built. Any specific definition for "late game" that you like? Also, as I mentioned earlier I'm away until next year, so you'd have to wait until the first week of January.
Replay files basically only contain the match settings and then the player's commands. What they specifically do NOT contain is the status of any unit at any time: Neither where it is, not how many HP it has and not even if it is still alive (or - in fact - if it actually got built; the file contains the build order, and it would also contain cancel orders, so if no such order is found after some time I assume that the unit was build; however, it could be that e.g. the tech building was destroyed while the unit was in production, and that's something I can't tell from the file alone).
So, I can't neither check if a unit is replacing another unit (because I can't check if another unit died) or what veterancy it achieved.
mostly about doctrinal units but number of abilities used is a decent indicator for commanders imo.
Well, doctrinal units are listed in the tables; when it comes to abilities, that's somewhat tricky as the replay files don't contain clear indications on if an ability/upgrade/unit is doctrinal or not. Sooo, the simple "solution" for me: I added some calls in the program that would add an item to a list; note, this uses the same logic I use for the units; theses might get cancelled or whatnot and the algorithm I'm using is trying to estimate whether it actually was build. This will not be 100% accurate, and frankly I'm not sure if it works well for the ability calls because I normally skip those, so take these with a grain of salt, but:
Combat Engineers 65 47 Penal Battalion 45 16 Special Rifle Command 20 19 M3A1 Light Scout Car 19 17 SCMD_Ability_ 2 414 45 Shock Troops 18 12 Throw Satchel Charge 48 15 TM-35 389 45 M-42 45mm AT Gun 17 12 RG-42 Anti-Personnel Grenade 57 11 Prioritize Vehicles 325 96 Tankoviy Battalion Command 51 47 SCMD_Ability_ 175018 4 2 T-70 55 40 SCMD_Ability_ 1 1802 99 Field Infirmary 48 48 SCMD_Ability_ 174983 14 8 SCMD_Ability_ 174982 17 8 Mechanized Armor Kampaneya 37 36 T-34/76 35 18 RGD-1 Smoke Grenade 39 11 SCMD_Ability_ 174997 22 5 Prioritize Vehicles 183 34 BM-13 Katyusha 5 5 Volksgrenadiers 235 64 Panzerfüsiliers 36 18 Anti-tank Rifle Grenade 35 11 Mechanized Regiment HQ 64 59 Fire Panzerfaust (VG) 207 51 Panzer II Ausf. L 'Luchs' 69 52 Prioritize Vehicles 402 51 Salvage Operations 36 23 MG34 Heavy Machine Gun 93 57 Put Away Minesweeper 155 50 Raketenwerfer 92 52 Throw Model 24 Grenade 26 14 Concussive Grenade 39 24 Unknown 16392 171 59 Activate Minesweeper 122 41 SdKfz 234 'Puma' 47 40 Battlegroup HQ 26 24 Smoke Screen 49 24 Medics 21 21 Conscripts 135 36 Oorah! 