3) They get absolutely 0 offensive vet bonuses, as a squad.
Even with 3 LMGs, heavy sappers deal less damage than double LMG tommies deal. Thus, it's better to save your munitions for Tommies. (or, better yet, for some off-maps)
The unit is extremely-low DPS. Thus, no matter how many LMGs you have, the enemy WILL close the distance to you. Since LMGs are actually a down-grade for close-range, you just minimized your chances of survival.
A had the understandin that engineer bren hits a lot harder than IS bren. (I have to play on low ranks or somehing because usually (grens and obers just slug it and lose from the long range against them)
5) Because heavy sappers Just Work with that vickers_k.
Trust me!
I'll try it next time.
Now, regarding minesweepers. As long as Brits have tanks, and OST has s-mines and tellers, there will always be a need for a minesweeper.
Yeah agaist ost and their tellers its must but i regarded that usually OKW mines just seems to kill that 1 model of when walked on. (its a shame that mines don't penalize infantry badly anymore exept S-mines on retreat path which seems to still wipe whole squad)