The most gimmick thing about it is that the occupants take damage from anything that fires at the halftrack, this includes things like flamethrowers. This doesn't happen to any other halftrack to the extent that it does happen to the 250..
This probably doesn't happen anymore since DBP either, since WC51 changes helped us find the bug and fix it for both vehicles. However I haven't seen the 250 used since forever, so I can't verify.
I would like to see it be a stand alone unit, not come with Grens / Pz Grens and then a pretty decent price reduction (and maybe lower cp)?
Is not able to come early, since none of the allied factions have any fausts or early AT guns to stand a chance by then.
By the late game, spending either MP or FU in a combat-incapable unit that is a magnet for AT rounds is probably the last thing you are going to do; You're better off saving your resources for a 251 or something.
You're only ever going to build 1 of them per match, for swag points, and never again.
If you comprare Lightning War to Mechanized Assault, the HT should probably act as some kind of force-replenishment mechanic, to bring the two doctrines on equal footing, and break the monotony of G43 spam game, after game.