91 28 Anti-tank Grenade Package 32 32 Support Weapon Kampaneya 41 39 RPG-43 Anti-Tank Grenade 119 25 Recon Mode 168 20 ZiS-3 55 32 Anti-Tank Gun Ambush Tactics 49 4 Light Artillery Barrage 77 24 M1910 Maxim 31 23 SU-85 16 12 Focused Sight 38 10 Merge 35 16 Incendiary Artillery Barrage 6 2 IS-2 Heavy Tank 12 12 Ramming Maneuver 5 2 KV-8 3 3 Assault Grenadiers 17 8 MG42 51 33 Sprint 43 9 Battle Phase 1 38 38 Panzergrenadiers 37 24 Medic Station 36 36 Mechanized Assault Group 9 6 Grenade Assault 20 7 Bundled Model 24 Grenades 63 22 Battle Phase 2 30 30 Tellermine 54 25 Support Armor Korps 28 28 Repair (1) 144 28 Panzer IV 28 20 Incendiary Armor Piercing Rounds 27 12 Prioritize Vehicles 218 35 Pioneers 34 23 StuG G 22 10 Battle Phase 3 15 15 Heavy Panzer Korps 9 9 Panzerwerfer 42 3 3 Light Artillery Barrage 16 6 Tiger PzKpfw VI 13 11 15cm Rocket Barrage 20 2 Blitzkrieg Tactics 3 2 Riflemen 139 48 Activate Platoon Command Post 43 43 M5 Mine 77 15 Unlock Mechanized Platoon 42 42 M20 Utility Car 13 13 WC54 ¾ Ton Ambulance 51 47 Distribute Medical Supplies (USF 88 43 M-20 Mine 4 3 SCMD_Ability_ 14324 12 6 Vehicle Crew Disembark 430 43 Repair (4) 58 23 M5A1 Stuart 36 34 Repair (5) 240 34 Weapon Rack Unlock 40 40 Munitions Cache 1 1 Armored Skirts (M20) 8 8 Rangers 2 2 Off Map Smoke Barrage 35 14 Activate Battalion Command Post 35 35 Rapid Barrage 29 17 M26 Pershing 14 10 Prioritize Vehicles 331 39 M2HB .50 cal 80 38 Activate Company Command Post 31 31 Unlock Mechanized Company 7 7 M1 57mm Anti-Tank Gun 36 22 Armor-Piercing Discarding-Sabot 12 8 SCMD_Ability_ 16586 24 11 Kübelwagen 34 33 Schu-Mine 42 159 48 Jaeger Light Infantry 10 3 Throw Incendiary Grenade 182 54 Hold Fire 111 13 Schwerer Panzer HQ 60 51 Panzer Authorization 49 49 Camouflage 180 26 Panzer IV Ausf. J 40 29 Pintle mount MG (P4) 38 31 Jagdpanzer IV/70 10 8 Cautious Movement 5 2 Detection 32 11 Sector Assault 7 3 Panther PzKpfw V 11 9 Pintle MG (CPanther) 7 6 Molotov Package 6 6 Throw Molotov Cocktail 23 6 Guards Rifle Infantry 17 13 RGD-33 Fragmentation Grenade 8 6 Button Vehicle 3 2 SCMD_Ability_ 12741869 42 9 SCMD_Ability_ 12741858 14 5 Hit the Dirt! 7 1 Mortar Barrage 6 2 PM-41 82mm Mortar 6 5 Smoke Barrage 1 1 WC51 Military Truck 27 18 Browning M2 Machine Gun (WC51) 22 17 Driver Disembark 7 4 M15A1 AA Half-track 5 4 Cavalry Riflemen 17 14 M1 75mm Pack Howitzer 6 5 Step On It! 31 11 High Explosive Barrage 25 6 M4A3 Sherman 48 26 .50 cal (Sherman) 29 19 Smoke Screen 19 10 SCMD_Ability_ 16714 3 2 Main Gun: Load High Explosive 27 17 M8A1 Howitzer Motor Carriage 5 4 Main Gun: Load Armor Piercing 17 9 Fallschirmjäger 36 17 Panzerfaust 20 10 Blendkörper 21 10 Bundled Model 24 Grenade 30 15 Stuka Reconnaissance Pass 27 13 SCMD_Ability_ 12741863 13 8 Trip Wire Flares 69 18 KV-1 1 1 Leichte Mechanized Kompanie 32 32 SdKfz. 222 31 24 SdKfz. 251 9 9 Flame Projector (SdKfz 251) 3 3 Flakpanzer IV Ostwind 6 3 Blitzkrieg 12 7 SCMD_Ability_ 188322 3 2 Mortar Barrage 31 9 M1 81mm Mortar Team 10 10 Grenadiers 101 27 Infanterie Kompanie 31 31 Direct face team weapon 113 37 GrW 34 Mortar Team 8 8 PaK 40 46 29 Mortar Barrage 32 8 Rifle Grenade 76 21 Panzerfaust 95 26 Fuel Cache (SOV) 3 2 Tracking 5 5 DShK 38 (IS-2) 8 8 SdKfz 251/17 Flak Half-track 6 6 Concealing Smoke 6 4 Anti Tank Rifle Grenade 130 34 SdKfz. 