How do European players get on in the current patch?
I recently moved from East Asia to Europe and the lag is just killing me; not talking about the usual 400ms but fairly often I get games with 3~4 seconds lag on every order.
"Literally unplayable" is not even an exaggeration in this case... |
Further delineation between Boys AT rifles and PIATs could make this still work.
For example, Boys have low penetration but high accuracy and a decent rate of fire. This makes them effective against light vehicles, but not so much against medium and heavy armory. Then you buff PIAT penetration and damage, but reduce range or accuracy. Then the PIATs can act as a DPS supplement to AT guns but are ineffective against light vehicles.
Sounds good to me. |
Only one of these I can see not being OP is the AT tommies, but I actually do think that option would be both useful and balanced.
As I've said before, UKF never had great AT, and every single one of their unique AT options (sniper critical shot, accurate AT gun, AEC treadbreaker, Comet, PIAT) have been step-by-step nerfed so now they have nothing. I'd rather just revert some of the nerfs, but non-doc AT tommies are a viable alternative option IMHO.
Edit: as an additional comment on the artillery options, I do agree that current UKF indirect also needs a rework (mortar pit is useless in any semi-serious game). I would rather see some kind of early mortar rework (2-inch mortar carrier..?) than late-game non-doc heavy arty, though. |
2. Best AT gun in the game.
4. Strong inf that beat all Axis t0 t1 infantry.
Plus it's not like PIV can crush like a Cromwell
All of these things have been nerfed in recent patches and aren't true anymore.
Though I totally agree, as I said earlier, that if these things were still around then Brits make sense as a faction, even without a snare.
At the moment they have the worst of both worlds, and I don't think the solution is to turn them into another copy of OST or SOV but just to revert a few of these nerfs.
Just un-nerf all the shit that was nerfed because of over-homogenization by the balance team...?
- Revert UKF AT guns nerf to give back their 50% accuracy bonus (last patch)
- Revert the sniper snare crit type nerfs (many patches ago)
- Revert the AEC treadshot nerf (this goes back and forth every single patch)
- Revert the weird nerf to the already-weak stopgap AT Tommies (last patch)
- Revert the Comet penetration nerfs so the UKF have powerful late-game AT again (few patches ago)
- Revert the base Tommy nerfs so that UKF can at least win early AI engagements, even if their early-mid AT kinda sucked (last patch)
The UKF had a unique and interesting style of combating armour, which was tricky to learn but rewarding, and the faction was overall OP for quite a while. With the nerfs of almost everything else in their arsenal however, everyone knows UKF is the weakest faction now, and UKF needs to be given back at least one or two of its teeth, such as the above list.
IMHO the worst possible solution would be to give base inf a snare. At some point in the near future, we're just going to be left with 5 armies that are all identical to OST with cosmetic reskins. |
So give OKW volks MP40 upgrades instead of StGs, making volks upgrades overlap with Sturms from the get go, and make them falloff lategame EVEN MORE?
Well, that's true but the idea would be that it's more like a sidegrade than an upgrade. A smart player would always leave some squads with rifles to preserve long-range firepower to mix in with the close range. Volks aren't supposed to be much more in the late game than damage sponges and grenade throwers anyway, while obers / falls / pfusils or whatever deal out the damage. |
I don't normally agree with random crazy ideas on here but in the shower today I was thinking, it actually really makes a lot of sense to swap the standard Volks upgrades with the flame doc upgrades at this stage.
In other words, give Volks the chance to upgrade to MP40 / Model24 / Smoke as standard, and in flame doc they could get StG / flame nade.
- More tactical play in general (choose between long or short range firepower per squad)
- Volks blob play with boring "all ranges" StG upgrade becomes less viable
- Model 24 still useful against MG garrisons (and since building entry/exit is slower now, a little for normal squads too)
- Smoke nades can also reduce effect of enemy garrisons in early game
- For T2, LeIG and Luchs have already been buffed a little for extra garrison cleaning
- Flame nade actually makes sense in flame doctrine (and adds something nice to a rather shitty doc)
There has been a fuss over flame nade and its timing for so long, because while an interesting idea, having an army that denies the use of cover to the opponent from early game kind of goes against the basic philosophy of CoH.
With the 45muni assault upgrade, there's the ability for a range of fun tactical plays as OKW that gets gradually unlocked, rather than the instant "win button" flame names (I'm exaggerating a bit there but hey). It's a big change but such changes have been done a lot recently so why not. |
That's good to hear, nice work. I played against a rank ~30 guy with username steffenbk1, nothing but a constant stream of the most toxic homophobic / sexist / racist / cancer-based insult crap for the whole game.
I get that it's just some kid somewhere with social problems and I should ignore it, but the lack of a mute button honestly makes it a pretty depressing experience, to know that people that horrible really exist in the world.
Anyway nice work on the ban! |
Agree with many others that there are many good small changes in here, but also some very WTF changes, that make me feel that the balance team has become a bit overconfident after their last (very good, very successful) patch.
For example:
- Easily dodgeable Katyusha barrage made more dodgeable
- Already weak AT IS made weaker
- AT only PTRS made worse at AT
- Useless treadshot more useless
Also the armies are being over homogenised:
- Fast, close range US mortar turned into Wehr mortar copy
- Long-range LeIG turned into a mortar copy
- Close-range PPSh cons nerfed at close range
- UK AT gun, which was better due to no snare, being made the same as other armies with snare
- Defensive Tommies turned into an offensive unit (last patch)
- Soviet sniper!! (enough said)
There are many other good changes but with so many small "fine-tuning" changes based only on the current meta, aren't we losing sight of the bigger picture? |
To get back on topic.
I agree that Schwerer placement is a tactical choice and you shouldn't put it further forward than you can defend it. However depending on your opponents doctrine, these days there are many powerful options that can wipe it quickly even if it's placed just outside of the base sector.
Therefore I do agree with some posters that it may be nice to have the option to rebuild after a lost Schwerer. For example, after it was built once, simply reduce the fuel cost to rebuild to 50.
There are other ways of achieving that like making the Schwerer tech unlock separate from the truck itself, but then you need to think carefully what you're going to do with the other trucks (whether you apply the same rule, whether you keep the same tech paths), and you also have to adjust the costs to get the right timing. So that's interesting but sounds like too big or complex a change at this stage. Or, some people said that the build options should not "re-lock" after destruction, like American tech units, but I disagree with that because (1) it's actually huge buff for OKW because now the truck can be pushed forward easily and (2) you fall into the trap of trying to make all armies the same piece by piece.
Anyway OKW are one of my weaker armies so don't take my opinion too seriously.  |