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Thread: AE's King Tiger Adventure Analysed by Someone With Eyes23 Mar 2018, 08:14 AM
AE's KT dies, he watches replay and calls 3 out of 4 of the KT's penetrating hits as misses or bounces, then calls it a balance issue, which I though was confusing and amusing. (To be fair the shot that seems to just be a visual bug is understandable to misinterpret, but hard to say what he was smoking for the other two) In: Lobby |
Thread: Vet4 King Tiger Vet 5 Jagdpanzer ~ top 100 ish 2v21 Apr 2016, 15:37 PM
Lots of tank deaths, teammate stepped on a mine loosing tiger and 2 snipers, lost our advantage and turned the game into a brutal slug fest up mid. Vet 4 kt and vet 5 are utter beasts In: Replays |
Thread: Soviets - Too Strong24 Mar 2016, 17:17 PM
So I've been having these games lately where the double sniper wrecks me as Osteer, you can't counter snipe them. When you do make a 222 there are guards and landmines all over the map. Double sniper is a huge investment and an investment into t1, which lacks at guns, maxims mortars, if your sniper isnt working against them rushing a 222 will do well, snipers are tough to deal with but the 222 is ridiculously effective right now after the buff, i mean its practically free. Its not possible for there to be guards and landmines all over the map, dont drive on roads, avoid obvious mined chokes, be aware the sniper might be a bait into a mine, and dont stand in guards line of fire for ages. Nothing OP about any of those soviet units at all. As OKW you just spend all day getting sniped and pinned by maxims. Then when you can finally fight the Guards and Shocks walk over everything except obers which have to be babysat constantly due to the amount of damage they receive from indirect fire. Plus Obers cost more to make, more to reinforce, 60 munitions to slap a weapon on them. Useless bundle grenade, the only useful one is the smoke one which has a veterancy requirement. To top all of this you must make the flak base so tech everything up while you watch the soviets wreck you with Tier3. Sniped and pinned by maxims means he went t1 and t2 which is a huge investment in buildings early game which you should be taking into account, guards and shocks are stronger than volks, use combined arms to damage them / punish guards static requirement for dps (isg, you even complain about this "obers taking dmg from indirect", that works both ways and its how u deal with elite infantry). If u dont like bundle nade infiltrations nades while doctrinal are absurd for the cost. The flak base comes out crazy early and locks down a section of the map extremely effectively how you can complain about that i dont really know. Tier 3 is handily countered by cloacked rackettens, mines, schreks, luchs chip (on t70) etc. You have the tools none of those units are OP. Luch lose to guards, camoflagued AT guns, landmines, and a T-70 can beat a Luch plus also kill infantry, spot, hit a landmine and repair and run away. Luch doesnt loose to guards, also you are stacking a luchs against 4 different opposing forces, how about a luchs supported by racketens, volks with schreks, mines to prevent a dive etc (the t70 does very little dmg to a luchs, if you loose it you probably overextended). The infantry spam is real, all these cons running around w/ AT nades, Molotovs, and flare mines. The AT nades snare any light vehicle play, the flare mines are 1 shotting infantry that pop in and out of buildings. Plus a molotov takes care of anything attempt to hide in a building with the really crapp mg34 that is doctrinal only. Luchs and 222 are no diving vehicles, luchs does good dps only when stationary, u wanna be sniping away so no at grenades no not shut down light vehicle play, if he has gone heavy cons you obers/fusies/ vetted volks/JLI/falschirms should be fighting extremely cost effectively against them, maybe just dont pop out a building he could have mined, he isnt using his cons to force you to click the mouse. Molies are just volk flame nades but worse and require fuel delaying their light vehicles, so i dunno how you can complain about that. MG 34 is crappy but many aspects of OKW are decidedly not crappy. The cheap su76 spam thats killing anything that I sit in cover while also countering tanks. I mean they have as much penetration as an su85 but they cost so much less. Plus have the added utility of barraging at no cost at all. Su76 gets 3 hit by schreks, it is what it is, its cheap and pretty effective, but its also very easy to kill. Fighting the ISU-152 is difficult unless you pick the 1 doctrine that has the Elephant in it, even then you have to try and manage a blob of infantry because of the lack of OKW support weapons.. I dont understand, can only counter with elefant, but also have to control okw blob? a->okw doest have elefant, so as ost you DO have the support weapons. b-> blobs are by definition a low micro way of controlling infatry so i dont see your point. Reality is elefant and jagdtiger hard counter it, flanks, snares, schreks, racketten ambushes, loiters, bombing runs are all effective against the isu-152. (i really dont understand how u complain about unit both axis factions have superior analogues too). This brings me the the katyush, cheap, low pop and 2 of them just wreck any area of the map. Minimum range barrages destroy even OST Artillery pieces. The Stuka hits a very small precise line, only good for killing weapon crews and not infantry on the move, at least the Panzerwerfer can do a bit more, but you have to predict where they are firing. .but the Katy just opens up and a huge swath of the map is annhiliated. Min range barrage means its exposed and its exceptionally weak, just kill it, hell i have killed katys with jagdtigers before. Katy so weak it