221 2 1 Air Dropped Combat Group 4 4 Shell Shock 12 10 M83 Cluster Mines 20 3 M36 'Jackson' Tank Destroyer 26 16 SCMD_Ability_ 2311 3 2 132mm Rocket Barrage 14 4 SdKfz 250/7 Mortar Half-track 2 2 Mortar Barrage (HT) 8 2 Fragmentation Bomb 15 7 Pintle mount MG (Tiger) 9 8 Reconnaissance Overflight 16 5 Rear Echolon 15 10 Take Aim 9 6 Opel Blitz Cargo Truck 1 1 SCMD_Ability_ 196565 1 1 SCMD_Ability_ 12741997 7 1 SCMD_Ability_ 12741996 5 1 Obersoldaten 28 21 Flammpanzer 38 'Hetzer' 2 1 Fire Incendiary Armor Piercing R 17 12 Pintle-mounted MG34 1 1 SdKfz 251 'Stuka zu Fuß' 2 2 Stuka Barrage 3 2 SCMD_Ability_ 12741861 1 1 Mechanics 36 36 Bundled Grenade 16 9 Cancel Direct face team weapon 8 5 SCMD_Ability_ 105152 38 22 7.5cm le.IG 7 6 Sturmpioniere 16 11 Infantry Section 31 8 Universal Carrier 7 7 Vickers K Mounted Variant 5 5 Platoon Command Post 8 8 Royal Engineers 16 8 Requisition AEC Mk. III 7 7 AEC Mk. III 6 6 Distribute Medical Supplies 110 8 Prioritize Vehicles 65 6 M5 Half-track Transport 1 1 AA package (UKF M5) 1 1 Crew Repair (8) 6 4 Sniper 15 15 Field First Aid 13 4 M5 Half-track 1 1 Anti-air Package 1 1 SCMD_Ability_ 196622 22 3 Panzer IV Ausf. J 3 2 SCMD_Ability_ 190157 4 1 Target Weak Point 10 6 Incendiary Explosive Round 6 4 Tiger Ace 1 1 SCMD_Ability_ 188704 2 1 SCMD_Ability_ 188702 1 1 Vehicle Crew Self Repair (3) 42 12 .55 cal Armor-Piercing Sniper 5 4 SCMD_Ability_ 174788 5 3 Smoke Screen (AEC) 5 3 Valentine 6 5 SCMD_Ability_ 94143 3 2 Observation Mode 18 3 Ordnance QF 6-Pounder ATG 7 4 SCMD_Ability_ 93172 1 1 Concentration Barrage 10 4 Company Command Post 3 3 SCMD_Ability_ 10741834 5 5 T-34/85 21 9 Il-2 Sturmovik Attacks 9 5 I&R Pathfinders 1 1 Stuka Close Air Support 4 2 M4 Sherman Calliope 1 1 P47 Recon Run 7 1 183mm Rocket Barrage 4 1 M7 Light Anti-Vehicle Mines 11 3 Panzer Tactician 6 3 S-mine field 17 7 Panther PzKpfw V 1 1 Pintle mount MG (Panther) 1 1 Bolster Sections 5 5 Repair (7) 13 2 Research Weapon Racks 3 3 Modified M6 Mine 8 3 Scout Sniper 1 1 Flare 3 1 Osttruppen Squad 12 4 Railway Artillery Support 3 3 DShK 38 Heavy Machine Gun 9 5 SU-76M 6 4 SCMD_Ability_ 1856 2 2 Allied Supply Drop 1 1 Light Artillery Barrage 9 4 Tiger PzKpfw VI 18 18 SCMD_Ability_ 17082 14 8 Mark Vehicle 15 7 Vickers HMG 5 3 SCMD_Ability_ 140160 1 1 SCMD_Ability_ 140162 2 1 Smoke Bombs 36 14 SCMD_Ability_ 10741828 9 5 SCMD_Ability_ 16060 12 3 Improved Recon Flight 4 4 Mk 2 Frag Grenade 20 5 Grenade Package 7 7 T30E16 HVAP-T AP Rounds 7 4 Combat Blitz 11 8 Aimed Shot 22 10 SCMD_Ability_ 11741841 11 8 HM-38 120mm Mortar 1 1 Mortar Barrage 3 1 Anti-Tank Overwatch 5 2 Smoke Barrage 1 1 SCMD_Ability_ 12742004 5 3 Dozer blade 11 6 Repair (6) 3 3 SCMD_Ability_ 174612 12 6 Partisan Troops 2 1 Partisan Tank Hunters 3 1 RGD-33 Fragmentation Grenade 3 1 Spy Network 5 1 Valiant Assault 9 3 Overdrive 7 5 Sturm Offizier 2 2 SCMD_Ability_ 15192 2 1 Breakthrough Tactics 6 3 Asault Artillery 1 1 Combined Arms 7 4 M23 Smoke Grenade 4 3 M4C Sherman 1 1 Smoke Barrage 1 1 Medics Disembark 3 3 SCMD_Ability_ 10741825 34 1 7.5cm HE Barrage 34 5 HEAT Shells 2 2 KV-2 3 