Removing the ability to shoot through terrain and making it a building rather than sudo fixed team weapon still doesn’t warrant the potential of ever getting a 100% refund. The partial refund is a pretty huge buff as it is. 17 pounder is a structure as it lacks range, collisions with objects and also now can’t pick up and move elsewhere. It is really impossible to put the comments of the PAK 43 shock value in a vacuum and call it a unique issue to the unit when the 17 pounder suffers the same issue.
Uhm, my idea didn't involve any "refund" whatsoever, you just had the Pak 43 like it is right now, and if you had the room around it you could "build" an emplacement for a cost, perhaps to make it as much as the 17 pounder.
And yes while emplaced it would act as a 17 pounder clone, sort of but not 100% but besides that it would still be unique and versatile as a doctrinal unit.
And my point is not making it symmetrical but giving it a little bit more survivability to make it actually useful beyond the 2 shots it lobs off after it's found and nuked by all sorts of artillery and air abilities. Literally the only Pak 43s I've had survive until the end of the match were always behind shotblockers and near reinforcement and medical stations, not to mention having my pioneers constantly repair the damn decrewed gun so I don't lose it and then recrewing it with them if again, I hadn't lost it until then.
And what is the point of suggesting it?
Mods said multiple times its not 17 pounder and it will never be, so stop trying to make it into one.
Because of what I wrote above.
And I'd like you quoting them saying it apart from mirage's comment.
And lastly, stop with the personal crusading against everybody unless you wanna get the boot again, nobody here is gonna take your shit just because you had a bad day or something.