dies very easily and its barrage is one of the least effective of all rocket artys so i dont understand your complaint, if its destroying you so badly dont play so statically, or if you are going to play so statically have a plan to deal with the potential of a katy. Stukas job is to kill weapon teams, rember your complaints about maxims and at guns? stuka is the direct counter. Then when you do manage to get something decent out like a Panther, KT.. it just instantly gets marked over and over again. Buttoned, marked, rammed, landmines everywhere. The cheap t-34-85s that flood the map or even the ISU-152 when its not using the instant wiping infantry shells. Axis has access to a far superior mark target ability on the command panther, button has a range requirement, dont let guards so close, ram is rarely used and even more rarely effective, landmines are only a problem if you overextend. Dont overextend. T34- 85's are really not that great, schreks, (your own mines as you complain about them so much will also wreck marauding t34's), rackettens, p4's all coutner it effectively. ISU shell change is like 10 seconds its clunky AF and horrible to use. I mean, even Penals are wrecking vet5 Volks and melting units in buildings so quickly you barely have time to react. Not to mention satchels are back and 1-2 shotting any building on the map making it scarey. Satchels take 4 or 5 seconds to go off, and anyway penals are not a good unit, and again, if they ahve gone penals they havent gone sniper spam or maxim spam so thats a good thing for you. I mean whats with all these " Soviets are terrible " threads I see popping up when they literally have everything a faction needs except for the t34 being not so desirable? soviets arent terrible but they really arent exceptionally good either. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Whermacht 2* Stuka 37mm Anti Tank Loiter10 Feb 2016, 23:35 PM
Well its late but as recompense i have made a delightful youtube video detailing the bug. Put some annotations in it. Watching it without the stress of actually playing it seems pretty obvious the Planes exist for the duration of the abilities cooldown, rather than the actual duration of the ability. ie there is a 1 min timer for the duration of the ability, and a 2.5-3 min cooldown before u can use it again, after 1 min minimap circle disappears but planes remain, when the ability is off cool down after another min / 1.5 min, only then do the planes actually leave the map. Not sure why you wouldnt be able to recreate, it happens every time from what ive seen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWw-5KETNLA&feature=youtu.be (dont judge horrendous su85 missplay pls ![]() In: COH2 Bugs |
Thread: Whermacht 2* Stuka 37mm Anti Tank Loiter8 Feb 2016, 11:29 AM
Ill try post a replay or something tonight In: COH2 Bugs |
Thread: Whermacht 2* Stuka 37mm Anti Tank Loiter8 Feb 2016, 00:51 AM
I have noticed every time i play against this, it seems without fail, the loiter stays for the duration of the ability, then the circles vanish from the minimap, and the planes often depart from the map entirely (no sounds they visibly fly off the map). Yet they continue to attack tanks for this extended period too. Either, the planes are bugged to stay longer than intended (i think this is the case because they stay CRAZY long on the map) or the minimap and plane AI is bugged to not accurately represent the fact that the loiter is still in effect. Its extremely frustrating. To reproduce: seems to happen 100% of the time, but its possible it happens only if the loiter has targets near the end of its lifespan? In: COH2 Bugs |
Thread: crew weapons show up as vehicle kills4 Feb 2016, 19:23 PM
Yes every game i use stuka zu fuss ud think it was an antitank gun. When you look at unit stats in after action report. In: COH2 Bugs |
Thread: Panzergrenadiers 2x Panzershreck dealing 240 DMG in 1 volley3 Feb 2016, 15:36 PM
I dont think pgrens are a comeback unit in any way. They are only a 4 man squad, often gibbed. They do not nearly 1 shot any allied medium vehicle, and dont forget they have a reload time, at long range you dont actually have to leave as soon as u are struck by the volley. Have u considered that good "light and medium vehicle play" involves screening for your vehicles with infantry. Would reduce effectiveness of pgrens significantly, as a small squad they will drop models fast in face of a couple of rifles focusing them as they try to run after ur vehicle. Infantry, that should be at a relative advantage to the german infantry which has spent all its munis on shreks not lmg's. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: who are Calliope heavy users?3 Feb 2016, 12:11 PM
Im European too, and i see it all the time. Its actually got to the point where i dont want to play axis in 2v2. Narrow maps like road to kharkov, brit arty cover and USF with 3-4 calliopies. Its just not fun. Its like when the isg was broken, you wouldnt want to play allies, because its just not fun to play against. Even if its not spammed, its such a joke of a unit, just use its hp and armour to run it close to frontline at low risk, and have an extremely high chance of gibbing a squad or a group of squads that arent even out of position with 0 chance to react. Its made to punish blobs, but it punishes just having your infantry on the field anywhere even on their own too. And also punishes the choice of making a support weapon. In: Lobby |
Thread: The Royal Artillery Regiment25 Jan 2016, 20:26 PM
Slightly off topic, but anyone know what happens if you use the ability and also throw section flares at the same time? Do the barrages happen one after the other with delaying inc on second? Increased ROF? In: COH2 Balance |
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