3 Jaeger Infantry Command Squad 3 3 SCMD_Ability_ 1809 3 3 Supply Drop 4 2 Cautious Movement 5 1 Airdropped Weapons 4 1 Paradrop DShK HMG 1 1 IL-2 Sturmovik Rocket Run 2 1 Mobile 75mm Barrage 4 1 Concealing Smoke 1 1 For the Fatherland 1 1 LeFH 10.5 1 1 10.5cm Howitzer Barrage 9 1 SCMD_Ability_ 26 3 1 King Tiger 3 3 Pintle MG (KT) 2 2 Suppressing Fire 2 1 Trench 1 1 3-inch Mortar Emplacement 1 1 Brace Structure 2 1 Cromwell Mk. IV Cruiser Tank 2 1 Sturmpanzer IV 2 2 Pintle mount MG (SturmP4) 1 1 Secure mode 4 2 Flare 1 1 'Cooked' Mk 2 Frag Grenade 2 1 StuG-III E 1 1 M4A3(76) Sherman 9 6 .50 cal (M4C) 6 3 M21 Mortar Half-track 7 5 SCMD_Ability_ 14443 4 2 SCMD_Ability_ 12741859 2 1 SCMD_Ability_ 174615 4 3 SCMD_Ability_ 2370 3 2 SCMD_Ability_ 188755 1 1 SCMD_Ability_ 12741846 16 3 Improved 7.5cm HE Barrage 1 1 SdKfz 250 3 2 M93 HVAP Armor Piercing Round 2 1 Fighting Position 1 1 M2HB .50 cal (FP) 1 1 Airborne Assault 1 1 Forward Headquarters 1 1 Firing Positions! 2 1 SCMD_Ability_ 2299 16 3 Time on Target Artillery Barrage 4 1 Command Panzer IV 2 1 Smoke Bombs 3 1 Smoke Barrage 1 1 M8 Greyhound 4 1 M2 (Greyhoud) 4 1 SCMD_Ability_ 176864 3 2 Recon Flight 2 2 SCMD_Ability_ 11741839 3 2 Repair Critical 4 3 Captain 1 1 Stormtroopers 1 1 SCMD_Ability_ 176894 1 1 SCMD_Ability_ 18396 1 1 SCMD_Ability_ 12741851 2 2 Volley Fire 1 1 Relief Infantry 1 1 Tactical Movement 3 1 M5 Halftrack 1 1 Anti-air Package 1 1 SCMD_Ability_ 178761 2 1 SCMD_Ability_ 174616 2 2 Hold Fire 4 1 WASP Flamethrower Variant 1 1 SCMD_Ability_ 12742005 1 1 SCMD_Ability_ 14476 4 1
First column is the name, then how often it was used/called in/built and then in how many games it was used.
The names might not be accurate, I don't access the coh2 data base directly, but rather made a lengthy list by hand, that I have to amend whenever the modding team changed something. This also means they might not be 100% accurate. Or they might have been accurate at some point, but a new mod might have reused an old ID.
There are several things that are listed with their ID only. You might be able to find out with the modding tools what those actually are. If you do, let me know, I would add this then. The reason they are not recognized yet is that so far I didn't bother to look into them.
I'm away from the server that I'm doing this on from tomorrow on, so any other questions would have to wait until next year.
Edit: Also, some things might be split up into different categories. Like, I think there are 5 different IDs that are used when units repair something. Or, VG Panzerfaust is likely a different ID than the gren one and so on. These distinctions might not be obvious from the name given in the list...
Or they might be off or reused. E.g. I just noticed there were 7 instances of an ID happening that is translated into the Pintle MG upgrade for the Command Panther. Now, the CP was never build, so this is clearly wrong; either this is a case of ID reused or me misidentifying it originally (again, didn't care much about the upgrades so far). |