K, you didn't understand what I meant, which was that your opinions regarding such being from only 4 vs 4 doesn't allow you to truly understand balance and make comments about it, team games have and always will be unbalanced, simply because Coh 2 isn't competitively designed for it, 1 vs 1 is alright, but it you attempt to balance the game with 4 vs 4 everything will go to shite.
Oh here we go again. Can everyone please jump in on this topic then since this guy wants to derail the topic.
Anyone and everyone who doesn't play 1s isn't qualified to express an opinion. That's what you're saying. Then, I would politely ask mods to ban and or delete everyone who isn't in your "criteria". Also, since the majority of players do play team games, the game's fan base will dwindle and the company will have little incentive to provide you your "balance" updates.
Good job on being biased and opinionated.